General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your feeding hero?

What's your feeding hero? in General Discussion

    What is the hero, that no matter what, you always feed with it?
    Mine is veno. I don't fucking know why, but i can NOT play this hero and have a positive score on him. It's always maelk award for me.


      well veno is suicide hero, u just gotta get INSIDE the enmy and use ur ulti )


        on shadow shaman/cm/ shadow demon u gonna feed unless you have very good positioning, or at least thats how i feel

        Riguma Borusu





              Totally agree on the suicidal point, with them, even if you position well, you might end up dead but will be worth if you deal the massive damage those heroes have the potential for

              Riguma Borusu

                Well, if you feed with veno without getting more people killed, it's still your fault, because you only walk in/blink when you know you can do more damage to make up for your death, or you do it in a fight and sneak out. Actually, veno is extremely easy to rack assists up with.

                Veno's average KDA is around 2.5, if you average is 1.5 with 28% wr you're obviously doing something very wrong. I am really bad at the hero too and I hate playing it but yeah.

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                  Pudge. I just can't hook anyone, I'm not used to his hook speed yet. Actually I don't practice it at all.. I used to do well on WC3 Dota, but nowadays I always feed hard.


                    Same fam. I do get positive scores but I never not reach 10 deaths with Veno, my average deaths for him is actually 9.76. My other feeding hero is Dazzle, I'll just usually go inside pop my greaves put on the grave and die, it's very consistent. RIP me.

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                    Pale Mannie


                      I used to be good with him but when i pick him today (4 patches straight)
                      My team goes full retard picking 4 supports and feeds while enemy team is playing aggressive only against me

                      king ZAN COOKS

                        Razor. That hero just ain't for me.




                            pugna ogre, invoker

                            Bad Intentions

                              wat is dis veno talk :O wats going on here :O


                                I feed with Bloodseeker. Use to be my most played hero on my old account. When I started this account in december I thought I'd play him good again but he was at this point very diffrent from Bloodseeker I know how to play so I got a really bad experience with him and know I don't pick him because I do really bad with him.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Juggernaut. I don't think I feed or even play him that badly but my win rate is atrocious. Also shadow shaman I feed for sure.


                                    Wisp and Brew


                                      Shadow Demon.

                                      The Best Girl Gamer(comme...

                                        for some reason, mine is OD. i think its because picking OD is like putting a big target on yourself.

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        pls be patient very noob ...

                                          Techies. I could hold defensive positions with mines well and have decent map awareness to pop my remote mines on queue, but it's always just a matter of before the enemy team breaks high ground and starts seiging. Would have dedicated myself to mastering the hero the same way I spammed my tinker hadn't they nerfed his mines. It was my only selling point on the hero and they took it away

                                          Visita Hari Danta

                                            Jakiro\Ebola Spirit


                                              anything with 0 armor. im bad at sitting in the back.
                                              also axe and bloodseeker. i like snowballing and it doesnt end nice always.


                                                i can feed with any hero anytime anywhere

                                                im so fucking bad at this game


                                                  np or drow, i like to feed with those heroes


                                                    I've always fed with every hero.



                                                      i always lose no matter what.

                                                      no exceptions.


                                                        shadow shaman


                                                          LC and i always feed damage :D


                                                            Rubick... dont watch my rubick stats..

                                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                              Mors tua vita mea

                                                                Sniper! how the fuck is possible not to feed with him?! he has low hp, he has no escape, all are ganking and focusing you...


                                                                  Storm Spirit man


                                                                    I do bad anytime I play a ranged support. 100% of my games I usually play carry, so when it comes to supporting I do the basic shit like pull zone ward but I don't make good use of my time besides that.


                                                                      look at my natures prophet boys

                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                        Shaman is retarded that's why I feed eveytime time

                                                                        Livin' Real Good



                                                                            Silencer/Tuskar haha


                                                                              morphling. no one knows shit in normal skill, but when they see a morphling, its like the other team becomes a super crack team of koreans, and i get ganked the whole game. 2k game? map warded? some random try hards decide to smoke gank me. fml.


                                                                                bounty hunter. 18% winrate 4Head


                                                                                  injoker. he dont like me


                                                                                    Necropos,rubick,cm,lina,clockwerk, and almost all support heroes i played hahahaha


                                                                                      CRYSTAL MAIDEN.

                                                                                      Onverzadigbare honger

                                                                                        Silencer, i just overestimate his dmg ealry/mid game i guess. And getting those precious ealry +2's is so tempting


                                                                                          Huskar, every time i Play this guy i go in way to agressive and end up dying befor the enemy die due to burning speers.

                                                                                          Drew Menthol

                                                                                            broodfather, sandking (idk why)


                                                                                              Drow Ranger. It's not the hero I die the most on, I think, (that would be Rubick), but the one I've the less impact with in all the games on her. Can't farm for shit early game (Drow's animation is atrocious), low armor early on, turn rate and speed is shit, and she in general feels sluggy to play. And she's so very squishy against an up-in-yo-face lineup that I can't seem to survive on her much.


                                                                                                I think IO. I was always aimed lol


                                                                                                  Feels like axe . Suicide is his calling card .



                                                                                                    Either grave or heal is too early, casted on me, or too late. Using ult on allies usually results in team being reckless (before I even have time to grave) or them wasting the duration doing nothing. USing on enemies has no effect on ally behavior. Enemy usually counterpicks with Axe.
                                                                                                    Eartly denies feel great, but I become more and more useless as game progresses, even though deso/solar dazzle is my dream build (and only win with him).

                                                                                                    I would much rather play Omniknight.

                                                                                                    Von Darkmoor

                                                                                                      Death prophet. (Pre ûber nuff now even i win.)

                                                                                                      House Cat

                                                                                                        Shadow Shaman -> always more than 12 deaths