General Discussion

General DiscussionI think that there is a bit of subconscious racism in the Dota community

I think that there is a bit of subconscious racism in the Dota community in General Discussion

    You guys always complain about the pinoys, turkish players and russian players being toxic and generalize the whole nationality based on that.

    From my experience, American players, British players and western European players are equally as toxic as the Russian, Turkish and Pinoy players, but the dota community does not generalize them, instead they would say "I met one (or a group) of toxic players". Usually when talking about them, they wouldn't even mention nationality. A toxic American/western Europe player is just "a toxic player" but a toxic Russian player would be called "OMG russian dota 2 community so toxic". I think that's just wrong.

    Please do not generalize any nationality, every nationality has its toxics as well as its good players.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    1st class tourist

      ur 1k mmr i think why do u think ur opinion matters lol

      Pale Mannie

        Livin' Real Good

          No one's generalizing Russians, Pinoy's, Chinese, and Peruvians.

          Here's best way I can describe it.

          How are stereotypes created? They're not just made out of then air, they usually hold SOME truth to them. (for example: Many 711 markets across America tend to have middle eastern employee's for some reason, obviously not every middle eastern person works at a 711, but are you really gonna deny that stereotype just because not all of them work at a 711?) (Or: Black people are usually good at sports) They have some truth to them.

          Sure you can argue " Not everyone is like that, and to objectively say that these nationalities are toxic as a whole is absurd. " But let's be real, from my experience, most Peruvians and Chinese, CONSTANTLY ruin my games, once again, I have nothing against them, but 7/10 of the are there to make peoples lives hard, due to bad play, or total lack of respect or English skills. That's how stereotypes start.

          You being a Russian Dagon Rapier Riki builder doesn't help either.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany
          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

            @Yorkey A large portion of the players I meet on the American server report people for KS and other bs reasons. But I only dislike playing with those specific people. I never think "all American players report for stupid bs reasons", I only think "those specific people report for stupid bs reasons and are assholes"

            And in my experience, American and western Europe players are just as toxic. "OMG Riki KS report pls" "fuck you riki stop ksing me" and "fucking riki noob dagon KS" "omg dropped rapier report pls" is just as toxic as "cyka blyat Riki ks"

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Those stereotypes are there because all those nations have A LOT of players, thus a lot of bad/toxic players as well. But that doesn't mean the other nations don't have players behave the same way. There is a reason NA Dota is really weak.


                "You guys always complain about the pinoys, turkish players and russian players being toxic and generalize the whole nationality based on that.
                From my experience, American players, British players and western European players are equally as toxic as the Russian, Turkish and Pinoy players..."

                The irony is strong in this one.

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  It's not ironic at all, they are equally as toxic. There might be a smaller number of them, but the same % of them are toxic, just toxic in different ways.

                  The cultures are different and therefore they have different types and definitions of toxicity, but they're just as toxic.


                    Sam and Yorkey pretty much get the point.

                    It's easy to convince your countrymen to think otherwise, but stereotypes are very hard to get rid of especially when they have very limited means of communicating/meeting people of that race/country.


                      there is racism - even though people try to justify it as saying the stereotypes are true (it doesn't matter - generalising about someone based on their race is racism)

                      Calling someone a Russian/pinoy/Peruvian as a term of abuse (usually on the basis of their accent rather than their nationality) is as racist and offensive as calling all Asians pakis.


                        For the record, I find Brits and Germans the worst teammates for starting all try hard and friendly then the thing into raging flametards after the first little mistake. The difference between that and racism is I'd never call them a British noob*/ German retard*

                        *substitute a more offensive word here

                        Just a noob or retard.

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Pinoy are the worst, and best fans in DoTA 2. Check Mineski fb fanpage and the comment section are usually:

                          If they win:
                          -woo mineski win! Proud to be pinoy
                          -they're always humble dats why they win. Thank God

                          If they lose:
                          -as usual they lose. Always a loser.
                          -useless team. Kick jessievash so noobs putang ina.
                          -lol I'm lucky I bet my items on the other side.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Oh I don't think it's subconscious, I think it's very blatant.

                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              I say subconscious because they'd say things like "oh well there are a lot of toxic russian players" but they don't realize there are a lot of toxic western european players too because of confirmation bias, they don't even try to notice there are toxic players of every country.


                                racism :D yeah, let's start a great liberal "debate" here.

                                I can tell you more, I'm Russian/Ukrainian (50/50 family) and our community is the worst f*cking ever. Even our pro-players give interviews where they speak - PLAINLY - about this. So am I or our pro-players racist? This shit doesn't just fall from sky... there's always some truth to it. Just ease down and play dota, don't bring your liberal/righteous agenda here.



