General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the biggest thing u see Supports/Carries/Cores do wrong?

What is the biggest thing u see Supports/Carries/Cores do wrong? in General Discussion
Putins Price Hike

    just wondering


      Supports that afk in Lane, carries that miss last hits, passive feeding mids, offlaners whining that they can't handle their lane and feed


        people just die all over the place


          Showing their face inappropriately
          (Any hero with disables)
          Each time u do that = +200 gold for every core on the map


            they all don't watch minimap

            < blank >

              Not carrying tp, using courier only for 2 branches before (min 2), not zoning people out

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                Suckin ass.

                plz do

                  tilting and being dicks.

                  Fat Kitty

                    Pulling even when the lane is pushed near your tower
                    Feeding as mid
                    Just standing in lane not trying to gain something just leech xp instead of pulling or harassing


                      they live


                        "Pulling even when the lane is pushed near your tower " <--- that



                          90% of the time if youre pulling under tower I'd probably prefer if you went to the offlane

                          Dire Wolf

                            Carries - not farming properly, have no clue how to rotate through jungle and a lane simultaneously, will push lanes out when they shouldn't, won't tp to lanes pushed in etc.

                            Supports - not securing the damn lane, they're so obsessed with fucking pulls like others said, you'll be cs'ing under the tower and it sucks. Just harass the enemy offlane for me that's all I need.

                            Mids - not tp'ing when getting dived.


                              Downloading this game in the first place

                              Mastah Weyne

                                gank supports who babysit
                                babysit supports who gank

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                                    Pale Mannie

                                      People picking Necro support

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Passive useless CM's with arcana who just float around majestically stealing EXP, and pretty much not doing anything, which leads to the enemy offlaner actually harassing ME. Then when you tell them " DO SOMETHINGGG!! " They say " YOU DO SOMETHING, I NO SEE YOU DOING ANYTHING " in a middle eastern accent, when in fact i'm doing my job.... last hitting and denying...

                                        Supports who have no lane presense, and they feel the need to just sit back and pull all laning phase.

                                        Supports who have brown boots and nothing but AGS parts, that bought courier, and decide that they'll buy observer wards now and then, but WON'T buy "expensive" sentries (despite two shadow blading heroes blowing us up) cause they reallyyyyyy wanttttt their game winning AGS by 30 mins anyways, while being 0-9.

                                        People who don't get at least one stat item(usually my ember spirits) and feel the need to have Stout shield, bottle, boots of travel on ember by 22 minutes, and wonder why they die so fast.

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                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Interrupt stacking by walking through and steal that camp that i wanted to stack and farm


                                              being fucking retarded

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Actually I should say picking stupid heroes is the biggest thing. People will pick good heroes in a vacuum but never ones that compliment each other or counter opposing team right. I do same shit I guess though cus I like to carry and I just pick the ones I like, though I try not to get countered, I rarely do the countering. But you'll like have an enemy pick ember mid and your team will pick dazzle and omni as supports and have zero hard stuns or silences. GG you will never kill that guy and lose every team fight once omni ult is over.

                                                Or this is a great one, I like to play medusa, I just wait until enemy team has picked two or three carries, then pick her. Over half the time someone instant picks AM right after and he has no lane, ends up offlaning or pushing another carry into undesirable offlane and you win the game so ez. Like this, guy picked AM after sf, necro and pa were all picked, offlane am and necro vs medusa and bane. So ez.



                                                  flame their teammates.


                                                    Giving up for no reason and thinking if the other team has the slightest lead in even one metric (whether it be kills, towers, net worth, whatever) that we have 0 chance of winning.

                                                    They got all 3 of our tier 1s and we only got one of theirs? GG

                                                    They're up 7 kills to 4? GG

                                                    They're up 2000 gold at 18 minutes? GG

                                                    I've been on teams where we have a massive lead, then partially blow it so that we now just have a moderately large lead, and people want to give up. I just want to scream "WE'RE STILL WINNING YOU IDIOT!!!"

                                                    Of all the bad types of teammates, whether they just be poorly mechanically skilled, poor game sense, stupid builds, even toxic, by FAR the one I loath the most is the quitter who believes that if we don't have an enormous lead at every single second of the game it's not even worth playing because in their minds we already lost. Give me a good ol' fashioned toxic team full of morons every day over that crap.

                                                    I realize among pro games and probably even in the upper reaches of MMR big comebacks aren't as common, but for the rest of us f-ups it happens all the time. I've been on both sides of some that I would have never believed possible. Just the other day I damn near lost a 3 on 5 game where two of the enemy team abandoned. Luckily our team was unusually coordinated and communicative (we resorted to carefully planned split pushes and distraction suicide fights while someone else would sneak a rax), but I've never had to work so hard for what should have been a total gimmie. Not too long ago I had a game where at one point the other team was killing us in our fountain and we managed to pull out a "W." Still not quite sure how... but it happened. Everyone on both teams make so many mistakes that you just never know how it's gonna play out, so play it out and find out.

                                                    Even if you have a .01% chance of winning, why not take the chance? Why are people so afraid to try? Is it some kind of psychological disorder? I mean, you can't tell me it's THAT fun to tango your way through the trees in the back of the base. You're losing- so what? Turn it around, or at least hang in there and hope the other team screws up and blows it themselves. Below a certain skill/seriousness level, I'm convinced that no game is ever unthrowable prior to mega creeps- and some games not even then!

                                                    It probably won't work, but if faced with the choice of "you'll probably lose" and "you'll certainly lose" what kind of fool picks the later? That is the biggest mistake I see people make.

                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                        What Snerdly said^^ Quitters piss me off.

                                                        Also people who pick a carry and instalock safelane then go for some stupid non-carry build like Ags Gyro when theyre the only hard carry on the team. I don't mind if they go offlane and tell us theyre going to get an ags because then we can atleast adapt to it. But Expecting your Gyro to have Helm+BKB and then seeing half an ags is just depressing.

                                                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                            in the quitters defense they probably dont want to spend a lot more of their energy and time on trying so hard; trying to win a huge loss takes a lot on ur mind and it actually wears you out and some people would rather try a new, fresh game to play where they can choose to do better snd get back the mmr loss

                                                            im not siding with the quitters, i still try to recover from being behind a lot especially when im a slark (practicing this hero lately), it teaches someone a lot about the game since you cant always rely on snowballing, but i know my limits and theres no shame in giving up a game that would take waaaaay too much effort to actually play to win


                                                              ppl die around necro and ask to heal _-_

                                                              Kobold Foreman

                                                                Not buy tps