On a serious note, I feel like the only people who like anime are the ones who have never actually had sex, or those who have tried and were exposed to immediate tropes/cliches/stereotypes about their small dicks and didn't like it based off of that experience
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If you give anime a chance for real, you may find many interesting stories, not just stupid cliche ones.
The only reason I'm annoyed with Anime culture is because you weaboos are forcing it way too much.
Nobody gives a fuck about your freaking Anime shit.
Still can't get off of my mind freaking anime headphones from Phoenix spammer US guy with Youtube channel. Feelsbadman
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It's 2016. It should be required to have an anime picture, whether you like it or not. It brings much more color and happiness to anime fan's lives when they play doto.
On a serious note, I feel like the only people who don't like anime are ones who have never actually watched anime, or those who have tried and were exposed to immediate tropes/cliches/stereotypes and didn't like it based off of that experience.