General Discussion

General Discussionpathway of reflex arc

pathway of reflex arc in General Discussion

    so it goes from receptor ->sensory neurons -> association neurons -> then is it CNS or just spinal cord? -> motor neuron -> effector
    also, what's the location of schwann cell?

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      one syllable anglo-saxon

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        Why does it make the text both bold and italic when I only use the "i" tag, this forum is so shieeet.

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          I hate BIO seriously. I can handle chemistry and I like Physics but biology....


            Wat's ur point chaos??


              it's an actual literal question.


                why dont u just open wiki

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                    And yes, you don't need the brain for reflex actions.


                      in my book, it's written CNS and later it's written spinal cord.
                      Book > wiki, so i thought i'll ask real ppl (my friends are confused too lol)


                        The superficial answer is the the spinal chord is part of the Central Nervous System and so the book is not contradicting itself.

                        As far as i know there is not a definitive answer to this question. It used to be believed that certain fast responses only went to the spinal chord and then the brain processed the information after the "reflex" had occurred.

                        But this is based not on actual monitoring of signals passing through the nervous system (which is so far impossible), but rather on theories about signal transfer speeds across synapses and cells.

                        However, there is really no reason a "motor neuron" can't do processing. Muscle memory is real as athletes, and especially musicians know from experience. But if your eyes take input and your hands respond it is logical to believe the information was processed in your brain before going to your hands. If however your hands are responding to a touch directly, they may not need CNS processing.

                        Schwann cells are located around the axons of dendrites.