General Discussion

General DiscussionRetard-Proof Heroes

Retard-Proof Heroes in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    Zeus (click your spells)
    Rhasta (approach a tower, click R)
    Ogre (click your spells)
    Venge (swap out ally who is about to die)

    Just pick these heroes if you are bad (< 5.8k) and you are guaranteed to rise in MMR

    Dune, the Desert Planet

      1) git
      2) gud

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
        Riguma Borusu

          Rhasta might not be retard proof but you don't need a ton of skills to win with him. If you're good with him, however, he becomes a much better hero, he's like Lion except for he doesn't fucking suck.

          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            idk kitrak, i just told a 4700 mmr rhasta to pick the hero and he was very useful despite feeding.

            the key is to tell them NOT to lay down wards if it's obvious the enemy isn't going to defend a tower (that way u can take t2 + t3, many of them cannot deduce this simple fact themselves...)

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              But silencer ? WTF?! He is like super trash useless hero unless its played properly... And same is Omni. Agree with the rest.


                No omni is pretty retarded proof. Heal low HP allies, Repel non bkb holders. Ult to win teamfight.

                Pale Mannie

                  Bane is retard proof


                    Why do you name supports only? What about Troll? Pretty brain-dead hero. Also any retarded kid can play Slark, just get your shadow blade and start ganking all around the map. Pre-redesign Riki could kill people if you just roll your face over keyboard. Etc...


                      Because as a carry, a retard is someone who cant lasthit, so you cant say about any carry as being retard-proof.


                        is oracle good for playing with retards

                        Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                          such retardness shall not prevail

                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            Ah Soultrap aka 0-2-4-1 Rhasta. Never forget.


                              troll is nowhere near retard proof, as well as rhasta, actually.


                                +arcane boots

                                work for me, still retard when i buy soulring

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  Troll is definitely not retard proof, a lot of the seemingly easy heroes like Ursa, Troll can be played MUCH better if you know the limits of your hero well.


                                    then theres windranger


                                      Phantom Assassin. Wraith King. Huskar.

                                      Keke LM

                                        Wraith kong

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          Guys, let's define what "retard proof" means. I'd say a retard proof hero would be something that you can pick sometimes, play it kinda badly and still end up winning, so that the margin of error is actually huge, I'd say that's what retard proof means. Because any of the mentioned heroes get much better as you get better anyhow, but even if you're bad (and youre opponents are kinda just as bad) you still hold the better chance of winning. I mean, if somebody picks a non retard proof hero on the same level, and he fucks just a tad bit too much while you can do whatever and still win, that's retard proofness right there.


                                            Why not Viper?

                                            Ranged, tanky, can last hit easily, can harass, hard to harass, orb-walking, only one active spell which also happens to pierce BKB.

                                            He sucks, but he's definitely retard proof.


                                              Treant Protector


                                                i think ur all retard proof humans


                                                  imo retard proof = can be use by a low mmr player and still not totally ruin the game
                                                  can assure you that most of those heroes except for loa omni ogre dazzle will just go 0-20 and be useless


                                                    just wiat till ur viper goes 0-5 in lane and proceeds to be useless for the next 40 min

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      Yeah viper is in no way retard proof, he's all about lane dominance, and retards will lose their lane as viper, losing the only advantage the hero has over others.

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                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Yep viper's pretty easy to go mid. You can't really mess it up. Low skill cap, low ceiling.

                                                          "Yeah viper is in no way retard proof, he's all about lane dominance, and retards will lose their lane as viper, losing the only advantage the hero has over others."

                                                          It's super easy to win lane as viper though, couple points in nethertoxin and he has a huge dmg advantage on cs and denies, couple points in poison and he can orb walk so easy. I guess you have to know how to orb walk and that's it.

                                                          Wraith king too is like the king of all retard proof carries. As long as enemy team has no mana burns then he's strong and you can't really fuck it up. Just blink into opposing forces, stun someone, right click someone, die and let your res debuff lay waste to the entire team.

                                                          I think necrophos is pretty easy as well. Spam your nuke, run around kiting or tanking. Only hard part is making sure not to ult magic immune targets cus that damn stun goes through but it'll do no dmg.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                            ^ If magic immune target dies while under Sythe extra time will be added to respawn and buyback will be disabled if Necromancer has Aghs.


                                                              Then just include Lich. The hero for everyone who suffers from constant 200-250 ms.


                                                                Retard-proof heroes =/= MMR gaining heroes
                                                                If I were to include them in two groups.
                                                                * Zeus
                                                                * Omni
                                                                * Jakiro
                                                                * Viper
                                                                * Omni
                                                                * Necrophos
                                                                * Dazzle
                                                                * Silencer
                                                                * Injoker

                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                  1. Sniper
                                                                  2. Sniper
                                                                  3. Sniper
                                                                  4. Sniper
                                                                  5. Sniper

                                                                  Longest range, easy to play overall.

                                                                  Also you might want to change the wording of the topic to "low mmr-proof heroes".

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Sniper is definitely not retard proof, same with drow. Cus if you are a retard and have terrible positioning you just feed. They can't make a bunch of mistakes and still win.

                                                                    Spirit breaker is probably retard proof at lower levels where people don't announce his charges and tp in backup or know how to interrupt his charges etc.

                                                                    Witch dr is fairly retard proof. Just get cloak, go ult, cast cloak while ulted, win game. Yes it helps a ton if you can land maledict but just cloak and ult is enough sometimes.