General Discussion

General DiscussionCommending DotaBuff Staff for SUPERB moderation.

Commending DotaBuff Staff for SUPERB moderation. in General Discussion

    My main account (marlan) was recently muted for a short period of time (until Dec30) , I assume for trolling all these retards who keep spamming "PLz Pr3dict muh mMRs!!" but regardless, sure whatever, mute me. Fair enough.

    But maybe you should y'know, TELL ME WHY? I'm just guessing here, for all I know maybe I did something I should actually be warned about.

    I guess I'll just keep doing whatever it was I did wrong, seeing as I have absolutely no idea what I got muted for.

    > Well played!
    > Well played!
    > Well played!
    > Well played!
    > Well played!
    > Well played!
    > Well played!

    King of Low Prio

      I like where this is going


        A hahaha!

        > Relax, you're doing fine!


          > That just happened
          > Don't give up
          > Good Game, Well Played


            I'm sorry if I interpreted your jokes as serious requests, because without knowing you as a person, these statements did, for the most part, not read as such. (if they had been actually "PLz Pr3dict muh mMRs!!", that would've been easily identified. But they weren't) That said, I could've checked your profile to see that you were obviously trolling

            I've removed the mute status as it was an oversight on my part.

            Also, you did raise a good point though - it's difficult to currently communicate with a person regarding their mute, especially if it's not tied to a specific comment/thread. Something to improve upon for sure.


              I forget if our accounts have an email linked, but you could probably send us an email, or maybe upgrade your fancy looking but obsolete forum to have things like PM's (obviously the site was made for dota stats, which is well made, but the forum part is terrible).

              Ten komentarz był edytowany
              D the Superior
                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                lm ao

                  I was once banned for 4 weeks ASAP I had no idea why

                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                  waku waku

                    i had a post where i was advertising yasp removed
                    it was a joke of course so i didn't get muted and the issue which was offending me the most on dotabuff was soon fixed so i'm overally happy about how they handled it



                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!