General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to buy dagger on necro?

When to buy dagger on necro? in General Discussion

    I always want to buy dagger on him...but then my team needs mek pipe all the time so I skip it...then I opted to buy octarine or bloodstone. Well, tell me your opinion thanks.

    Venus, MBA

      Blink on necro is something I always go first because of the fact that his 2 skills both have low range, and an aether lens isn't really the solution as it only increases range of his ulti, plus the lens falls off late game. Blink also gives him good mobility and a possible escape if you aren't hit for 3 seconds.

      Venus, MBA

        I don't have that many games on him, but I've found blink very well worth it.

        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

          like never. There's only like 3 legit builds on him. Radiance + shadowblade combo, Dagon 5 + armor/blademail items and lastly, sheepstick+mek support.

          Octarine core, bloodstone, just skip that get a sceptor if you're worried about late game. Go sheepstick if your team needs more disable.




              @ Himouto! Umaru-chan

              Normal Skill advice. Won 3/15 of last games. 4head

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                Normal skill advice still the correct advice

                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                  You're normal too dickface. If you're not gonna contribute STFUx or GTFOx.

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                      Pudge buff? pog?

                        To be honest I played necro but it all depends on your team draft. if you are the only support and these m****** f***** are dying all the time well going dagger is suicide. being necro grants you the ability to get gold really fast cause your 1st and second skill are damn high. well if you are the only support and that you go dagger first,I don't know if it will be helpful. most of the games are pretty much like babysitting so, dagger 1st is dangerous for necro support but if you have good support in the team man go dagger+dagon5(really well to combine with the ult). but if you are at least 4k mmr it's not so easy sometimes.


                          Radiance build from dota 1 :D

                          How can u win 3/15 on normal skill ? I would just quit dota.


                            u go dagger when u have dagon alrdy


                              dagger is fine. blademail also good.