General Discussion

General DiscussionCan I become a pro player?

Can I become a pro player? in General Discussion
Why0 (3!)

    Hi there, I'm a noob who has been playing for about two years and 2.4 k hours. I play around 6 games on weekdays with almost 10 on weekends, so I am completely obsessed. I have for about a year now thought about little else then becoming a pro player and would do anything to get there. On my current path, how long would it take me to become pro? I not going to ask if it is possible, because would it really be a dream if I gave up when someone told me it couldn't be done? I'm also not expecting an answer short of 2 years, but I am hopeful. Finally, what are some steps I should take to get me there quicker?

    Opal Koboi

      Hate to break it to you, but at normal skill after two years of dota with 16 games a week, you're not becoming a pro. Ever really. I know it's counter-intuitive to acting upon your dream, but you really can't become professional with what you're doing currently. Don't know what else to say bud


        yes if u beliEEve and quit college

          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

            srsly tho i think the only way for anyone to be pro is to join tournaments with 5k-6k mmr players (if they let you)

            if u have those kind of friends then maybe u could try to join tournaments

            i dont think raising mmr is a good way to go pro cuz that would just make u a pubstar

            not that i'd do either, it takes too much work and n0rmal skeel SEA is lyfu

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              Why0 (3!)

                Wasn't really looking for anything positive, just something constructive, and I don't really have a life to waste yet, I'm 14 and this is what defines me. I have the bigger part of four years to become good enough to do something, and if you are thinking about writing something about how it's impossible or something simaler, just stop typing because I'm glossing over those comments anyways. Those comments don't fit in this thread


                  Idk I calibrated higher after playing just a year


                    I have pursued my dream and reach it...I think that every single hour spent on the thing I dream about worth it.

                    Now talking about you son. Nobody believes Arnold will be a movie star except himself.
                    Every person who has been successful have same characteristics. You need to find out.

                    yak T -i-

                      If u want be a pro, make a team, play as a team
                      Im noob at HoN
                      But i have a good friend with 2k psr (im only 1,4k)
                      But we made a team and keep playing together
                      After about 2 months, we win many regional competitions
                      That time ive play 5-6 game everyday
                      3 game as a team and the rest solo

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                        yak T -i-

                          Now i'm playing dota because HoN getting worst
                          And i only get 3,5 party mmr
                          Many ppl said 3k mmr = live not, die also not
                          I hope my solo get better than it


                            the hardest part of becoming a pro player isn't talent

                            its two other things

                            getting a group of 5 to actually stick together (every other 5k/6k have tendency to blame/not listen/think they're the best)

                            getting the opportunity to gain competitive experience, these play out way diff from pubs


                              Hey no offence, but if you couldn't climb out of normal skill after 2 years with so many games a week, I don't think dota is a viable career option.. I'm not saying its not possible to raise in MMR.. With the right approach it is.. But it doesn't look like you were born with the aptitude for Dota..or games in general maybe.. Since you are 14 you have time in your hands to fuck around.. So try to increase your MMR.. Get to 5k..form some team.. But for God's sake don't drop out of school or college..
                              I know a guy who dropped out of college to play dota..and can't climb above 4k..

                              Bad Intentions

                                You only live once man :] follow your dream, we wont know if u gonna fail or not but atleast u tried man :]


                                  get gud freinds , tbh , when i was 500 mmr I looked for 1k freinds , when i got to 2k i looked for 4ks , now im looking for 5.7k+ since they are quite possible to add , and I know some that can actually help me.
                                  make sure you have the same language or good synergy atleast especially if you use teamspeak.
                                  you might think 16 games per week is alot but if you play 16-30 matches only per week , you wont get anywhere , you have to always be online at any moment a high mmr freind is .
                                  this is hoow you will start actually learn proper dota and you will be comfortable in each bracket.
                                  then after 1.5-2 years , go back to your solo mmr and wreckt ppl rly hard , this is most of my normal games now in which going 30-0-smth is normal.
                                  its better to stream all this if you can afford it on you pc performance.

