General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i go to High Skill Braket

How do i go to High Skill Braket in General Discussion
mr lizard

    Hi I would like some tips to improve my games, currently I am playing mostly hard carrys (even though i rather play as support).


      try your best next three matches, post links of them here


        What's the point of smurfing if you don't get very high skill anyways lol.

        mr lizard

          Well I created this smurf with in order to make a simple experiment, I am focusing mostly on win rate, even tough I am currently at a reasonable winrate (~60% wins) I did not managed to get hs. I am not sure if I am really okay with smurfing, but so far has been average (my main account is just 2k, but in my main I usually play as support, because most of the time people don't play as support at 2k).

          I know it funny a 2k player making a smurf and stuff, but I am not trying to abuse the mmr system (and I have no intent in doing so) I just want to have a different account and get better at this game.

          I would like some advice to know what am I doing wrong because even though my stats aren't that bad I am not going to hs braket.

          Riguma Borusu

            Go to your main and grind up.

            I Am A Cloud

              Because almost everyone starts low and works their way up into higher rankings, its natural that one's win rate would be high in the beginning. I think the skill of who you play against has an effect on how your ranking changes, so if you win all those games in the normal skill bracket, you wouldn't expect to shoot right up into high skill. Notice your Tinker game from four days ago and how it doesn't have a skill ranking. I may be wrong, but I believe this is a match where there was a mix of high skill and normal skill players. I imagine these matches are are what you need to win in order to bump up your skill level. Obviously there isn't really any way to tell that until the match is over.

              I guess if you're looking for advice, the best piece I can give is try to make picks based off what your team is lacking, or something to take advantage of your opponents' weaknesses. (for example, picking a shadow fiend against a lineup with no counter-push.)

              Riguma Borusu

                If no skill level is displayed, that means that there are a lot of people in the game who have high uncertainty, not that there are high skill players.

                Also, at this level you always pick something your team needs to win - a hero that can 1v9.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Play impactful roles as Mid Shadow Fiend or Slark safelane carry or Lina support and focus on dealing most HD and try to get decent KDA.

                  That will boost you easily to VHS. Just be patient. It's way easier to bumb up your unranked to HS/VHS compared to ranked, since MMR inflation is higher there. Like a lot higher.