General Discussion

General DiscussionShow your toxic mmr here

Show your toxic mmr here in General Discussion

    Ten temat był edytowany



        niet cyka blyat


          player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 3255
          player_behavior_score_last_report: 7157

            You guys are literally getting carried by your team.


              Come on, can someone else top my score?

              < blank >

                Don't let me get in my zone

                acc buyers in my team

                  player_behavior_score_last_report: 172

                  get on my level pleb

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    8765 on this profile and 5056 on my old one. And i can assure you people with 5000 behavior score are literally cancer to play with, i dont even wanna know how 1000 feels XD


                      1k is actually surprisingly friendly most of the time. I think it is because everyone is bad. Everyone knows everyone is bad. And as long as you aren't feeding its worth compliments in a noobs book.
                      Now, below 1k people will rush into a 1v5 and blame you for not following them. But you know.


                        > i can assure you people with 5000 behavior score are literally cancer to play with,

                        Then we can only assume you are cancer to play with, right? Good you've changed :)


                          I remember back in the days when i started, i used to be extremelly friendly and helpfull till i hit like 3.5k or sth, then something just changed and i stopped playing with a lot of low mmr people and start grinding a lot of mmr and becoming better as a player. Shame i started raging, flaming n shit like that and it shows on my old profile's behavior score.

                          I'm actually trying to get back that careless feeling, just being friendly to people and enjoy playing the game. It's only a game in the end of the day.


                            Good mindset :-)


                              Thank you dude, but i couldnt care less about your opinion anyway :)


                                its fine i guess he's used to it


                                  pffft blunt's abandoning. Do that without abandons now.


                                    pfffft blunt's dogshit. Do that without being dogsht now.


                                      By the way, how do those 2k games with am go? Are you still losing those, blunt?

                                      reaL stöge :D

                                        9375... Still getting retards in team all the time. This means nothing.


                                          9k and complaining about retards. now that's some dunning kruger right there


                                            1860 MMR


                                              I hit some new records


                                                How do you pull this up because I can't get it to work in console

                                                Nvm, i remembered.

                                                player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 825
                                                player_behavior_score_last_report: 8393
                                                player_behavior_report_old_data: true

                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                  player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1461
                                                  player_behavior_score_last_report: 8309
                                                  player_behavior_report_old_data: true

                                                  what does this even mean?


                                                    ^apparently, behavior score is some cumulative measure of the frequency of being reported on your account, apparently its in between 1 and 9999. the less reports you get, the higher your score is.


                                                      Apparently I'm 6715. I'm not afraid to use my mic to try and boost the gameplay of my team.

                                                      Jesus Perez Ramirez

                                                        Fuck this game. Im flaming almost every EVERY game. I say almost because 1/10 ppl actually listen to me and know how to play....
                                                        but 9/10 are fucking cancer games... and its in 4.5k bracket...



                                                          road to 9k boys


                                                            "what does this even mean?"

                                                            First one means how many times you've been reported in total and second one is how you behave in general compared to other players.

                                                            Basically it means the higher score you have, friendlier player you are and you also get matched with overall friendlier players. Also it means that players with lower score get matched with flamers, ragers, quiters n shit. It's what people often describe as hidden pool - basically worst players from that mmr in terms of attitude.

                                                            I am lagging

                                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 1023
                                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 8764
                                                              player_behavior_report_old_data: true

                                                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                  7766 is still pretty decent, try to play in Bogi's shoes. He probably has 2-3k :D

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    Try to play in my shoes with exact 1 as posted above.


                                                                      No clue how that looks but i'm sure it's a nice experience. Kappa.

                                                                      200 reports in 119 games, LMAO

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                                        8185, cause I mute everyone every game and turn my music so I can actually enjoy the game, chat wheel is enough.

                                                                        A couple days ago I tilted hard, and I probably got reported a lot for yelling at my 2-12 mids, and 0-0 AFK 20 min jungle life stealers.


                                                                          29 reports in 25 games

                                                                          You must be fun at parties

                                                                          Livin' Real Good


                                                                            Looks like i'm going green boys, first time ever. Funny that it's so slow, cause I was DEFINITELY reported ALOT about 4 days ago cause my teammates were soooo bad that week.


                                                                              player_behavior_seq_num_last_report: 585
                                                                              player_behavior_score_last_report: 7622
                                                                              player_behavior_report_old_data: true


                                                                                8k3 something
                                                                                Others can't remember

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  Everybody here has such high mmrs. PogChamp


                                                                                    a little over 5k
                                                                                    even though i constantly have 6-10 reports in my summary :horse:


                                                                                      WHO THE FUCK USES DANISH!!!!!!!!! USE ENGLISH YOU MONKEY!


                                                                                        ye +1 everyone should speak english as a primary language, whole universe.