finger of death or laguna blade ofc, when i play lion i often see enemy that shown up in lane with 400 hp, then he (or she) is gone. The same goes for laguna, with agh+aether lens everytime i see enemy drow (872 hp) will auto-tp to base with special condition
combo probably lich darkseer enigma sven (or medusa, luna, meele carries, drow with agh, etc)
Meat Hook :D
for combo I like to run a mirana tide offlane with a friend and use moonlight shadow into ravage for an easy teamfight opener.
Rearm all the way
Mirana's sacred arrow for sure! It's an orgasmic feeling when enemy goes into the fog just to be stunned for 4~5 seconds xD
Tried Void and WD combo...very nice...
x mark the spot. did this shit for teammates that wanted to tp. and WELCOME BACK TO BASE DICKHEAD
finger of death or laguna blade ofc, when i play lion i often see enemy that shown up in lane with 400 hp, then he (or she) is gone. The same goes for laguna, with agh+aether lens everytime i see enemy drow (872 hp) will auto-tp to base with special condition
combo probably lich darkseer enigma sven (or medusa, luna, meele carries, drow with agh, etc)
Omnislash and morph
Poof + Poof + Poof + Poof + Blink
Focus fire. Fucking machinegun
Laguna Blade