General Discussion



    Spectre has quite a high winrate in this meta. do you go phaseboots then radiance and farm all day? Is she mainly a right click and win hero?


      the most meta way is phase urn drums manta diffusals
      phase into radiance is super bad cz u r squishy af

      Riguma Borusu

        seems vanguard is also decent for jungling and against many rightclickers.


          ^ Badman never built vanguard in any of his spectre games. And this guy knows what he is doing.

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            Buy Phase Urn Drums Yasha in that order. Get Radiance after Yasha if you can and then Manta Diffu HoT/Skadi Skadi/Hot. If you can't get Radiance just skip it and go for Manta. Early on get PMS if you need it and QB. Do not drop QB untill you need slot for much higher tier item, e.g. Relic.

            You literally cannot lose the game unless you get deathballed to oblivion


              spectre op

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                bamdam's build :horse:

                Dune, the Desert Planet

                  ^ no. If you go Phase Radiance you are demented or you are playing versus monkeys. Never do it.

                  I wrote the build above. If you are doing everything properly, you cannot lose with it.

                  Dire Wolf

                    If you want to build the exact same thing without thinking about it just go phase, Aquila, vanguard, yasha, diffusal, finish manta, heart every game.


                      this account has good winning percentage in spec all in very highskill. check it 4 urself it might help you. play spec and adopt in game situation always, using/building skills and items must be planned always. and go only phase>rad if enemies dont harass you and dont push towers, or if thy only want to contest farm, same goes for buying midas.

                      Синячий патруль

                        Dont forget AC as after recent patch it fits her if u play against very hard physical dmg

                        lm ao

                          the badman build is awesome


                            ac doesnt synergyze on her skill it wud be a waste on slot, and besides ur teamate can build it. u nid stats and hp, armor is less priority on spec coz she has alot of tht in late game. hot or skadi are better.

                            Livin' Real Good

                              I like Ring of Aquila, PMS, Treads, Urn, Radiance. But i'm not any good at the hero, so don't take what I say serious.

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                As long as you get some sort of survivability between Boots>Aquila and the radiance its fine. Either Urn+ Drums or vanguard is okay. Rushing radiance before one of those items will just make you lose against moderately competent opponents.


                                  @ULTIMATE.Kalheesi some time ago i had 90% win rate with clock, i only played 10 games with him, im shit with him, 7 games as spec doesnt means nothing
                                  im not RTZ but now im 4.4k mmr with my only and first account (this one) dont need a new account with high WR but just 50 games to tell people im kinda decent with some hero and i guess youre decent too i hope
                                  AC is a good item since dispersion changes better than HoT against -armor or heavy physical dmg but i never build AC before skadi cause ULTIMATE.Kalheesi is right you need the hp, if you have RO in stash AC is awesome 14 seconds of -5 armor in all enemies, 14 seconds of +5 armor in allies + 20 AS in allies and your illusions

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    how do you have a sub-50% normal skill smurf?


                                      All of you saying Badman's build, do you guys realize that he is 8k mmr and his skill bracket is way higher than any of us plebs? By the time most of the people here get the items mentioned in Badman's build, game will probably be over. There are different build for spectre based on their skill bracket and how the game is going. I have already answered these questions in a post before just scroll through. Or check my dotabuff and see how I play her. Most of you can relate as my mmr isnt that high.


                                        Indeed phase/vanguard/radiance works just fine in the more passive low mmr games.

                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                          ^ Based on empirical data Badman's build works perfectly. I didn't play enough games with it, but so far it seems as the go-to build.

                                          And ffs, what else are you going to buy? Phase Drums was a common build even before Badman and I've seen Urn on Spectre way before. He just combined the builds and made Radiance a situational item. I really don't see the need for RoA on Spectre and Vanguard is kinda meh compared to Drums, in my personal opinion.


                                            Badmans build is just the standard though, changed only from radi yasha manta to yasha radi manta which is to be expected when games are harder (higher skill games) and too ez and fast paced (low skill games he has to carry shitlords)


                                              imo urn does what aquila does but better.

