General Discussion

General DiscussionBeing a support player sucks :(

Being a support player sucks :( in General Discussion

    I've been playing Dota since 6.15.
    Dota 1 days.
    and ever since I found my niche I've been a support player.

    I know some would say to "support better" but I can't help feel there's a high wall to surpass and sustain for a support player...
    a support player can only do so much..

    (I cannot play pos 1 & 2 mainly due to my terrible farm and gold acquisition so at best to impact a game even more I play a pos 4 roaming support ganking mid etc...)

    I just feel that there are multiple instances and circumstances in some of my games that should have been winnable if not for the carry in the team...
    and of course, when losing, a support will usually take the blame..

    no credit whatsoever :(

    it's like, you can still win a game with bad support and a great carry but can't win a game with a good support and bad carry...

    just ranting here..
    lost so much mmr on 2015 and it sucks :c

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          "I cannot play pos 1 & 2 mainly due to my terrible farm and gold acquisition" those are mechanics that you still have to learn even as a support though.

          Try branching out to other roles. They have helped me become way better in my support game by a ton


            man I played support once, bought wards and everything. My carrys had 0 idea how to play and just blamed me for feeding. never doing that again.

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            Livin' Real Good

              You've been playing since Dota 1? I thought most people who played since then would be 5 and 6K, weird. Or maybe i'm missing something. o_O

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                lm ao

                  how are you still 3k kek


                    Normal skill, nuff' said


                      You must be doing something terribly wrong. From personal experience, even if the only thing you do is buy wards and couriers, when you lose, most players will spew their flames and blame the carry or the mid. Or the one who fed 10+ kills...which you tend to do.


                        since you play US i might be able to add you to some groups. We're all college students 2-6k at least 50 ppl online at all times etc, we dont play ranked tho.


                          i'm 3.3k atm
                          best ive been is border 4k but it was shortlived

                          im casual level compared to most people here
                          even though since dota 1 i've been playing
                          i would like to point out that
                          it's that mentality of other players -

                          "normal skill"
                          "how are you still 3k kek"
                          kind of people i play with that makes the supporting experience terrible :|

                          (it also doesnt help after seeing your profiles that most of you dont even play support regularly, most of you are mid & carry :| i dont think you can empathize my rant)

                          you give them due support needed:

                          stack camps/pull
                          contest runes
                          gank mid
                          TP reinforcement
                          farm prio
                          heat redirection
                          lane harassment and zoning
                          creep equilibrium

                          I play 9/10 times my ranked games support and majority of so far has been solo hard support

                          I dont get much appreciation & credit in any games except maybe the digital commends

                          I play most of my games with barely any items

                          I die the most in the team as I'm usually the solo support

                          i dont even flame my teammates at all :|

                          after so many games
                          I just can't help feel that a support has a ceiling impact in a game
                          I want to improve and climb back up and go higher
                          i'm open to playing other roles but it also pisses me off when I'm playing carry and i have no vision
                          a courier or a support in my games at all :|

                          if not me, who will????

                          i've seen a game where a team of all carry win a game
                          when i'm playing a good game as a pos 4 like Tusk
                          or UD
                          I still put my gold for wards because the other player supposedly supporting isn't doing so

                          this is frustrating

                          thank you for constructive criticism :(

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                              i see, I believe you down 600


                                reminder that if u are a sub 5k support main u have inflated mmr
                                if u are still stuck u are bad


                                  So the thing with a support is, most of the time whoever is dual laning offlaning against you will be easily able to out bully and kill you as a support unless they are running a weak dual offlane and you are running a safelane with a lot of killing power.

                                  Then it's all just downhill from there. Carry doesn't get farm, support doesn't get farm, they get dived and killed, your dual offlane is probably weak and giving freefarm to the enemy, your mid is losing, etc etc, easy gg. That's why picking support sucks.

                                  Imo what should happen is at the start of the game the safelane carry and support should get to agree to both go mid, the mid heroes go top and the offlaners go bot, and then people play out the games that way and you don't have to deal with irritating crap like super strong dual offlanes crushing your safelane while the enemy safelane gets near free farm.

