General Discussion

General DiscussionI dare anyone to beat my current 100000 game losing streak!

I dare anyone to beat my current 100000 game losing streak! in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    No way in heaven u guise have better losing streaks like mine ryt now! :D


      daaammmn man, that must hurt ur eyes to look at


        I'm pretty sure I saw some guy who had a legit 17 games loss streak.

        Miku Plays

          me 12 lose strk i win, i get immortal?


            I had 14, do I get a prize? :p

            And damnnn, what's your mmr now, man?


              if you're actually looking for advice

              rushing aghs on veno is not a good build, or on any support really. veil is far cheaper and works on other spells. butterfly's hot garbage because you don't right click, having hex would be far more useful, hell even a dagon 4 would too.

              pretty sure u get at least 1 value point into Q before level 10 on viper and get mek not vanguard.

              if that's a support pugna don't rush aghs and wand beats bracer for survivability.

              if you're offlane slardar go tranquils most of the time for HP regen, you only need 3 into sprint to get max speed and bash isn't a value point since it's only 10% and you don't attack fast enough, having the more reliable increased duration and damage of crush is better.

              the currently popular spec build is phase + drum + urn. treads and vg make you tanky but drum and phase allow you to chase people. also you have urn for HP sustain which makes drum fine to get. the argument in favour of vg vs drum was that vg gave you HP regen.


                did u drop out of 4k heaven BadIntentions?

                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                  I dare!

                  puni puni butt UWU

                    3 abandon streak get at me

                    Swap Commends

                      How much do u love ur teammates ? just tell me NOWWWWWWW

                      Bad Intentions

                        Yo cessa sup mann :D not really heaven but yes i tink im at 3.9k ryt now lol

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo Ai lol cmon mann its not naise to blame teammates :D but sometimes yes lol


                            "4k heaven" trust me 4k games are much less fun than at lower brackers..

                            also @androg ags rush is viable on witch doctor i believe. besides him im not sure who.


                              it was a joke guise relax


                                Just looking at your last 3 games, IMO: venom trash pick, 3 supports vs Omni&jugger; venom pick but not playing support, and support seemed to be done by a midder, greedy; viper was fine, but you wore your team's most natural mek carrier, and yet...

                                Just my 2 cents.

                                the realm's delight



                                    i think he spammed blood and slardar now that those heroes are not good anymore he is going back to his main mmr

                                    < blank >

                                      op sucks

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        Time to predict the lose streak guise :D


                                          time tolet someone spy on ur games :]


                                            mann this sux :[


                                              add NSFW tag to the thread title, i opend ur profile and my eyes still hurt even though i only looked at it for 0.5 seconds

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                btw, if you are ooking to improve on your veno you can check out this 7k venoplayer
                                                heres his reddit account, he did an ama before and answered some questions about veno i think

                                                apparently hes taken a break from dota but idk u can check his item and skillbuilds i guess

                                                Bad Intentions

                                                  Im actually excited how far i can go down tbh :D

                                                  < blank >

                                                    Do you guys know the feeling when you won so much games that you don't even care if you lose one game after that`?

                                                    Hide The Pain - Herald

                                                      Just take a break and get back into it at a later time...