General Discussion

General DiscussionTBD ranked

TBD ranked in General Discussion

    Can anyone tell me how this works? I won 9 out of 10 games in ranked so my mmr could be decided and i only got 3736mmr..
    It feels kinda shitty to be in 3k bracket when i had 90% win on my 10 first ranked games.

    Is this the highest TBD can put players cos of the increase new players coming to the game? I mean 1-2 years ago i would have atleast gotten 4,5-5k bracket?

    This is the account im referring too

    Ten temat był edytowany

      You had pretty low impact in your TBD games. Winning TBD does not mean you will get higher mmr. Impact still matters here. Better luck on next smurf, mate.


        having a high winrate in low 3k makes u a high 3k player, and not a 5k one. calibration system evaluates your impact and not the winrate, and if oyu are palced in high 3ks, you probably deserve it.


          And how is impact calculated? I have decent assits in every game. But all games played, i played support role..
          So just cos i run around warding and give farm and exp to the cores the game thinks i have no impact at all?

          No wonder then noone wants to play support


            you are wrong, the impact is estimated relative to the role and hero you play.


              Support impact thing is easier, dude. Buy things, deward, don't die, have more dmg/healing done than the world's average count on the hero u play ( you can check it on DB ) and you will end up in vhs just by playing supports.


                I never said i was right, i was just asking questions! Did you even look at my last 10 games? I dont feel that your judgement is wrong its just that i expected atleast 4k :/

                SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                  TBD games can reduce your mmr by up to 100 per game. Just play heroes with high killing potential and survivality in TBDs, better luck next smurf.


                    Idk dude, your winrates are good n stuff, but you probably started really low and didnt do enough to deserve more. If you put me in 3k on support, i'd fuckin destroy them alone, get crazy early time items and reck those kids. It's easy if you're better than oponnents.

                    i suggest playing cores in calibration tho, people tend to get higher mmr with it in general.


                      I understand that. But if i pick core then the whole team are 5 cores and thats usually an auto lose.
                      Also i feel like a deserve 4k atleast. Cos i do my part, i dont know how dota calculates impact.

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                        Meat Spinner

                          Better luck on next smurf bro !

                          Mors tua vita mea

                            In tbd your performance comparing to performance of all players in game and their mmr, is only relevant thing.


                              + your hidden mmr before your first ranked game


                                But wont you get 5k fast if you think thats the place for you? then 3-4k should be ez breeze


                                  Thunderyard sadly it doesn't work that way, Dota is team game! Solo performence means nothing when you are up against a decent team. All it takes is one asshole too ruin a game..
                                  And believe me, there are many A-holes in 3k

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    3.7k is pretty descent already if you dont want giff me your account lol

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!