General Discussion

General DiscussionWall of Fame

Wall of Fame in General Discussion
Flying Donkey

    Greeting to everyone,

    Shout out to STORM SPIRIT in this game, i coudn't commend him in the game, so i decided to share my gratitude to his plays here.

    I've never seen so many charges on Bloodstone.

    Everyone is welcome to add good games and players.


      Shout-out to CM, WD, and Disruptor.

      I have yet to find any support like them in SEA Normal Skill brackets again.

      (And, this is 15 days ago; should had added them.)

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      puni puni butt UWU

        Shoutout to my man Skywrath

        real innovative build, defining the meta of mid Skywrath Kappa


          LMAO that storm probably getting boosted xD look before he was playing like shit and now suddenly 20-1, 30-1... then he lost 1 game to some better booster than him and even managed to lose 1 normal game LMAO probably some shitty 3k booster boosting him LMAO

          Flying Donkey

            Doesn't matter. The play is good that's important.

            Pale Mannie


              This Treant kept motivating us to defend
              he was the real MVP
              without him we couldn't steal the Rapier and win

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                shoutout to myself in every single game ive played in my life

                Livin' Real Good

                  Easy E is right, that guy is DEFINITELY getting boosted, can't really say it counts, cause the guy boosting him could be 6K for all we know. LOL He's spamming nerfed Spirit, and still dominated 2K.

                  Miku Plays

                    shoutout to all junglers who buys talon


                      I Hanter I on Pudge.


                        Doesn't matter? K, so basically shoutout to every booster out there u guys dumpstering those poor 2k's really well.

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                        Flying Donkey

                          Yes of course, because the booster is a good player, but i can't say the same thing about the person that allows to be boosted.
                          However there are people who deserves to be encouraged for their plays no matter that they're MMR are not so high. :)

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