General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane:when and why push?

Offlane:when and why push? in General Discussion
The ItaJob

    I like play offlane but i still don't understand when am i supposed to push during the lane stage.If i push their carry will lasthit safe near the tower,if i don't push he is forced to stay in a dangerous position.Can anyone explain me the offlane mechanics?


      you should never really push. Block the camps , pull with the big camps (doesnt matter if your creeps or the enemys in each case you get exp) and search yourself some nice hiding spots to get the early few lvls ( ofc only if you Play versus a very difficult lineup), try to pull their wave to you if you Play Heros with Units like ld, np, or lycan. If you just get punished wihout beeing able to do shit better leave the lane and gank other lanes or move into the jungle, or ask your Team for some ganks. If you Play a strong nuking hero like timber you should Focus on nuking the supports, beacuse if they wont be carefull once you can actually kill them. It s not worth to stand next to your Tower all game Long my opinion is, 1-2 deaths are fine if you got a lot of exp out of it, exp is more important than the lasthits for you. (Get a tp ready early so you can help your Team, and tell them to buy one aswell to help you out in case you get dived.

      I Hope i was able to help you a tiny Little bit


        when they are pulling and u think u can contest it


        when you can contest enemy carry's farm even under the tower, and u want to get this tower


        when you can farm neutral camps while lane is pushed