                                              gives you survivability from the 6 str, mana regen and damage (through the urn charge) but also heals you and teammates. obviously aquila is better if you're afk farming but no one allows you to anyway


                                                The only time badman build worked for me was when I got decent farm, which is rare in lower mmr as there is never a trilane where supports babysit you. You're usually up against a cancerous dual lane and dont get farm, this is where badmans build wont work as your items are delayed to the point where they become useless. I do like his build and only go that route if I know I will get good farm, otherwise if the lane is bad I just get a ring of health which helps me stay in lane and build into a vanguard so I can jungle, I also get phase boots and then try to get a Radiance before the 25 min mark. It worked for me and I ahve a 68% winrate with her, its all about the situation you are in.


                                                  i buy vanguard and urn and diffusal radiance manta


                                                    "The only time badman build worked for me was when I got decent farm"

                                                    if you get bad farm how is an incomplete radiance going to help you? 2k gold sitting in your inventory does not help you fight, a drum does. the whole point of badman's build is that you're not dead weight early game because you have cheap cost effective items instead of a sacred relic.


                                                      I don't blindly go for a radiance everytime. As I said, I build a vanguard if I dont get good farm and farm the jungle or push if I see an opportunity. I haunt in for a teamfight and go back to farming lane or jungle. If I know I can get a radiance at 25 min, I go for it. Otherwise Diffusal or Manta are great choices. I have a decent winrate with her and I've been building a vanguard on the majority of my games.


                                                        even if you dont go radiance every time the point im making is that your logic doesnt make sense.

                                                        if the badman build didn't work when you had bad farm then a radiance build wouldnt have either because you wouldnt have a radiance, you'd be shut down.

                                                        if you had a radiance on it's own you'd probably also do just as well, if not better with the badman build anyway.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          @Rocket this is not a smurf. I'm new to dota 2

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            In the non pro brackets? U gotta assume the worst so Its radiance or bust man :)



                                                              Miku Plays

                                                                Vanguard build works for me.


                                                                  vanguard is too good imo, regen, damage block, you can jungle and teamfight with extra hp


                                                                    HAHAAHHA THIS IS UR SMURF, CHECK FIRST GAME


                                                                      Always go phase boots, urn is situational, then you can choose between drums and vanguard. I wouldnt make them both tho since they dont give much dmg. Vanguard if they got chen, visage etc and drums if they dont. After that go radiance if enemy has squishy supports or alot of rightclick heros. Then go manta which gives more rightclick+illusions. After manta i suggest going for diffusal.

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                        Often your teammates already have urn or aquila so i find myself buying drums more than i expected.
                                                                        Radiance is stronger if you get it vs blink users


                                                                          I cant say I play spectre very often, but since recent patches I never lost a game using this build: phase, diffusal, s&y, manta, skadi,ac.
                                                                          It allows u to fight strongly from start to endgame.


                                                                            @I love you Vanessa : I was lucky men I play dota 1 often though.


                                                                              I think I played well with Phase>Vanguard>Radiance>Diffu>Manta build


                                                                                sometimes when they gank and harass you badly you have to go vanguard and to jungle imho

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  Even more important than itembuild is always farming while team is doing something elsewhere , and use ulty to firmly rape the enemy after a gank.

                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                    Kobby is autistic



                                                                                      Óðinn H

                                                                                        Stout Tango Tango

                                                                                        Buy quelling in sideshop

                                                                                        Buy magic stick

                                                                                        buy phase boots

                                                                                        buy urns

                                                                                        buy magic wand

                                                                                        buy drums

                                                                                        buy manta

                                                                                        buy diffisual

                                                                                        kill ruself


                                                                                          I play against/ with 1k monkeys. Vanguard, Radiance, and so on works great for me. But I'm not a professional farmer, I never get any real help in lane, and no one ever forces me out of the jungle. So that's probs why I like that build style more.


                                                                                            Get phase drums pms urn qb and then farm radiance. Max your q and fight early when your ulti is up. Ez