                                  in addidtion to all that stuff , youv'e never even tasted good dota according to dotabuff , so basically you learned nothing in the past 2k games , while someone who planned before hand learned much much more .
                                  this is why its important to get good freinds , to learn.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  the realm's delight

                                    last time i was in game i saw there are 13 million unique players this month, like 100 7k players only and less than half of them are part of a t1 team. do the math


                                      ok. 1 in 130,000 player make it to 7k mmrs, < 1 in 250,000 make it to a t1 team.

                                      The odds of making it so a professional team for most sports if you play in high school is similar, (american) football is about 1 in 150,000.

                                      the odds are NOT good.

                                      That said, you dont have to be 7k.
                                      was in game with zFreek and asked about what going pro took, his answer was just "be super lucky"

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        u can prob do it, if u dont suck. but you prob suck.

                                        lots of probs


                                          Man u Cant get pro 2k games and still normal still...


                                            Dude forget to be pro, pro players are basically talents and you should be right now in very high skill after 2 years. Don´t waste your time dude. Spent your time in some better activity.

                                            Why0 (3!)

                                              Does anyone here whining about how I can't do anything because I'm still classified as normal skill know how that is calibrated? And people really need to stop telling me to find a new activity, this is all I enjoy and it's impossible to deter me. Also, side note, I calibrated at about 1.2k mmr (I didn't even start ranked until about a year ago) and I have been non stop rising since then.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                Only if you git gud


                                                  These threads where hopeless kids dreaming about something they can't achieve...

                                                  lm ao

                                                    High skill 3.2k to 3699
                                                    Very high skill 3.7 and up

                                                    I know the skill bracketing is misleading to first time users, I used to think DB rated my matches and the three slill brackets were a scoring system. So I was confused before I got enlightened, as to why amatch was in NA even tjpugh i went 25-2 as TA


                                                      go to school kid, don't pursuit stupid dreams



                                                        Read this and think about it.....eternal envy said something about this dude


                                                          holy shit EE, that's some anime story u've done there

                                                          Westbrook (Prime)

                                                            ^ that shit just made me a permanent fan of ee.


                                                              tldr version of EE's story: he was the very best that no one ever once in a net cafe he played dota on then one day a random wandering adventurer rekt his ass so hard and asked "senpai, can you teach me your sugoi ways and can i join ur league?", but senpai said "no u 2noob" then he trained everyday until he could unleash his powEEr

                                                              ...that wasnt tldr and that was just the half of it, one does not simply do a tldr of EE-sama deep dark anime plot of his dota life

                                                              waku waku

                                                                it's a confirmed fact that anime makes you better at dota


                                                                  it was the powEEr of animEE that helped him rekt merilini 0-10 mid

                                                                  and merlini was top 1 god back then too ha ha ha


                                                                    EE played maple LOL


                                                                      Rules of Thumb for Going Pro in Dota 2:

                                                                      If you can sustain over 5k MMR, then you can dream of being a pro player. Probably you still have almost no chance, but there is no harm in trying.

                                                                      If you get stuck below 5k MMR there is really no hope of being a pro player. I don't know of any pros whose pub accounts are below 5k despite the fact that most of them don't take their pub games that seriously. But contrary to Kitrak's exageration there are people paid to play dota in the 5k to 6k range (mostly closer to 6k). Most pro dota players do not win big money and are not famous.

                                                                      If you can sustain over 6k MMR then you probably could become a pro player provided you work hard at it, know the right people, and can work with a team.

                                                                      Anyone who can sustain a 7k MMR account would be a great recruit to a pro team. Personal issues, rather than gameplay, become more important to success or failure for top talent.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        "If you get stuck below 5k MMR there is really no hope of being a pro player. I don't know of any pros whose pub accounts are below 5k despite the fact that most of them don't take their pub games that seriously. But contrary to Kitrak's exageration there are people paid to play dota in the 5k to 6k range (mostly closer to 6k). Most pro dota players do not win big money and are not famous."

                                                                        You do understand that someone can be stuck for even 1 year at some range and get better and climb futher?

