General Discussion

General DiscussionDogshit players

Dogshit players in General Discussion

    pls report everyone in my last match


      i can report you.
      do you need just a steam report, or a report on dotabuff, too? what kind of report do you prefer?


        N O R M A L S K I L L


          reality check: your name is professional flamer and you have a 37% win rate on your most played hero. not exactly pro.



              i hate ppl like u

              just get over it already cuz ur normal skill like me so winning/losing doesnt matter for us

              its just a game and we dont get paid for playing it so y r u raging

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                Did your Bounty abandon or what?

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  42% win rate in ranked. So you bought the account, abused the calibration or are simply dogshit?

                  Mors tua vita mea

                    I dont hate people like him, i hate people who spams few heroes for good rank.


                      Funny thing is bounty didn't abandon he just trolled and didn't buy any items at one point he had 10k gold


                        Boosted feeder noobs making fun of my win rate

                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                          We're making fun of you. And your 42% win rate as well.


                            ^dude its 43, why are u insulting him ?

                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              ^ ranked win rate.

                              SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                Mods? :(


                                  oh boy my bad

                                  SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                    Boosted feeder noobs?

                                    Dude, my juggernaut has 2x winrate of yours. Please gtfo..


                                      S T U P I D, J U S T G O H O M E A N D P L A Y R I K I


                                        someone needs a coach




                                            @moon moon - didn't know hs and vhs players get paid for Doto. Life is is so unfair at times :(

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany