General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR TBD

MMR TBD in General Discussion

    How do i get 4k mmr when tbd had over ?
    My gpm and XPM pretty good last 20 game 635++
    and why i still at Normal skill matches ?how can i get high or very high skill skill bracket ?


      Git Gud

      <50% win rate + Normal skill


        pick sf and spam "mid ako 2 tango ty"


          i think that doesnt even matter if you have good xpm and gpm but i'm very high skill bracket yet i have 400+ gpm and xpm


            No offense, but if you think that getting into the high/very high skill bracket is only about having a high XPM/GPM, then you deserve to stay in the normal skill bracket.

            Kalospec LD 413

              I have bad new for you my friend, you are just not good in dota, its not about the xpm or gpm its about the KDA, whenever your team is losing dont YOLO dive in to the enemies and says "We lost anyways", it's not your teams lost but its yours. The more you die in a match the worst hidden MMR you're getting, so play calm whenever you're losing dont go out in the fountain just wait for the game to finish.


                @JR Skill bracket on all matches of u is Normal Skill. Are u understand?


                  I try hard..but cant go beyond high skill..i try everything..but cant go to very high..its sad..

                  General Zod

                    can someone predict my mmr?


                      I think that u need to improve your KDA and the way u play dota ( cover your teammate, read the minimap, improve personal skill..etc )