General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me with Lycan please

Help me with Lycan please in General Discussion

    What is best ability build?

    I like to max Howl first to help my team, but all guides and Dotabuff itself says that you must go for wolves first, passive second, howl third.

    What is best item build?

    I start with courier and Iron Talon then I buy Stout => Headdress => Basi => Vlad => Boots => Shadow Blade =) Necro => Deso => Assault. Is it ok?


      Howl is last thing you max.

      Wolves and your E are too important for damage/last hits/farming/pushing.

      His most core item is necro 3,then armor reduction.

      Dont get shadow blade on this hero ever.

      Vlads is good cuz you have sustain and it buffs all your wolves and necro units.

      Dont be scared of getting helm of dominator, or not even getting life steal, its not 100% necesarry. But nonetheless vlads is not a bad aura for your team.
      Power treads > vlads > necro 3 > then the rest is situational.

      AC / Deso / Solar Crest / Bkb are all options, even boots of travel .

      I have 75% win rate on all my accounts with lycan, I just never played him on this acc

      Goal with lycan is to end fast.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        i hope you're joking about howl first.


          No, I think that extra 14-50 damage helps my teammates to endure already weak lanes they are in because of jungling Lycan.


            If you are intent on jungling him, you need to gain back the advantage for your team by farming your vlads and level 6 quickly then going somewhere and killing someone followed by a tower push. Maxing your Howl first doesn't guarantee your team will have a good laning phase so you are putting yourself at a disadvantage in the jungle, while also having already put your team at a disadvantage BY jungling.


              Soultrap, no.. Just no.. Lol.

              Lycan needs items and he needs to threaten enemy towers early. Getting higher level wolves and having more damage from ur passsive helps ensure u farm well and ur always a threat to punish enemies by taking their tower if they go gank another lane.

              Dont ever ever ever max howl first. It has a long cool down and a short ass duration that doesn't help much in laning phase.

              Whole purpose of howl is to use it when ur team is taking towers...



                I agree that usefulness of Howl is questionable. At first I made an attempt to use Howl when lane creeps are at low hp, but I ended up using it on every cooldown. Probably it depends on what kind of heroes you have in your team. It seems that heroes like Weaver, Lina or Invoker may use howl well because of the nature of their skills.



                  Get howl out of your head dude.

                  The whole purpose of lycan as a hero is to threaten towers early and have a good early, mid game .

                  Your E improves ur ability to farm cause you get more damage.

                  Your wolves being higher level help you farm and melt towers.

                  That's it lol


                    well this is the guy who advocates stats on skywrath mage over levelling his up his spells.

                    as any greedy jungler, your goal is to get farmed more than your average support that you would otherwise be playing if you weren't jungling. that's why you max wolves. because it helps you farm the most out of your 3 basic abilities, and also levelling them up allows you to do other things that make you useful to your team sooner besides farming creeps i.e. taking roshan or towers, or using wolves to scout.

                    if your reasoning being maxing howl is because it helps your team, just pick an actual support if you want to help because they'll do a better job at winning the lanes than giving your team attack damage.

                    you want to put points into feral after wolves because it has higher uptime compared to howl. a 4-4-1 build would end up doing more damage than 4-1-4, but only for the 10s that howl is active. feral impulse always being active for you and your wolves helps you farm faster and push out lanes faster without using howl (or when it's on cooldown).

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      Play Lycan and get 300 mmr.

                      Play sniper and get 8000 mmr with the same skillset.


                        Yeah, I still think that one or two statlevels on Sky is good, but only when you play vs aggro trilane.

                        When you talk about damage you count only Lycan himself, but I count all my teammates and their possible minions. I assume it's not 1v9 match.

                        I don't like the scaling of "E". 1 point seems enough for early game.


                          points on your stats til level 5. ulti on level 6. then stats again til 10. ulti on 11. stats stats stats. ez mmr

                          Dire Wolf

                            The only time I'd even consider howl over passive is if you were 5 man pushing. Even then wolves would be priority, a value point in passive, then howl. The items are pretty standard, iron talon, then piece together vlads, then necro 3. I like to get treads somewhere in there and then boots of travel after necro 3 and ac. You will have slots to keep treads and bots for a while if you go treads, bots, vlads, necro 3, ac, deso, that's 6 slots so treads are not wasted, a lot of good ias and strength to help early. Game ought to be over around then anyway.

                            Question though, with iron talon being so strong, can't you get lvl 2 off a hard camp? So would it be advisable to go passive at lvl 1 and wolves at level 2? I think you *might* clear the camp easier that way, not sure, I would have to try it.

                            Dune, the Desert Planet


                              Always max Wolves first and Feral second, Howl last and ulty whenever possible. Only exception is if you are doing deatball strategy with mass minions or if you have competent Brood in your team, then max Howl before Feral.

                              I assume it's not 1v9 matc.

                              It kinda is. Lycan should focus on buildings and fight only when needed.


                                @Dire Wolf TIL spiderlings get affected by Howl - isn't that a bit broken? do sipderites get the full minion creep damage bonus too?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I have no idea, you could go try it in a lobby.


                                    i did and they do...that's some serious pushing power.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      now you gotta get someone to pick brood with you, probably not a super popular combo


                                        No but it is kind of like a drow-visage. Brood could be doing 1000 dps with a level 4 howl and a medium sized family.


                                          I think it's cool that OP is trying to play heroes in an unorthadox way, even if it isn't optimal

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            he is jungling though so going unorthodox isn't that good. If he was like taking lycan mid or safe lane a no wolves build might be kind of cool, it sub optimal. But you won't ever make it work in jungle.


                                              im sure u can make it work with no wolves if u farm from trees