General Discussion

General DiscussionOracle Abuse

Oracle Abuse in General Discussion
Farming Simulator

    Here we go, new kind of abuse incomeing.
    Just had a game with an Oracle TBD who spammed his healing on allies to get high hero healing, apparently it works the same way hero dmg used to work, therefore pumping his MMR up. Met that guy in 4,8k game...
    Oracle literally did nothing but spam his heal from the safety of tower or fountain.


      how nice this only works for calibrating mmr.


        Jesus christ, 17k HH in 23 mins. Give that man a fucking cookie bravo.

        @fucboi Normal Skill, doesn't count.

        lm ao

          fuc yu ugly weeboh


            At least I can spell

            Also on 2nd look, you lost that game. Lol that sucks bro.

            lm ao

              Zeus and Brew in that game were actually 4ks just playing around with low 3k accounts (we 3 were acually a party and zeus is a regualr here in dotabuff)

              Fuck all tryhard Huskar and Dazzle pickers thats actually my point
              One more point is Oracle is less relevant now in supporting main carries than how he used to be 3 patches ago

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                You lost against a 5 melee team with huskar and dazzle?????

                How the fuck did you guys manage that???

                lm ao

                  Because there are actually people with below average IQ playing the game lmao BibleThump

                  Nah I actually have a fault in that game, I supported Zeus and Brew more because we were stackmates, I shouldve suppoted Huskar more for double the powahh but fml Huskar is 2k party and has 2k decision making skills as well

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                    So Normal Skill..... the place you're in still......

                    I fail to see your point...

                    lm ao

                      my point is

                      fuc yu weeboh

                      lm ao

                        the actual point is

                        yolo stack picks = gg

                        1 more retard duo stack husakr+dazzle = gg


                          Then don't pick like retards and maybe, (big maybe, highly doubt it with your "intelligence"), maybe you'll get out of normal skill.

                            Ten komentarz został usunięty
                            lm ao

                              I actually have 138 IQ no joking hope to die

                              lm ao

                                Dude I can so get out of Normal Skill if I am not so broke like right now and for the past 6 months


                                  uh huh.

                                  That's why you're name is "fucboi420"

                                  sure thing slayer. 138 IQ


                                    Uh huh.

                                    Being poor means you're bad at the game.

                                    Sure thing slayer. Being broke.

                                    o_0 cuT3 z0mbi3


                                      * Fixed a matchmaking abuse with Oracle. Users that have abused this have been set back into calibration mode.
                                      HAVE BEEN SET BACK INTO CALIBRATION MODE :))))


                                        Alright time to pump up tower damage hahahahahahahahahahahha 8D