General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone else hate this meta?

Anyone else hate this meta? in General Discussion
acc buyers in my team

    Srsly, all my favorite heroes are unusable. And now I'm forced to play heroes i fucking hate to win the game, what a god damn chore.


      i dont like invokers


        in normal skill picks dont matter
        but i like this patch, u can play riki

        < blank >

          Get rekt blunt lmao

          < blank >

            Yes this meta is dogshit, I even liked the 6.85 more because of the neutral camp stack


              boring af meta

              < blank >

                I didn't even watched 1 pro game, because all the heroes are soooo ResidentSleeper

                bum farto

                  This has been the last two patches for me just wait it out and party game a little bit.


                    Don't play heroes you hate, there's no point winning if it isnt fun, its better to lose and enjoy it than win and hate it, its not pro game, its game for fun.

                    acc buyers in my team

                      @ Havoc:
                      Isn't this a good axe meta?

                      Livin' Real Good

                        People hate Invoker, and it hasn't even been a full month since this patch was released, really? He's CERTAINLY a better top meta hero than the others, i'd prefer him anyday over a Blood Seeker meta, you know, a hero that takes NO skill compared to Invoker? At least that way not as many people can spam him, cause not everyone is good with Invoker.

                        This meta is eh, I have nothing to complain about, and all the picks are pretty diverse in my opinion. I guess people that don't like the pro games are the same people who like SF and Queen meta's all year. lol

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          I think this meta is alright, pretty much freedom to pick more heroes than like 6.83 when you had to have like sniper troll jugg or something, 6.84 was almost as bad with leshrac storm spammers, I think 6.85 was ok just a bit boring, slardar ta other armour heroes, now we can pick a lot of heroes as long as its not some fucking shit idk batrider puck etc

                          Pale Mannie

                            I have the freedom to pick Pudge in this meta without getting flamed for missed hooks
                            Love it

                            Empyrean Zephyr.HKG

                              I think the meta is too fight-oriented. And wins are very unpredictable thus as a game, everything comes unexpected.
                              The Unpredictability to me, mainly comes from whether ur carry can go 6-0 in 15min.
                              I don't like this meta for such.


                                Predict my MMR pls ...
                                Idk dota nowadays is easily to get higher mmr from calibrate it than to raise it..

                                Miku Plays

                                  I suggest playing jungle ogre by boneless. Once u finish jungling stack aether lens and rape squishy 3k carries

                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I think it's fine, just wish sniper didn't suck so much. I'd much rather face invokers than non stop storm and wr spam.

                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                          A smurf complaining about not liking heroes rofl. If you want I can give you my smurf, then you'll still be playing against pudge, PA, sniper, drow, huskar, bloodseeker, riki, etc etc all the time.

                                          acc buyers in my team

                                            yep, you literally have to play with a bunch of monkeys to win the game. 2 patches ago you could pick a hero and win 1v9 because you were fucking better. Now it's impossible you cannot outfarm the feed of your monkeys.

                                            sounds like fun lol

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Paid actor

                                              ^ this

                                              plz do

                                                is blaming the meta, the new version of blaming teammates for losing mmr?

                                                plz do

                                                  and btw, the monkeys will drop mmr in the long run, because they cannot get carried if they feed.. (if ur theory is right)

                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                    I just want this stupid net worth system to be nerfed. early 5-man dota is too strong.

                                                    Pale Mannie

                                                      The gold per kill gain*


                                                        Sounds like a fun, but I can't say for sure, I've only played a single game this year and it was in LP.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          No, sniper blows even in 3k. You have to get carried, you have to have people front line for you or you get blown the fuck up. It's basically cus the meta has changed to a ton of early fighting with a lot of disables and heroes that sniper just can't fight til he gets farm. And with headshot nerf and shrapnel nerfs he can't kill anyone early anymore. Slardar, invoker, sf, lc, all those guys can dive sniper so easily and your team has to rotate or you get nothing out of it. Pudge too extremely popular and shits all over sniper, even if you dodge hooks he can dive and rot you to death.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          Holy Roman Empire

                                                            Delete invoker and pudge from dota.


                                                              let's be honest here. even if you hate this meta. you'll still play it right?


                                                                ehm, I'd rather play vs Storm/Qop/Leshrak/SF meta then VS invo every fucking game

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