                                                                        Bigest tip for anyone who'd like to get better or go pro is:

                                                                        Fix your attidude, rage outbursts and then you might have a chance. It's all about your mentallty rather than just stupid number.

                                                                        MMR is about how good you are at winning games with 9 random people. Yes, you do need skill for that, but you also need right attidude and good mentality.

                                                                        There are so many people with good skills and wrong attidude/mentality. I can't freaking stress enough how much it drags you down when you are one big narrow minded piece of *******

                                                                        People with skill to adapt and overcome will get higher MMR compared to narrow minded pricks.

                                                                        I can confirm that.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          I have watched several friends who are a bit under 5k MMR try for over a year to improve to reach 5.5k with dreams of going pro. They can't do it. They have to spam a particular hero to get an inflated MMR score. That will not work for pro play.

                                                                          If you can't play a wide variety of heroes you they just ban you best two heroes, or maybe counter pick them and your team loses because you can't play lots of heroes and more than one role at pro level.

                                                                          If getting close to 6k MMR isn't fairly easy, if that's not your base level with picking just whatever instead of tryhard... then you are not a pro caliber player. The attitude and teamwork is absolutely required for sucess. But if you don't have the talent no amount of positive attitude or practice will create it.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                                            Wasn't really looking for anything positive, just something constructive, and I don't really have a life to waste yet, I'm 14 and this is what defines me. I have the bigger part of four years to become good enough to do something, and if you are thinking about writing something about how it's impossible or something simaler, just stop typing because I'm glossing over those comments anyways. Those comments don't fit in this thread

                                                                            You opened a thread asking for honest opinions, not for comments which would make you feel better. At 14 you have no idea what you want in life, hell, i am almost 20 and still have no fucking idea what life's about. My friendly advice is to focus on more important things like school. Even if you were really good right now, like Kitrak said, the possibility of becoming a pro and making a living out of it is almost null. And on top of that, as many said above, you're no near a "good" level of play.

                                                                            Hoping/dreaming is fine, but i think pursuing it won't lead you to anywhere else than misery. Seriously, there are things much much more important than Dota in life

                                                                            And you can't say you still have time to do shit. Life is not a sprint, it's a marathon. You can't just tunnelvision next 5 years but don't take a look at what comes after. Next year you'll be 15. Here, at 15(grade 9) you start high school

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                              i always wanted to be a dolphin.. life always screws me up
                                                                              never lucky

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                If you ask me, you're 14 and you have nothing to lose by trying. Sure you might fail but most people fail to achieve their dreams anyway, 8 out of 10 businesses fail in the first 5 years of their establishment.

                                                                                The odds are honestly stacked against you, but I think you'll be happy in the end that you actually tried.
                                                                                I'll much rather try and fail knowing I'm not going to succeed, than give up and not even try because I know I can't succeed.

                                                                                - Improve your mechanical skills (handling of your heros, last hit/deny of creeps, outplaying your opponents in lane, using control groups/quickcast & other hotkeys)

                                                                                - Read guides and improve your hero mechanical skills (eg. when using Magnus to RP enemies always get pulled to your front, so after blinking forward people usually try to turn around to face their allies before they RP to setup for an faster skewer towards their allies)

                                                                                - Expand your hero pool (don't shy away from micro-intensive heroes) and learn to play position 1-5 (from carrying to supporting)

                                                                                - Learn how to ward/deward pull camps and ancient camps, timing to pull for stacking each individual camp (as well as how to double/triple/quad stack with different heroes), timing to pull creep (not just the traditional small camps, but the hard camps too), how to double pull

                                                                                - Learn juke spots and pathing (eg. find places where you can cut a tree with a quelling blade or tango to have access to a good juke spot -- there's one to the right of dire tier 1 tower that needs 2 trees to be cut down I think)

                                                                                - Cultivate the habit of alt-clicking the timer whenever roshan dies, whether it was taken by your team or the enemy. Add 8-11mins to the timer to keep track of when roshan respawns.