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                                      I enjoy being supp when the cores know what they're doing. So i guess it's hard sometimes for you and i understand how u feel :'(


                                        i suggest u dont hard supp in 3k games; pick a support with mid-late game impact like omni, earth spirit, earthshaker, heck even supp slardar.


                                          I can see why you're frustrated you're playing this shit for 10 years and are still barely above the average xd

                                          bum farto

                                            Supporting is so easy.

                                            Holy Roman Empire

                                              Play high impact supports then like omni / enigma / chen / visage / Undying / Venge / Oracle / Shadow Demon / Lion... Mainly all the supports that have a core potential.


                                                A normal skill player is trying to teach me how to support



                                                  play omni.


                                                    Every role has its own challenges. I don't think it is any harder to win games consistently (ie gain MMR) as a support hero than as a core mid or carry player.

                                                    It is possible that you are already playing near your maximum MMR. But it is more likely that you could improve by changing how you think about your games.

                                                    Over the last 6 months your most succesful hero has been Tusk. You have were 19-11 win-loss. But you died a lot. Your average game was 5.67 - 10.17 - 16.37 KDA.

                                                    10 + deaths in the average games means you are spending a lot of time dead. That is all time when the other team can recover from your attacks/counter attack/ take towers unopposed. What if you died only 8 times per game instead of 10? What could you do differntly to die less?

                                                    I see that you get defensive and teamfight based items on Tusk. What if you focused on being strong enough to solo kill the enemy pushing hero instead? Getting all teamfight based items means you can't do anything if your team doesn't work together well. Often pubs don't. Tusk does not have to be a teamfight hero. He needs the power to solo gank.

                                                    From your build and stats it looks like you often fail to kill the target you are attacking, then die while someone else has to spend abilities and attacks finishing them off. If you played better Walus punch would get the kill and you could live and move on to another target.

                                                    Consider learning to use Blink dagger on Tusk. Charge up punch, wait for the cd to be almost done - then blink punch, shards, and you have another punch already and snowball still unused if you have to escape or attack a 2nd target. Or if you are being attacked, snowball -> blink out.

                                                    Another point on Tusk. I see 30 games, extra item slots but no bottle. Do you get bottle? It's far cheaper and more effective mana use than arcane boots. And you could then get phase boots which synergize better with Tusk skills.

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      My friend i know how u feel. I played only sup for abkut 3 months laat year but as much as i loved not worrying about lh and demy, caring more about warding and healing and stuff, i won some and lost some games but the games i lost were terrible losses and that's why i know the feel.
                                                      All of u guys say you're at 3k and that means u suck but not everyone climbs their way up to 5k by playing carry so then they can play sup for good 5k carries. E.g my last game i played jug (not sup but still the point about m8s) and i stsrted with 615 gold bc of picking after we had venge and phoenix picked suddenly everyone left the base and i JUG bought cour. Then in lane venge decided that he's a very good carry and he wants to play carry so i lh as much as possible and got my morbid mask asap and playef JUNGLE JUG and then after i saw bf build's not gonna work (and i regret maybe BoT bf was better) i went for aghs mkb but wasn't faster than the feed and lost to a 3 desk builders team

                                                      ps. OP if u wanna play with me i can give u my id a week l8er right now ive got exams not playing dota a lot


                                                        @rentless y that's a good point maybe ur prob is dying much in situations u dont have to die


                                                          As the game goes longer, support heroes actually get stronger now. There are so many ways to escape and kite carries and since bkb drops to 5 seconds and can't be repurchased... well, late game carries really are at the mercy of their support heroes and helpless alone.

                                                          Dota really is a support dominated game today at pro and the highest pub levels. It can be at low MMR as well, but you have to outplay the enemy.

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                                                            Great read.. That is where my support play is hurt is I die way to often.. That is something I have been trying to work on.. Especially juking when their are hero's chasing me.