[–]I'l always love you EmpireZeelahhh [Bewertung versteckt] vor 31 Minuten*
Whoa whoa whoa,do we have to use quickcast on all or no hotkeys now? I used to enjoy having quickcast for some spells and autocast for other ..
EDIT: You can under unit specific hotkeys
just do unit specific hot keys.
Everyone else I have on normal cast, but Meepo I am free to choose what abilities I want as Quick cast, in this case poof is the only one with the lightning check. The control options are better than EVER. You probably only looked at the menu for like 10 seconds, then made a topic on Dota buff.
Edit, didn't mean to call you dumb
Now finally im going back to play meepo with this patch <3
Hope that I dont suck too much
and by the way i meant i want to have both normal and quickcast bound at the same time.. not a certain type of cast for specific heroes
Does quickcast does better on tinker? Sorry, im new to qc. Probably why i dont win at tinker games
wtf i normally bind quick casts to mouse as num keys plus qertgf now i cant. but i can for items. how uselss!!!
In game bind Alt-QWEDFR, and turn off Quickcast.
Then in the autoexec, copy/paste the following:
bind q "dota_ability_quickcast 0" // Ability 1
bind w "dota_ability_quickcast 1" // Ability 2
bind e "dota_ability_quickcast 2" // Ability 3
bind d "dota_ability_quickcast 3" // Secondary Ability 1
bind f "dota_ability_quickcast 4" // Secondary Ability 2
bind r "dota_ability_quickcast 5" // Ultimate
Now you get QWEDFR for Quickcast, and ALT-QWEDFR for Normal Cast
You don't have to use ALT like in the example. You can use whatever you want as long as you bind with autoexec."
U know why they removed it? Because they are braindead , they will probably fix it, till then no earth spirit fuck u gaben. Quality of life update my ass.
i like it when valve makes alterations to interface which wind up disabling features, like when they made it impossible to start queuing whille you are watching a match for no reason by combining the queue and disconnect button for replays. i wonder if they do this on purpose
why's this shit not working anymore?
alias "quick_courier" "dota_courier_deliver; say_team Courier is coming to me! Please wait.;dota_select_courier;dota_ability_execute 5;+dota_camera_follow"
how do i bind alt+q as a key ?
I want the exact script what triple has but i want alt+ keys as quick cast and normal qwer for normal cast ,someone help please me create the exec code please ,thanks.
Thx TripleSteal nice work. Saved us all much headache. Hopefully valve will find a way bring back the old keybind system.
what the fuck is this dogshit, good shit valve, add some useless shit and remove useful stuff kk
This is fucking bullshit... Isn't there any way to bind quick cast to ALT+QWER? The new way is shit. I don't want to quick cast every fucking spell, because it's good to see the ground area effect from Sleight of Fist for example... And why the fuck can you still use the old way to items but not spells? GJ Valve.
actually i play meepo and specific skill binding is fucking useless if we dont have specific item binding
you can make ur autoexec work by manually inserting command "exec autoexec" into your console.
Go back to league if u can't play. I know most of you guys have hero center camera console command anyways.
@dynasty member
i also do, but for some reason it stil doesnt exec automatically anymore
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before, you could bind both quickcast and normal, like having qwer quickcast and alt+qwer normal cast
is this not possible anymore HELLO