General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your most intense match ever?

What is your most intense match ever? in General Discussion

    enemy got megas we still won game is so intense but still fun


      this one was pretty dumb pretty much every lane lost. and our arc warden randomed and had no idea how to play the hero.

      but their team was fucking retarded and didn't push high ground and kept rying to find kills while we split push out of our minds.

      actually probably a fun replay to watch.


        Last 5 minutes of this game are gold. Enemy team wipes mine, while I am taking top lane with NP (Aghs). They get Mega Creeps, but they didn't go for our ancient. I took one lane of racks, then their ancient, ending the game before they knew what was going on.

        ^@MARLAN - those games are fun to play, but I always feel sorry for the other team. I've been on the losing side of that situation way too many times.


          oh pleaweze winning a game with 70 hp on ancient real deal huhuhu