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General DiscussionPost the win rate of your first 64 matches! a Фантом Рики thread!

Post the win rate of your first 64 matches! a Фантом Рики thread! in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I was thinking maybe we're being too harsh on sub 1k players with 30% win rates, I mean I sucked at dota when I first started too, built battlefury on every hero and perseverance for the stats. So I thought I'd walk a mile in Фантом Рики's shoes and compare. Here's his stats btw at time of posting:
    20-43-1 for a win rate (counting abandon's as losses) of 31.25%! Amazing!

    Here's mine:
    28-32-4 for a win rate of 43.75%! Ouch! I sucked.

    Actually the abandons hurt me pretty good cus this was before ranked when the abandon penalty was just like 30 minutes you couldn't queue for a match. I had an infant at the time and abandoned a ton. So if I drop those to make my stats look better and take the next four games in which I went 2-2 I get

    30-34 for 46.875%. Mmmm juicy!

    So how scrub were you? Can anyone approach the russian rapier riki's level of ineptitude?


      i wish dota1 matches were recorded cz im actually curious about how insanely bad i was at that point. i mean, we didnt even have any guides back then and everything was learnt pretty randomly.

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      Jamie Lorman

        This is my first acct, and whilst my win % is meh (50 ish), I'm already being placed in vhs games, which I was surprised about.

        I have previous moba experience, including a small amount of dota 1 a very long time ago.

        I would say I'm doing a lot better than that crylic dude..


          56% and i'm still normal skill :D


            won: 33 lost: 28 abandoned: 3. 51.5% win rate. for some reason I was playing puck a lot.

            Pale Mannie

              Won 28
              Lost 36
              Abandoned 2

              43,75% winrate

              Bought also 2 hyperstones into rapier on every hero back then


                I vaguely remember my first WC3 dota games, for some reason I was convinced Centaur Warchief (Warruner now) was invincible back then and every time I lost with him was because I was a new player.


                Won: 38
                Lost: 26

                59,38% winrate, counting abandons as losses but not "no stats recorded" games.

                Got some gems among those first matches like Radiance Necro, bootless QoP and classic Wc3 dota Blink + Dagon Tony build. A few games later I found a Radiance Treant Protector build, another Wc3 classic.


                  Won: 32
                  Lost: 32
                  Abandon: 0
                  %50 winrate. But I followed advice from my friend. I started with allot of passive bot matches and 1v1 games before doing many all play pub matches.


                    Since he didn't provide us with his, here's Tripletheft's one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                    Won: 30
                    Lost: 34 <-- Losses + Abandons

                    46.88% winrate. He sured loved his Zeus and Invoker back then.


                      Didn't reach 64 yet but this is my current win rate from 35 matches

                      Won: 26
                      Lost: 9 (Abandon included)

                      74.29% win rate. They pick Invoker and Lanaya? then I pick Pudge for them.


                        Went 33 wins 32 losses. Abandoned a bunch tho.
                        Built battlefury on everyone including luna and gyrocopter.


                          W: 22
                          L: 37
                          A: 1
                          no stats recorded: 4

                          Lots of Dagons, Shadow Blades and S&Y.

                          P.S. But my very first match of Dota was a total rape by my Dazzle:
                          I still can't beat that 900 XPM record...

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                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                            Эта любовь! <33333

                            Обожайте меня))))

                            Я люблю всех вас!


                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                you can call me Phantom Riki if you don't want to switch to cyrillic keyboard everytime btw


                                  "I was thinking maybe we're being too harsh on sub 1k players with 30% win rates, I mean I sucked at dota when I first started too"

                                  Now you don't suck? Lmao.


                                    Won 28
                                    Lost 36
                                    Abandoned 2
                                    43.75% WR

                                    This was my first MOBA game so I sucked so bad lol, mostly only played with friends who were giving advice to me by shouting haha

                                    ✪ alex

                                      Won 42
                                      Lost 22 (including abandoned games)

                                      65.63% win rate

                                      Well, this isn't my first account so.. haha


                                        W: 35 (1 NSR included)
                                        L: 23 (1 NSR included)
                                        A: 6
                                        WR: 54.83% (excluding NSR, counting abandons as losses)
                                        First time I've played a MOBA and it seems I was simply lucky. In fact, I have a "much" worse WR now. :'(

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Jk, I was gold on LoL before.


                                            19 hours ago
                                            Last Match

                                            Solo MMR

                                            Party MMR


                                            Win Rate


                                              still have a chance to increase win rate by winning my party mmr


                                                30-32-0 for a winrate of 46.8%

                                                Mostly Phoenix and Necrophos games. Apparently I used to buy the point booster last when building aghs. :/


                                                  My first game was .... in 2007. definitely not winning a lot for the first 60 games. Never thought winning was that important. The most important and interesting thing early on for me in this game was to kill enemy. It takes a long time for me to change this mindset. Even after I started to play dota2, I still didn't care too much about winning,not in til I met a friend recently to play with, who really care about winning and he kind of affects me.


                                           aprox game number 64, back when i actually could play dota at a decent lvl. Winrate was just below 60%. The qop player was pretty good