General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar v Lifestealer

Huskar v Lifestealer in General Discussion
Miku Plays

    Huskar always loses this match up but what if huskar picks up lotus orb for lifestealer open wounds? thoughts?

    Bad Intentions

      No way husk loses with dat insane attackspeed n lifesteal :O


        rage should prevent open wounds being reflected and dispel it. although i don't think a naix can kill a huskar in 6s of rage when huskar gets 6 slotted with ac/satanic and shit, i could be wrong though


          maybe if you have orchid and get jump on him while he still cant rage? also orchid huskar lel.


            stacks evasion and end game at 25 min mark, same as u should always do with huskar. naix cant do much that early, and this matchup kinda favors huskar, actually.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            bum farto

              Evasion, and lifesteal might win you the match up as others mentioned. Life break has little effect on Naix as a rage + open wounds will get most of it back in seconds.


                eat tango with gg branches before attacking naix. his rage and open wound for affect u at all

                bum farto

                  ^ just wut???


                    Lifestealer, he just needs abbysal blade

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Lifestealer is actually not THAT good against Huskar. Yeah he is fine, but Huskar almost always goes around with low HP, which means less feast damage.

                      Miku Plays

                        ahhh thanks for the insight. i was playing on my alt and it seems i win quite a lot against huskars using ls, must be the skill lvl then.

                        bum farto

                          "skill level" keepo

                          Also Hatsune I am going to Aus for a month or so, wanna catch a couple games?


                            have nfi why stats list lifestealer as a counter to huskar lol in theory it should be the other way roudn


                              like how does feast even do anything when huskar is at red hp and +30 armor all the time

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              bum farto

                                I guess it does depend on stage in the game, item builds etc. I guess with additional things Huskar can lifesteal and toggle out of damage, again this largely depends on the player who is on huskar.

                                Lets take two unfamiliar players and put them on the hero, yes, Naix should win. If you however put a really good Huskar player on the hero it's highly likely he would have dealt with this before and will now how to get around it.

                                Feast isn't even the biggest issue for a Huskar as a basher/MKB naix poses a much bigger threat then the lifesteal itself. Again, I would generally favor a Naix to the Huskar but I have seen some really good Huskar players so it's not like it's a done deal it just really depends on the game, and player like I said.

                                Miku Plays

                                  i always thought naix just wins over str heroes mid game, where he can just go open wound rage.

                                  if u wanna play with 4ks , im in.

                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                    huskar should win early game with armlet + dominator, until naix gets 2-3rd items. He should keep up the itemization lead and get a movement item like blink or force staff or bkb. There's almost nothing more annoying than a snowball huskar, well besides pudge & tusk.

                                    So late game if your net worth is approximately the same your team has failed somehow.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      The one with Heaven's Halberd will win the match.

                                      Eventually, though, I would favour Lifestealer to win the battle against Huskar if he has Desolator build.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        If lifestealer can kill huskar before rage wears out cool, cus burning spears won't do any dmg, but if huskar can like abyssal him or kite him or something he should win after that cus naix won't lifesteal that much off of a low hp huskar and huskar should deal more dmg. But most naix's will build basher and have a lot of physical dmg to deal with huskar, while husk is going to go for shit to counter other heroes like bkb, plus most won't build an abyssal on a range, that's why matchup probably favors naix cus the default builds I think naix wins.

                                        Синячий патруль

                                          No way sry