General Discussion

General DiscussionSange&Yasha vs Manta Style

Sange&Yasha vs Manta Style in General Discussion

    even with 850 cost difference, sometimes i cant decide what i want to buy form these two. in pro scene mostly they will bought manta, sy only found on str heroes like lifestealer and sven, rarely on jugg. sometimes when i use manta "oh yes i can dodge projectile and remove buffs ,but damn my ms still low" and when sy "wow fast ms enemy get slowed, but these buffs slowed/stunned me", and im ended up bought bkb & travel (lol). any thought guys? thx

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Sny and manta give the same movement speed


        manta also boosts ur farm
        u can send ur illusions to farm a lane while u go jung

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          Manta can help you push towers


            @inx4c, Is this your smurf? How do you win 5 straight games with the electric mexican this patch?


              @light 6%, difference btw
              @i n x 4 c, so manta more worth then, thx

              Dire Wolf

                It's not always better, manta has more agi but less str, so less Hp. Dmg stats are nearly identical for an agi hero. Maim proc is really good though. It just depends if you want active or not


                  Manta Benefits:
                  - More Farming Jungles / Lanes
                  - More pressure on the enemy to defend tower if you use illusions to push lanes
                  - Can confuse enemies, sometime's in a big fight it takes too long to know which one is real you.
                  - Can purge debuffs like silences / slows / dust / etc that can really make a huge difference in a fight
                  - Can be amazing late game item on the right heroes like Viper / Luna / Morphling / Shadow Fiend / Slark / Anti Mage
                  - Take towers fast with illusions (esp with heroes like Drow / Morphling)

                  Manta Cons
                  - Costs a lot of mana so you need to watch your mana pool.
                  - Is useless vs aoe heroes like Sven / Timbersaw / Luna / Ember Spirit
                  - Mana cost
                  - More difficult to build in relation to S&Y because you need 2100 gold all at once to buy ultimate orb

                  Sange & Yasha Benefits
                  - Relatively Cheap Item
                  - Gives good stats for survivability
                  - Maim chance helps in close physical fights aka Man Fighting
                  - Makes you a bit more mobile and slipper
                  - You can get the item early and it helps you fight early.
                  - Amazing for heroes who need stats and attack / move speed like Drow / Sven / Morphling / Slark

                  Sange & Yasha Cons
                  - Not as much damage as Manta Style, your hero + 2 illusions hitting one target is more DPS than just right clicking with S&Y
                  - Doesn't scale well into late game VS Manta, some heroes use it well in late game though.
                  - Once you're a late game carry , S&Y will most likely have to be sold to make room for something like Daedelus, BKB , MKB, Moon Shard ETC
                  - If you're man fighting an enemy carry, manta might make you harder to kill than S&Y, you might actually win more 1v1s, or win more fights with manta on most agility heroes.

                  If enemy doesn't have AOE damage, and you have enough mana, manta is better choice

                  If you need to fight early, S&Y, and feel like you don't need all of manta's benefits, may be better choice.

                  Both are pretty good, the important thing is farming fast enough to make the items useful, and making sure your items are not countered.

                  For Example, S&Y is not gonna help you much vs sven who has +20 armor buff and so much right click damage that your attack speed is fucking meaningless because you will just die,

                  MAnta is shit vs sven cuz he will cleave all ur illusions, shit like that.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    @Light no, this is not my smurf. and now i won 7 games a row with it xd

                    great expectations

                      sny peaks earlier and helps you fight better manta is better for splitting and late game
                      like if uve a yasha early game for farming or what not and you need to fight sny is going to be the item not manta whicich is more expensive and give you illusions that are going to be useless at 20min fights
                      however if the game requires you to go manta eventually then something lke drums yasha can be better than straight sny



                        sny gives you more movespeed

                        what the hell are you people on