General Discussion

General DiscussionInvoker vs ember items

Invoker vs ember items in General Discussion

    Which do you think is better item for invoker against ember, Euls or orchid?

    AOUSHf lsdgh


      Falcon 鹰

        Orchid all the way.

        Riguma Borusu

          He can just build manta against orchid, hex is a much safer item against ember, euls does literally nothing. Also make sure to get blink so you can blink hex him from fog (he literally cannot react to this if you're facing him when you blink in).

          Boundless Strike in Gaben...

            why is this even a question?

            also hex is best way to deal with ember because so few embers make bkbs and linkens is pretty expensive...but after he does make that linkens you can still just pop it with cold snap and then hex but unless you've got really fast fingers what with the blink in as well that linkens pop animation is easily enough time for ember to activate remnant

            so it's a good idea to bring along earthshaker

              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                If you farm fast orchid is still better IMO. Most Embers will go BF first and you have plenty of time to kill him over and over until he gets manta/linken and then you might have hex as well. If he goes manta first than you have won already by making him useless for 25+ minutes and should end the game right then an there.


                  probably orchird unless ure good enough to time the blast after euls properly


                    He can just build manta against orchid

                    and this is exactly why people laugh on normal skills
                    you can't give any meaningful advice since you don't have any idea what is happening in the game and what's important

                    why would i pick lc when they can just buy linken? better not skill duel at all
                    man i could be pushing towers but they always have glyph prepared so i rather won't bother
                    i think i might gank other lane but they will see that i'm off the minimap so everyone will go back. so i'll rather not gank at all


                      ^Guys I found the 4k who thinks he's Miracle

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        As was already said, Orchid is easily countered my Manta so it's Eul's all the way - you can dispel his Flame Guard with Cyclone at least. Orchid is a shit item overall, very easily countered.

                        For the same reason I never buy Shadow Blade because it's so easily countered - enemy supports can just ward the whole map every 4 minutes and - gratz - you're useless! I think Shadow Blade must be buffed so sentries can't detect you at the cost of bigger SB cooldown maybe.



                          how did I gave you impression that I think that I'm Miracle?
                          even when i'm surely better than you or that sven guy, i'm not trying to use my game knowledge and pretend that i know something because i don't. i realise how utterly bad i am at this game and i'm not trying to teach someone about how to play certain heroes in certain circumstances since 4k is in terms of skill still far from rank where people know what they're doing.

                          so now, if you want to prove that you're not a typical normal skill bracket idiot who just claims some random bullshit, please link me a post where i tried to use any kind of my theorycrafting (without stating that it's from my 4k experience so my opinion might not be relevant) as a solid advice.
                          i'll be waiting


                            And if ember goes manta by the time you go orchid, he has neither bf nor travel


                              ^yeah manta is a very expensive item and if you do well you could get orchid in less than 20 minutes