General Discussion

General DiscussionOrganize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match

Organize a Highskill vs Lowskill Match in General Discussion
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    Any 5k wanna 1v1 mid? I'll smack ya left and right


      Aimstrong Wats ur mmr? And what makes u think you will smack a 5k left and right?

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        Overconfidence, like OP


          waga has a vod of him casting a game like this if it intersts you


            Waga has 2 vids, but we'll make it even better :)


              Lol, Aimstrong, casual inspiration by 1k scraps eh? :P


                Im not trolling. I'm serious about this. I got three people already on my scrub team, just need 2 more. VHS team just get your team together, let's do this. I don't care if I get rekt, I'm prepared for it. I just wanna have fun.




                  i'm no scrub

                  i'm 2k


                    And don't run home crying when we beat ur ass either.

                    waku waku

                      lol i too have moderately high ping on us east yet i'm sure i could pick pudge and beat your ass anyways


               this will happen again hahahaha.... the very close game between 1k vs 5k is gonna be like TI5 Kappa


                          Can Waga cast it too xD


                            I'm highskill so I'm either the worst on the 4k team or best on the 2k team so count me in I can go whichever.

                            < blank >

                              Count me in as well


                                i wanna watch this

                                i can join scrublord team since im 2900-2900, but meh, treat me as a reserve. if there arent anyone joining just let me know and ill join


                                  and since i play on SEA, timezones are a bigger problem than ping


                                    So we playing in a few hours, friday or saturday?

                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                        @Op - I'm 2.6k in this acct and 4k Vhs on smurf. I would like to play in ur 1k team, but I want mid or carry since I'm 2.6. I'm 5k in my head and 8k in my heart btw. so I can Fuck any 5k scrub if it's my day!!

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          lol this thread is pure autism

                                          GET R3KT

                                            post details of wen this happens and cast it or smthn. everybody wants to watch this

                                            THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                              I guess I'll stream it, but someone else can cast it if they like. Someone call Tobiwan lol. But really if you want in on this, just send me your friend ID, or hit me up some other way. We'll decide on a time, then I'll post it here and the lobby ID and password here as well.

                                              So far the confrmed roster for Team Scrub comprises of me, (WDB) A Deliciouse Mango, and (WDB) NIGGATRON.
                                              @AsHe$ if you're for real then yeah you can be on it. I don't discriminate. I don't know who will be Team Git Gud or whatever you want to call it, but post here.
                                              Let's really do this guys, I'm getting pumped!!

                                              THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                And I ;m thinking on either Friday or Saturday around 6 or 7, it will be better for me because of work, and probably good for everyone else too, but we can try to make it work. Also, we need some standins in case someone can't make it, because there's a chance I might not be able to make it. );

                                                THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                  And yes I saw the Waga thing, taht's what inspired me. I'm well aware that I'm gonna get my ass handed to me, and everyone joining Team Scrub should know that too, but it's for the experience. Dota should be abuot having fun and not Try Harding all the time.

                                                  Da Cosmonaut

                                                    I am in the (non scrub team) and i am available either friday or saturday at 6-7 pm.
                                                    I play at gmt+1 since i live in Albania

                                                    Da Cosmonaut

                                                      Also @Deadweight.
                                                      I can play whatever role u need so count me in Bitcheźz

                                                      Da Cosmonaut


                                                        22 hours ago

                                                        For the high skill team we are so far: sano, Tabaluga, (Benao) and me. If Havoc wanna join as support it would be great, since sano/tabaluga play mid/safe and i can go safe/offlane, then we need 1 more guy on support and we're full.

                                                        I think this will be (Git Gud Son)

                                                        THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                          Sounds good. When I get back home on Dota I'll post my friend id so you all can add me. I'm at work right now so I can't.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            ill join

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              all my normal/high skill games are when I play with my gf

                                                              Da Cosmonaut

                                                                Is time a problem cause 6pm here would be like 2 hours ago from now.


                                                                  Friday or saturday is fine with me. We just need to arrange time, since we live in totally different time zones. Tabaluga, Benao and me live in CET/GMT +1 and most of you guys are from US hence you have GMT-5, which means 6 hours difference. If we play at 6pm US time it's already midnight in EU, so we have to work that out. I say we play sooner, like 4pm or sth so it's barable for us EU guys.

                                                                  If you work longer than that on friday, we can play on saturday and we arrange some normal time that would be ok for all of us.

                                                                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                    I could win versus 1k playing the entire match from showcase mode.

                                                                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                                                      What time will it be? I can join the low mmr team


                                                                        there's a vid like this on youtube
                                                                        the radiant has 1kmmr and their enemies are 5-6k mmr
                                                                        the 5k's even played support mid on first game because they have dc and they still dominated the game
                                                                        on the 2nd game IO wrecks the 1k mmrs

                                                                        Lord Stazza the Large

                                                                          1.6kmmr solo i want in on the shit team


                                                                            add me : 2,4mmr



                                                                              Pretty sure that those 5Ks are not that much bettter!


                                                                                We're mostly high 4k/low 5k's and we're pretty fuckin shit honestly. But for 1-3k's we're gods, you'll see soon enough.


                                                                                  I can vouch for this, I am not much better than insomnium


                                                                                    Havoc bro, wanna play on friday/saturday in high skill team?


                                                                                      I added you, when you say 6-7 is that GMT or US time?


                                                                                        Looks at OP's recent games, sees 21-2 FV game - impressed... Until I see the enemy Clinkz has shadow blade and WK has Phase AND Treads. Okay then.. I thought I was in the trenches.


                                                                                          I actually have a trench level smurf I go on sometimes where I'll cliff jungle radiant ancients for literally 40 minutes while alt-tabbed, then come back buy a rapier and decimate the enemies no matter how farmed they are. 2ks are absolutely dogshit at their awareness and positioning.



                                                                                            And the AM has a Helm of the Dominator... :D


                                                                                              has this game taken place yet? I want to watch the replay :D


                                                                                                It will hopefully take place on friday/saturday. We have to agree on time yet.

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                                  So saturday seems to be the best time so let's do it then. As for the time, I dont get out of work then until 4 o clock. US Time btw. Im 7 hours behind you guys in GMT +1, so that's 11pm your time. I see how that's a problem but the only time I get to play is between 5 and 12.

                                                                                                  THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                                    My day off is on Wednesday so that won't be very convenient. Of course, if you guys can't do it by my schedule you can just go ahead and do it without me. Niggatron and Mango are a little more flexible with thier schedules than I am. So maybe 2 o clock our time which is 9 yours. We would have to find a stand in for me of course.

                                                                                                    THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                                      Sometimes I get out early on Saturday, but not this weekend accounting for me being very that day. But of course we can do more than one game. Like next weekend I'll be free. You guys decide when will be the best time.