General Discussion

General DiscussionKeep playing Slark in random draft

Keep playing Slark in random draft in General Discussion

    Playing it atm. Less that a .5% chance of getting him this often.

    You think it's random?


      where did you get that number or where am i wrong

      random draft = random 50 heroes from 110
      all possible combinations = C(50,110)
      all possible combinations with slark (or any hero) = C(49,109) (one slot is taken)

      chance that slark will be available to pick in one match = C(49,109)/C(50,110) = 5/11 = roughly 45,5%
      in 8 matches: (5/11)^8 = roughly 0.182%

      like yeah it's less that 0.5% but..


        I calculated the odds of getting any hero 8 times in a row, not the odds of getting Slark specifically 8 times.

        edit: but your math is all good :)

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          ^but that's the same?

          oh i was counting that last game too, so i went by ^8 not ^7
          alright carry on :horse:

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            The odds of getting Slark 8 times in a row is .182%
            The odds of getting any hero 8 times in a row is .4%


              ah, yeah. it took me a while but i get it now

              i didn't realise that when you calculate the odds of getting any hero n times in a row, you go by ^(n-1) since you don't care about first game because there's always some hero but you don't care which one so probability of having any hero is 100%

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                Odds of having any particular hero you choose from the first game in the next 7 ones is .4% .
                Odds of having any hero(es) in all 8 games is different.

                American Tragedy

                  how do you even count that? I don't get the idea..


                    yeah, exactly

                    @American Tragedy
                    try to read this, i just skipped through it quickly but it seems like it covers all of the basics of combinatorics

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      The odds aren't connected, it's not pseudo-random, it's actually random.
                      Which means every match, you've got equal chances of playing Slark.


                        wtf are these numbers you guysssssssss
                        im ready to vomit

                        Arin best mathematician this world has ever fucking seen you guysssssssss


                          Bout to play
                          Let's see what happens


                            Just picked it again wtf
                            It can't be random...



                              smol brain

                                ^Clever hack or black magic?


                                  Anuthah one
                                  But no stats


                                    Black magic


                                      The random of pick of valve isn't random.
                                      There's always been week where you were more likely to fall on a specific set of 5 heroes (when you random)

                                      And i guess they use the same kind of algorithm be it random, sd ar, rd or cd.

                                      For example, i randomed 5 times doom in a row (+2 time i repicked into doom).
                                      There were 98 heroes if i remember at that time (let's say 90 for the math)

                                      which make it 2 chance out 10^14 (or 0.000 000 000 002%).

                                      I mean it's not impossible for it to happen, but since i wasn't alone to see such non sense in random it's clearly impossible for that "random choice of heroes) to be random.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        My friend randomed Kunkka twice in a row once, and that's all I know about "random is not really random".




                                            they should remvoe the possibility of rerolling heroes like tide/bm/brood, it'd avoid making ppl like me rq