General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Smurfs

About Smurfs in General Discussion

    In theory , I have to put that ever played DotA to get in Very High Skill?

    I created some smurfs, and some got 4,3k and 3k MMR , and always put that had never played , because he believed that the improved performance , but this time , put that had already played , but the game put me in Normal Skill.


      I'm sorry for bad English , I'm not good, I look like a retard. 4Head

      Here is a smurf I created , putting ever played , I can not leave the Normal skill even with good farm and reasonable KDA

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        google translate, or what
        im having hard time to understand anything


          u die too much

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          EZ SEA doto

            nein,r u nazi ?

            all that i can do

              @sadboyes whats the mmr of players who you are put with? 2k? 3k? 4k?


                The game put me with players up to 3k


                  @inx If I die or not, it does not change much...

                  1UAN 1st PICK IDC

                    @sadboys .. u havevery low hero damage ... get hero damage over 25k
                    And then tell us ur result happily


                      Sorry for my bad english [sorry for my bad english{sorry for my bad english (sorry for my bad english )}]

                      Sorry for my bad england

                      Sorry for my bad uk


                        Sorry for bad united kingdom of great britain (including the sovereign states of the scottish land and wales) and northern ireland (and RoI)




                          Noob voker

                            lol i dont understand ur language

                            lm ao

                              sorry for my monster asian cock


                                England bad sorry

                                Jake Ballard

                                  Bad sorry english my


                                    sorry for my bad london


                                      Tl;dr of his post

                                      Bad English is sorry for me ...smurf I make play got 3k players play with me but normal skill I got when play .Account some I make have 4.3 k

                                      The rest is some kind of new language I never seen...try Google translate bro