General Discussion

General Discussion1 Month Goals

1 Month Goals in General Discussion

    Alrighty, I gotta be one of the worst players with a dotabuff account so I wanna get some better game rep. I have a 46% win rate which is highly disappointing, by the end of the month I want to bring it to 50.5% or higher. My solo mmr is 220... I know it's bad. By the end of the month I would like to be 1K +
    If I achieve these goals I buy myself dotabuff plus, If i dont i'll by a random person in the comments of this post dotabuff plus. Comment goals you wish to achieve this month.
    (saving link in files on computer so I can come back and choose if I fail to achieve my goals ;-;)

    Hero I will be spamming to do this: / and crystal maiden

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    Bad Intentions

      1st! Gud luck mannn :D me likey dat dbplus gift :]

      btw always remember, high impact gaming man, high impact gaming :]


        How can u have 220 MMR if your games are in Normal Skill bracket?


          ^normal skill is 0 to 3.2k average, isnt it


            According to my profile Normal bracket starts from around 2.9k MMR.


              my goal: leave dota for some time so i can concentrate on graduating and getting a job :p
              goal u shud try to focus on: try to improve KDA's :p at 220 mmr heroes like mid viper wud be god tier

              can i hav an sf arcana instead of plus :p :p


                sometimes it just fails to detect the skill bracket and it remains blank (in 99.9% of cases its NS). blank is not some additional skill bracket below NS though. everything up to 3.2k is normal skill.


                  Anyway, I get blank every time I dropped below 2.9k and NS every time I go above 2.9k.


                    Good luck man! You're probably at a way higher mmr you maybe just calibrated too early.


                      you should get 1 mmr and never play ranked again


                        Mags yep i calibrated way back as soon as I got the chance


                          a great start today.


                            it's actually not clear which goal is harder. is it harder for a player with 562 games played to go from a 46.44% winrate to 50.5% win rate, or from 220 mmr to 1000 mmr, both over a month?

                            it sounds like going from 46.44% to 50.5% win rate is a pretty straightforward goal, but it's actually very challenging! let's run the numbers on it a little to figure out how difficult this goal is.

                            you've got 562 games over your play history with 261 wins, which gives you 46.44% winrate. over the last 30 days, you have played 157 games. let's assume you continue playing about the same amount of dota; that means you would play 157 games over the next 30 days. 30 days from now, you'll have played a total of 719 games. in order to have a 50.5% win rate out of 719 games, you would have to win 363 games. since you've already won 261 games, that means you would need for 102 out of your next 157 games to be wins. 102 wins out of 157 games over the next month would mean you would have a win rate of about 65% for the month. that's a very challenging goal. i think that goal is pretty unrealistic, especially considering your win rate for last month was 47%.

                            let's look at the other goal: 1000 mmr from 220 mmr. that means you would gain 780 mmr over the next month. we'll assume you get +25 mmr for every win, -25 for every loss. 780 mmr is about 31 games of wins in a row, or 31 more wins than losses over a given time period. if we assume you'll play 157 games, you would have to have a record of 94 wins, 63 losses. that would be a win rate of 59.9% for the month. that's a realistic but challenging goal.

                            so it turns out: getting to 1k mmr in a month is a more realistic goal (94 wins, 63 losses) than getting to 50.5% win rate in one month (102 wins, 55 losses), but both goals require a relatively high win rate. considering your win rate for last month was 47.13%, even the more conservative goal of 1k mmr would mean your winrate would go from 47.13% to 59.9% month over month. that's a HUGE leap in success rate.

                            the goal of wanting to get better at dota and improving is, of course, a great goal! let's try to set the bar somewhere a little bit more realistic and look at what it would mean.

                            what if you fail to meet your goal, but you still wind up gaining mmr for the month? let's say you wind up with 500 instead of 1000 mmr at the end of the month. is that a total failure, or is that pretty good, too? for you to get to 500 mmr in a month would mean you would raise your mmr by 280, which is about 12 more wins than losses. in 157 games, that would take an 85-72 record, which is a 54% win rate for the month. a 54% win rate over a month is a pretty good month! if you end your month with 500 mmr, I really hope you're not sad about it, because even though it may not be that flashy, it would still represent a very good improvement.

                            you should definitely set goals like this to help you get better, but make sure to take the time to do a little bit of math to figure out just how challenging your goals are.


                              1 month for a goal just ain't enough.

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                May I ask, how often do people ward in your MMR?

                                Because it's so sad, people are starting to ward in my games. Sometimes there's even 3 wards on the map at the same time. That makes me cry as a Riki player(



                                  I like the maths you did here, I really do. I always say that Dota is about Math. Along with decisions making.


                                    Good luck on this, that's some goal you got there

                                    I suggest that you watch a lot of videos/guides by pro players or really good pubbers then go on practice lobbies to improve on mechanics. Work smart and work hard.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Thank you scraps! Helped a lot.

                                      Хватит фидить Снайпера! Warding is not that bad in my games honestly, Team coordination and pushing can be a quite annoying issue though.

                                      Pilot, now that i see the maths that he did my goal is quite unrealistic but even if i can get up to 500 mmr and a 48% win rate i feel a little better.


                                        JUST DO IT
                                        I was once on 44% win rate
                                        I was once lower than 1k
                                        but I kept on going
                                        kept my cool
                                        the more determined I was to play and have more fun , the more I won
                                        I got addicted to wining , it felt so good after all these losses
                                        I found good friends on this journey
                                        friends that I will later meet IRL
                                        and oh boy this is quite a journey

                                        anyways , find your groove , keep playing , and keep winning , don't set goals , just don't accept losing , because this is what it takes to be a winner


                                          Thank you, Shia LeBouf

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