General Discussion

General DiscussionRTZ Jungle Legion

RTZ Jungle Legion in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    Ofc it's captain's draft but still. I find it funny he's actually so inefficient with his iron talon usage though, I find it painful when I see LCs jungling and not utilizing it to its maximum efficiency.

    the realm's delight

      rtz so bad smh

      Riguma Borusu

        I also don't remember seeing people go drums before blink on legion, most people go treads straight into blink, what'd be the reasoning behind going drums over a much better mobility item? Was he afraid of being bursted down by clinkz or something?


          Rtz has been buying drums in almost every match. Its for early engagements and its an aura that helps the entire team in fighting / chasing / escaping / pushing .

          Its hard to compare normal skill to professional dota. Having blink doesn't mean shit If your team can't follow up, and Vega is not stupid enough to leave supports alone to get ganked when enemy has an LC. Or atlesst you can assume that if ur rtz playing LC.

          This meta heavily favors the victors of early engagements cause of the gold advantage.

          And in this meta in high Lvl games if you lose a team fight you lose tower(s) and map control.

          BASICALLY.. if you give up any kind of advantage vs good players, you are much more likely to lose.

          Drums helps your team in many different ways, movement speed , attack speed, aura, the active, makes your hero tankier, and more mobile,

          THERFORE, its good for making sure your opponent does not get an advantage because your team has the aura and it makes your team more scary to fight.

          In normal pub, sure rush blink. You can catch people with poor positioning. Against a team like Vega, its smarter to prepare for big team fights involving many heroes, making you less reliant on pick offs.


   miracle built drums in his last LC game

            Riguma Borusu

              This is not a pub vs competitive thing dude, people rush blink/shadow blade on LC even in competitive games, I was referring to the fact he did it in this specific scenario, not that he did it in a professional game. Don't generalize or overthink things, please.

              Though I guess he was pretty confident in SK disabling people so he can run up to them to duel them, so he went with something that helps him run at people better with a value point in overwhelming odds, but I found it pretty peculiar while I was watching the game.

              Also, Miracle had an IO on his team (8k or not that's still a pub mind you) so he could delay his blink for as long as he wanted and still get in duel range no matter what, pretty much.

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              Livin' Real Good

                Ive been making drums on jungle LC, fucking followers, yeah i'ma be a hipster about this one.

                Shadow blade drums is sick against the right line ups, especially greedy ones in ranked and pubs where people leave all the supporting to just one person cause they all pick carry. Drums allows you to fight earlier, and the shadow blade makes their support go poor having to buy sentries, and the damage + attack speed is nice I guess.

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