                                  Someone ban this trash already

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    There is racism in every part of life. Even liking one race (the French, the Spaniards etc) more than another one (Arabs, the Chinese etc) makes you a racist. It's simply not avoidable. Yes, it also has levels, like absolutely hating to just slightly disliking, but it's racism nonetheless.

                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                      I can tell you more, I'm Russian/Ukrainian (50/50 family) and our community is the worst f*cking ever. Even our pro-players give interviews where they speak - PLAINLY - about this. So am I or our pro-players racist? This shit doesn't just fall from sky... there's always some truth to it. Just ease down and play dota, don't bring your liberal/righteous agenda here.

                                      There is some truth to it, there are Russian ragers. I do not deny this.

                                      I don't know about Ukrainians, I haven't seen many Ukrainian players in game, only 2, so I cannot really judge the proportion of toxics to nontoxics from such a small sample.

                                      I can talk about Russian sterreotypes though.

                                      But when I play on US Servers, especially US West, I get the same kind of toxicity that I see from Russians in the Russian server and from Western Europeans in the Europe servers, and the same amount. The difference is I never say "all American players are toxic." I only say "there is a high proportion of players on US West server (not US East, USEast is fine) that are toxic." You can say "there is a high proportion of toxicity in Russian servers."

                                      But you can't just queue into all pick and see someone who's Russian and say "omfg its a russian, we lose" that would be racist. And yes, I get that a lot.

                                      I do consider myself more on the liberal side of the spectrum, but I don't think racism is a liberal/conservative issue, it should be a matter that everyone cares about.

                                      By the way, I offer you this: play 100 games in US West server and you will see that the proportion of toxicity is the same.

                                      @Sam I agree with you, there is always some little bit of racism somewhere, but I just don't want players seeing me and saying "omg its a russian we lose" without even playing the fucking game. That's an unfair generalization right there.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      Dire Wolf

                                        "There is racism in every part of life. Even liking one race (the French, the Spaniards etc) more than another one (Arabs, the Chinese etc) makes you a racist. It's simply not avoidable. Yes, it also has levels, like absolutely hating to just slightly disliking, but it's racism nonetheless."

                                        Uh no, preferring someone over another is not racism. Discriminating against a group based on race is. It's actions that matter.

                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                            Mushi, you're starting to remind me of Trump.


                                              Russian riki player who builds only rapiers and dagon wonders why ppl dont like russians in their game.. Ok.

                                              kunst 2

                                                I'm sure that russian players is more toxic than other european. Doesn't matter this is normal skill game or 4.5k avarage mmr game, same result everywere.


                                                  The real problem here is that russians in 1k MMR think they have a vote on anything. Instead of wasting time on forums I strongly recommend spending a few years in bot matches, and when i say "in bot matches" I mean don't do anything else with your life but play in bot matches.
                                                  You see, the more years you spend playing in bot matches the greater chance you have of being more gooder in Dota, and since you can't change the fact that youre russian at least you could change the 1k MMR part. Ya know bro? Do you feel what I'm sayin man can you smell me

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    You're an asshole ^


                                                      @analvirginitydismissed (nice name..)

                                                      Yes it makes you racists. Accept the label and either don't care about it or think about your beliefs. I don't really care either way - there's plenty more important things to cry about.

                                                      Just don't pretend it is not racist and discriminatory. If you substituted 'blacks' or 'Jews' in place of Russians/pinoys/Peruvians we wouldn't be having this conversation.

                                                      To judge someone on the basis of their race is racism. That's what its definition is!


                                                        You're a bot riki player reported dumbass kid stalin would kill you If he saw how retarded you are

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Actually the main reason people hate people of these countries is their tendency to speak their own language when clearly no one can understand it. That's what makes them toxic in people's eyes. Because if they only speak English in the first place, nobody would even know they are Russian, Turkish, Peruvian or whatever.


                                                            I can tell you're angry at me but really what you should be angry with is the 9 other players in your 1k matches that keep causing you to lose so much.

                                                            kunst 2

                                                              To ^
                                                              He is not russian (even if he is, it doesn't matter), and he is troll.
                                                              And you can't cailibrate new acc on vhs/hs, how about some bot matches :) ?

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                Because if they only speak English in the first place, nobody would even know they are Russian, Turkish, Peruvian or whatever.

                                                                Some people have accents.


                                                                  While I greatly appreciate and respect your attempt at speaking my language, I regret to inform you I have no idea what any of that meant. I did some googling though as I much wanted to be able to respond and as many languages as google can translate, fucknoob just isn't one of them. Apologies.


                                                                    NA`VI fans seem like pinoy fans as someone describe: "Kick XBOCT, kick Dendi, kick blahblah" when they lose, and "NA`VI is back,..." when they win a single match.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      ^ Sometimes you Russians, pinoys don't even speak English when u know English, and then speak to each other in chat and voice in ur native. How fucking rude is that!!!

                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                        What does that have to do with the above post?

                                                                        Sorry, I just don't understand why you made the ^ symbol when your comment has nothing to do with the above post.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                                            Not the above post, this was directed at your initial post and the whole discussion in general

                                                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                nadota is weak because they play lol

                                                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                    there are some good NA smite players.

                                                                                    "its impossible to drop everything and play video games here" isnt that true.. everywhere? even in EU im pretty sure you have to pay rent.

                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                      I can tell you more, I'm Russian/Ukrainian (50/50 family) and our community is the worst f*cking ever. Even our pro-players give interviews where they speak - PLAINLY - about this. So am I or our pro-players racist? This shit doesn't just fall from sky... there's always some truth to it.

                                                                                      Well, in my post above, I spoke about the stereotypes about the Russian dota community, so I won't repeat that here.
                                                                                      So on another topic:
                                                                                      I'm not Ukrainian and I haven't played much with Ukrainian players (only 2 out of 300 games), so I can't make a personal opinion of their gaming community.

                                                                                      But I can talk about the popular stereotype of the dota community, and there are no stereotypes about the Ukrainian dota community being toxic at all. I've never heard once in any game someone say "we have Ukrainian team, gg we lose" like they say about the Russians, Peruvians and Pinoys. I think that the dota community is the most unbiased about Ukrainian players, compared to other nationalities in Europe, as a matter of fact.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                          to true my friend to true ^^


                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! talks about subconscious racism, then proceeds to bash nadota and complain about why no one accepts his riki divine dagon build.

                                                                                            I mean, this guy has divine rapier in so many of his games, he HAS to be good, he;s obviously the BEST at the game.

                                                                                            Although I do think that being overly racist is a problem, along with the rest of the flamers in the dota 2 community. It's just that these guys make a splash, and the normal, friendly players go unnoticed.

                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              how do I bash NA dota?

                                                                                              I simply say the truth- the majority of people in NA prefers LoL.

                                                                                              Saying US west server is bad isn't racist. As I said, it's perfectly fine to say "theres a high proportion of (server) that is toxic" as long as you don't generalize everyone based on that statement.

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                Hy chto za huine? Hy chto za huine? Fantom riki ti bliat uebok.

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  Someone actually told me "I can't get a gank from Riki because Riki only ganks for Russians, thats why he only ganks bot lane" and I'm like, "no. I only gank for people who get their enemies to under 300 hp, and that happens to be bot lane."


                                                                                                    axaxaxa крутая история братан.


                                                                                                      Actually, you did somewhat insult NA dota by saying that it's weak. And yes, that isn't particularly rude, but it still shows your prejudice and how you view NA dota as "weak". This can lead to treating people differently based on their nationality, race, religion, gender, or any sort of factor.

                                                                                                      It's also NOT okay to say a high proportion of the server is toxic. In that case, you're saying that the majority of the people there are toxic, which again is subconscious racism. It's like saying "I don't hate all Russians, only everyone but Ramzes666" for example . It's still saying that the people there are toxic and there are a few exceptions, which somewhat is generalisation.

                                                                                                      Also, try not to blame your teammates too much. If you get angry and start shouting or swearing or typing in caps lock, your just as bad.

                                                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                        It's also NOT okay to say a high proportion of the server is toxic. In that case, you're saying that the majority of the people there are toxic, which again is subconscious racism.

                                                                                                        I say that about almost every server though. Regardless of what race they are I believe the majority of Dota (and LoL too as a matter of fact) is toxic, I started playing Dota after encountering some toxicity in league and wanted to take a break from it, but it's just equally as bad. I kinda gave up in the idea that a video game community can be nontoxic after that, well, at least, a large community. Smaller communities like Heroes of the Storm are less toxic but they're getting there as they're growing.

                                                                                                        Also, in different cultures (countries, states and sometimes even cities) there might be a different amount of trash talk is acceptable. For example, if you're from New York it might be okay to give the finger to another driver who cuts you off, it's very common. But if someone from another city or state might find that toxic.

                                                                                                        Actually, you did somewhat insult NA dota by saying that it's weak. And yes, that isn't particularly rude, but it still shows your prejudice and how you view NA dota as "weak".

                                                                                                        You can't deny that NA players prefer LoL, there are statistics that show this. Because there are less NA dota players, they are, by definition, weaker just by law of proportions. If you have a pool of 1000000 people, there's a higher chance of finding a genius dota pro in that pool as compared to a pool of 10 players. Also NA culture is very relaxed about video game. It is a way to have fun for the majority of NA players rather than to be serious and go pro. There is nothing wrong with that) it is just a fact, and it is statistically proven)

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