General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflaners / Roaming Suports

Offlaners / Roaming Suports in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Best Offlaners / roaming suports in this meta?


      Faceless Void, Zeus, Lone Druid and Beastmaster.

      Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

        Ebola Spirit.

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          thx. Barathrum is legit to roaming?

          Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

            Ofc he is, his whole skill-set revolves around it. He's just less "in-meta" than some other offlane / roaming supports.


              for pub dota:
              offlane: LD, enchantress, faceless void, nyx, any dual lanes
              roam: ES, BH, SB


                do you guys have any tips on lone druid


                  what type of tips do you want?

                  Arek Akashi

                    BANE .


                      void is very good


                        enchantress is very good especially if they don have too many nukes


                          bambi bambi bambi bambi bambi void sylla

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            THX, I really apreciate it.


                              Lone Druid, Enchantress, Medusa as offlanes if solo.

                              CM, Lina, Mirana (if you can Arrow), as roamers.

                              I'm also Windranger as support enthusiast with 2 points in Power shot but Shackle-Shot maxed (Arcane, Mekansm, Scythe of Vyse).

                              Bocchi The Rock

                                offlane : probably void, lc, lone druid, bristleback, clockwerk(?), nature prophet (i think offlane is better than jungling, but both are good)
                                roaming : venge, rylai, shaman, bounty hunter, ogre
                                good at both offlane and roaming : enchantress, spirit breaker, beastmaster, night stalker, earth spirit

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  what should i be focusing on with ld
                                  how to survive on offlane, how to use my hero and bear
                                  when should i buy midas


                                    u stay afk with ur hero near tower and hit creeps with bear on max range


                                      if u know they can kill u its not owrth it to stay there to "barely get xp" and die possibly, go get the secret shop camp and come back when/if the lane is pusehd


                                        cut the wave with your bear, free xp etc

                                        holy shit dude, FUCkl thsk You've submitted too many comments recently, please wait a few minutes and try again. camnu remove it

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          I don't think spirit breaker is out of meta, spectre is very much in the meta and a SB + spec ult combo is a free kill every time it's up, as long as they don't see charge coming and gtfo of there.


                                            leashing the 1st wave, start with your bear in the fog so he can try to snipe the rune (hide in roshan pit, or the radiant cliff etc)
                                            i think bulldog starts with qb stout tango and faerie fire, you can do the jungle if the wave isnt close enough
                                            positioning your bear properly to get multiple savor roars etc
                                            think midas on offlane bear is always good, if you are jungle i dont think its good though, you should be aiming to radiance rush by 12-14. if u go midas u will be useless for too long
                                            tp your bear to base then return him back to heal
                                            saving skill point on level 4 bear for double root
                                            using true form to dodge(?)
                                            know when you should be joining fights in range form vs melee form
                                            savage roar when u entangle a target with important spells for pseudo stun
                                            if your team is going on someone you can scout with your bear and savage roar the backup then return it back to the fight
                                            moving your hero before your bear finishes the camp so you farm faster with return as a blink
                                            just focus on taking side/undefended towers to get your radiance then just 5 man everything, tp your bear back to defend/aggro creep pushes then return it back


                                              Lich Offlane, gg Check my Winrate with that dude, 78% PPL in that bracket just have no idea how to deal with that, you denie every single bit of farm, get lvl 11 so fast have your mek and just go for deathball push min 15, while the enemy carry has nothing and is underleveld they have nothing to put against you if your team doesnt struggle hard

                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                  do you buy iron talon?