                                                                                - If you're using a manta or illusion-based hero, remember to set a control group to 1 of your illusions. It gives you a chance to juke your opponents in a dire situation when you're surrounded by creating your illusions and using one illusion to run away while your actual hero and the remaining illusions stay in the same spot. It's also easier for your to split push if you set control groups to all your illusions and send them to push each lane (eg. use shift queue)

                                                                                - Learn about hero drafts (what heroes are counters to which, which heroes can synergize well together) and hero item pickups (when to go for BKB and when to go greedy items)

                                                                                - Watch your own replays as well as pro players' replays (in player perspective view) to learn from your own mistakes and how the pros play (eg. compare your map awareness and decision making etc)

                                                                                - Watch pro players' streams (there are some pro players who explains their decision making on their streams and offer advice on what could have been done etc)

                                                                                - Watch tournament games and listen to the analytical casters/pro players discuss about the teams' strategies.

                                                                                Basically just learn to play better.

                                                                                When you feel you're up to standard, look for a team to join and participate in some amateur tournaments then see where it leads you from there.


                                                                                  even if you go pro you need to do it like zai
                                                                                  but theres like so little chance of you being pro, you have 2400 hours and like 2k mmr or somethuing.
                                                                                  my friend had 4600 at like 2000 hours (no prior dota or moba experience) and he wanted to go pro , and even he realised that hes too shit to even remotely think about it.

                                                                                  even if you are really good, like say 7k mmr, theres still little prospect for going pro.
                                                                                  the most viable option is making ur own squad (but then again u have to be at least remotely decent) and trying soem amateurs joindota idk whatever the fuck, but its hard enough being motivated and getting better as one person, let alone 5 guys.

                                                                                  idk what u decide and fuck its so hard to write after i dont write anyting on thsi keybvoard for 3 days


                                                                                    Even if you do manage to make in on a pro team that plays in tournaments significant enough for a ranking by joindota, you have to actually win to continue to be a pro player. 357 pro teams are ranked. About half of them have losing records. 64 of them have never won a single game.

                                                                                    So to really make a living as a pro dota player you have to be good enough to beat all the people who are almost good enough to be pros... and beat them consistently.


                                                                                      Get a coach so you actually start improving


                                                                                        DDsama was 3.5k a year and half ago and he's now 7k. But you got to devote all you have into it and be talented as well. If you're not quick learner you can just forget it. And even if you are, even then it's hard.

                                                                                        P.s. after all this time invested and you're still in normal skill ' just forget it dude and try to succeed in something else.

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          but dd has like 10k games on his 2 accs or some shit in 2 years or whatever but this guy has barely even 2k games in 2 years


                                                                                            8k games actually he has some lyfe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                            the realm's delight

                                                                                              amount of games dont really matter


                                                                                                amount of games = dedication =/= skill tho

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                  like im sure if you have 2 years, a lot of marijuana + food + internet + dota 2 suporting computer u can go pro but u kinda need to do that


                                                                                                    if its still alive in 2 years


                                                                                                      yo dude i have a great idea for u, go play HotS i think its pretty new and u might try to go pro there, its always better to try something in a new game


                                                                                                        I was having an ambition.
                                                                                                        I wrote it in a small card and wrote the deadline.
                                                                                                        I achieved it.

                                                                                                        If you really want something. The universe will help you get it.

                                                                                                        If you really want it, you won't let other people stop you. Your parent, your friends, ppl in this forum.

                                                                                                        I'm not saying you should quit school. But you see those entrepreneurs or successful ppl they are not book smart. But they have certain smarts that make them excel. In fact, most ppl are nit that smart at school, you think Thomas Edison considered smart at school? Most entrepreneurs? NO

                                                                                                        Ppl saying you are not in VHS, maybe because you are just playing casually all this time. If I am at your age I will analyze everything inside out...every little details of this game.

                                                                                                        I read successful people autobiography and how they need to do that son.I won't say it to you...because you need to earn it...

                                                                                                        There lots of clues out there. What makes ppl successful? What makes them have what they want? You need to find out.

                                                                                                        "Success Leaves Clues."

                                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!