General Discussion

General Discussionursa

ursa in General Discussion
saving private RTZ

    Is this hero good for anything? He seems to have a big winrate for the last 3 patches.

    How do you play him? Safelane? How do you build him?.

    If i go jungle, do i get Iron Talon now? Seems to improve your farming rate way too much to pass on it.

    Also after fury swipes, what do you max? Or is it team dependant? If you lack CC you go earthshock?

    Ah, and one more question. I know its not optimal but sometimes games will drag on because 3ks(including me obv) are not good at finishing games how do you manage slots. I mean like abyssal, boots, blink, bkb seems like are needed every game. Then you would probably need MKB. For the last item, i saw a lot of people selling Lifesteal. Is that okay? What do you get instead? AC? Butterfly? Skadi? Hex? In addition, Aghs seems really powerful and make take a slot.

    Hmm, if you decide to go Aghs, do you still go bkb?


      jungle -> rosh -> stomp enemy safelane
      u are responsible for closing out the game as ursa as u reach your peak around 25-30 min before the enemy carry has farm


        bkb is useful to stop stuns. Aghs does not protect you from stuns and such. You really need bkb so there is no need to replace it.


          your items should all be about anti-kiting and a bit of lifesteal so you can rosh. you've already got damage and sustain (especially with lifesteal) phase,blink,vlads+ (in 90% of games) bkb non-negotiable. oov definitely worth it too. abyssal or hex to finish you off.mkb instead if you really need it but the other two are nicer if you don't have a pa or wr to eat.

          tbh don't even think there is a slahsher's way. one of the simplest heros out there. aghs pretty sweet but you've only got 6 slots....

          basically you already know what to build....


            i struggle to see why you would sell lifesteal on ursa. not sure anything else would give you as much sustain.

            saving private RTZ

              I think if the game goees very long ursa is more of a hit or miss. Either burst down enemy carry/that initatior like enigma, magnus or whatever and win the fight or you are dead/kited so probably lifesteal doesn't help him so much .

              idk i've seen many ursas selling the lifesteal if the game goes late


                phase vlad blink bkb bash skadi you should have won by now
                He goes jungle till lvl 6-7 then smoke rosh
                take aegis then help team push out lanes and get ez kills
                he's really OP if you get uncoordinated or out of position enemies


                  I just got some sick advices from 5k+ player about how to play this hero.

                  I think it's amazing, esp. in 3.5-4k bracket. You just need to practice rosh before level 6, and experiment with builds.

                  He opend my eyes literally how much I didn't know about the hero.

                  Pale Mannie

                    Satanic XDDD

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      You don't always need to max Fury Swipes. It has bad scaling and Overpower gives you more DPS I think.


                        As another 3k trash noob. Let me tell you, while it may suck as an item on ursa, but when the game goes 50+ minutes, I've gotten a battlefury to push lane easy. Its helped me keep the lanes at the enemy t3s as the retard core 1 is still farming wanting to be six sloted.


                          Whats the point of buying push items like battlefury on ursa, your job is not to push, its to kill enemy supports and carries before they are strong enough to beat you and secure rosh to further your mid game dominance. Your team can push when there are no enemies to defend and enemy carry has 50cs because he's had to hide under tower all game.

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                              You can rosh at level 4 easy.

                              Tangoes, stout shield, ring, iron branch or tangoes, 2 mangoes and stout, either build seems to work fine. Choke point jungle the medium camp (middle one for Dire - eat the tree on the right hand side of the camp, one closest to the tier 1 mid for radiant - eat the big tree on the left hand side of the camp). Stack it at the appropriate time (55 seconds I think). Once you clear it twice it gets you level 2 so you can overpower the big creep in the big camp next to it. Clear big camp and then the medium camp again. Clear big camp again and that should be level 4 with a morbid mask and enough money for smoke. Go heal, get items and run to roshan far earlier than people are used to. Easy 5 minute aegis which will also get you two levels and money for boots. Then either go try and get a kill if you have a team with decent lockdown or just go back to farming until you have phase and blink which you can get around 13 minutes in if you just focus on farming after that.

                              Had a 14-3 winrate on ursa though I lost my last three so now am 14-6 (two because of goddamn antimage and one because I was on a team which randomed visage and bloodseeker and I stupidly picked him even though I already knew the game was effing lost from the load screen).


                                u can rosh at 3 ez


                                  u can rosh at lv 1 ez

                                  just need an observer ward to remove aggro


                                    ^ yeah managed to do it 5-6 times requires absolutely calm mind :D


                                      What do you guys think about SNY early vs basher early?
                                      I always do basher, but some good players really prioritize SNY


                                        ^ sny is great after blink and vlads

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                                          Miku Plays

                                            get morbid,smoke and tp wehn ur lvl 4 and suicide, make sure u rape rosh before 7 min mark.

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                snipe kitrak


                                                  Fuck this retard bear

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                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      dp + darkseer + undying sounds retarded


                                                        why wud u want a pudge?
                                                        dazzle with dp sounds good

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          Midas Ursa? That shit's terribly bad tbh.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            midas ursa? how's that a thing?

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              BSJ said that this hero can't farm for shit, and he only get midases on heroes who can't farm for shit.

                                                              @Shred would you mind sharing your friends' tips?


                                                                Why would you say Ursa is a bad farmer? So long as you manage his mana issues he can clear waves and neutrals (and ancients) above averagely. Ok he isn't AM but he also isn't DK.

                                                                Still think kitrak is trolling but what do I know? I'd prefer to have phase+morbid mask rather than brown boots and midas. And if the idea was to get midas after phase+morbid then i'd prefer blink to midas....

                                                                pretty sure he's trolling mind :)

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  no bsj always does midas


                                                                    hero's ok