General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come every "very high skill" game I play is full of complete reta...

How come every "very high skill" game I play is full of complete retards who play like 1k scrubs? in General Discussion

    Can someone explain this to me. Every single fucking vhs game is garbage for me.... My last game this trash fucking sandking ruined the whole game stealing mid from invoker, who then stole jungle from me. I went bottom and was against a SM and TW with lycan and got killed after asking for help like a minute before I died with no help at all. I admit I played bad, but I still could have destroyed the enemy team easy if my team wasnt so fucking braindead.... The game before that my team was god aweful fucking peruvians who were blaming me when they were all feeding. I knew they were talking shit, I dont know what they were saying but they were mentioning my hero (weaver) and blaming me for buying a heart, when that was the item I needed to stay alive. They were just nonstop fucking feeding. Alc didnt even buy a MKB or basher and went maelstrom over those items vs a fucking AM with a butterfly and a juggernaut. They were honestly 1k players, every single one of my teammates played like 1k players in my last two games. I know its unranked, but the game said it was very high skill. I didnt get very good farm because AM was taking all the camps and my team was feeding and there wasnt much space but I still went 8-4-8. My last game I went 0-6 as lycan (i usually destroy with lycan) and it was all my teams fault. Fucking invoker was sitting in jungle taking all the camps and nobody supported me in lane, the doom went to help the trash fucking sandking in midlane over helping me win the offlane which would have been easy as fuck. THESE KIDS ARE SO SHIT!!!! NOT VERY HIGH SKILL, ALL LOW SKILL.

    I have played 5 VHS matches, and only won 2 of them. 1 of them, I was captain and drafted bad, so I accept responsibillity for part of that loss... but at the same time my team still played stupid. I drafted a WK and they got a PL so I drafted an axe to counter PL because he was the only one killing me. Axe didnt fucking kill PL one fucking time. The whole fucking game I was saying "WE NEED TO KILL PL STOP LETTING HIM FREEFARM" but nobody would listen.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Riguma Borusu

      It's unranked and you're smurfing, everything can happen there.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Yea, understandable but how did these kids get into VHS when they are this fucking bad? It makes no sense. I cant see how they won a single game.


          Very high skill starts at 3.7k, doesn't mean shit

          Riguma Borusu

            I mean even I play @ VHS unranked, and I'm fucking dogshit, why you'd think you'd find even half decent players there is fucking beyond me xD unless your main is in normal or high skill and you expected more from VHS, I don't quite get it.

            Bad Intentions

              Yo OP, its easy for people to slack off or not care about "winning" in unranked. Even tho dats bad, they dont have anything to lose so dey sometimes just dont focus enuf to win.

              Try to play more vhs ranked for a tryhard exp :]


                maybe they should make a new bracket, ultra very high skill