General Discussion

General DiscussionShit volvo needs to add

Shit volvo needs to add in General Discussion

    What do you think valve needs in doto? I want 2 things:
    1: MMR re-calibration token. $1. You buy it to start calibration again. Imagine how much Valve would make off 1Ks who think their team is holding them back. They would calibrate to 1K again and blame the system once more. Maybe Valve should use the money to buy better servers k a p p a
    2: Report functions for "Player is unskilled". Valve just ignores all these reports. But it means people don't unfairly get punished for just having a bad game, and salty flamers will feel good about themselves thinking they've reported the player when really they just wasted a report.
    What shit do you think volvo needs to add? It doesn't have to be stuff I said it can be hats, abilities, items or pot lord [420 blaze it]. Tell me down below


      it would be nice if they highlighted the mvp of each game

      < blank >

        And let's add 2$ to win a game instantly
        Or buy 100 mmr for 5$

        Pale Mannie

          when you write "322" in allchat, all your items ill be sold immediately and you have 322 gold for 322 seconds


            Ignore List

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              A reminder that reports are for bad behavior and not bad gameplay.


                A button at the end of the game that let's me never match with those people again

                Синячий патруль

                  10 bans in the mmr game (every player can ban 1 hero) and it is not shit

                  Синячий патруль

                    when u write "ez" in 1-5 k game u will be placed in 8k match and u will have to win the match with 30-0 score otherwise u and ur family will be killed by rape


                      ^^^ That thing is literally what I wanted for several months, like never see some1 again should be an option.

                      Dire Wolf

                        They should add a site where you can look up your global ranking by mmr. So say my mmr is 3400 I'm like 1,500,000th our of 4,000,000 ranked players or something. Then have filters to filter active accounts by time like just show me how I matchup against people with a match in the last three months.

                        IIRC you could do this in wow look up your arena team and the ranking within your battlegroup, like 6 years ago when I did arenas. I think wow doesn't even have battlegroups now =p

                        I also would like more modes added to ranked, one where everyone gets a ban before picks begin and a second ban after four picks, so it goes 10 heroes banned off the bat, teams alternate and four heroes are picked, then 10 more heroes banned. Would lead to some interesting matches for sure! And maybe add single draft to ranked.

                        Also would like some more maps added to ranked, not huge changes over current ones, but maybe like a smaller one, maybe one with just two lanes. I know dota has custom games now etc but I have never played them cus hey they aren't ranked!


                          cough cough server lock

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Just bring fucking Pit Lord already. I don't even like or play the hero, but he is a fucking iconic hero but instead we get imbalanced shit like Earth Spirit, Oracle and Arc Warden, who were released YEARS after Pit Lord. It's just not fucking fair.

                            Paid actor

                              to punish intentional game ruiners (courier spamming, intentional feeding, intentional ability abusing) way much harder than the random 3 games in lp....the report for bad behaviour can stay the same tho, but if some1 game ruins with couriers and inentional feeding it should be smth like -300 mmr instantly, no low priority just get the fucker to 1 mmr that way u wont need to match with the guy again.

                              And i wish doto had the policy of 1 account 1 pc, same as dotalicious back in wc3 doto days, that u way u solve the smurfing problem and the account buying problem.

                              Swap Commends

                                All u need is a ban list.Nothing more

                                Pale Mannie

                                  All Draft:
                                  Everyone bans a hero before picking

                                  Both ranked and unranked games

                                  Would play that all day
                                  Even ranked


                                    First:A mouse sensety setting in dota
                                    2nd:livecoaching via steam money in espoets like dota,cs or small ones(rainbow,project cars..)
                                    3rd:add a butten to block russians to match with

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Pay to use other server! Like in LOL so I don't get any filthy pinoys in my team

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        @Party, I understand that there are toxic Russian players but there are also toxic English-speaking players.

                                        The reason why there are apparently more toxic Russians is because there are more Russian dota players in general so by the rule of large numbers.

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          I think reporting people for communication abuse when they use foreign language and you've only checked "English" in your queue should to something, but I don't know how language selection works so w/e.


                                          Literally write "sensitivity" in DotA console as you wuold in counter strike. Also start DotA with -console in command line.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany