I just looked at your account. You have literally 0 games as any support, and play Riki in almost all of your games. You can't complain buddy.
in 111 games you have picked a support hero once. you're part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I play support, here is the outcome.
4 carrys that feed all their lanes
carry complains about getting shutdown even though he has all the space in the solar system
I stack camps then no one takes them / carry dies to the stack
some how their carrys know how to play
Your the main carry? With thay stupid 371 GPM carry riki of yours? A team would likely lose with a 'main' carry that has only 371 avg GPM.
Don't blame your team. Blame yourself.
Come on guys , is this not the the most obvious troll we have ever had on here?
I think i had a dream of you, or it was just a fake account. In the dream i checked your dotabuff profile, and you had VHS. :DDDD
Omg thiz game enem yearth shaker got rapier before you and you best CARRY ROLFMAO AND HE ONLY SUPPORT!!
No it clear es farmed and got rapier on his own lol, he much better farmer...lmao. I'm sure es said eZ in all chat after game...eZ life for support carry
Phantom Riki is back guys.....he is "The true carry" in his team because he has a rapier and a Dagon 5 every game with riki Kappa
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Sometimes we have:
5 carries
4 carries and 1 "support" building full damage
Support cries about KS
Support steals last hits
Support doesn't let carry farm
Support takes all the farm