General Discussion

General Discussion Faceless Void - Rework Idea

Faceless Void - Rework Idea in General Discussion

    IMO his W sucks dick and totally works against the idea of the hero. They've kinda changed him into more a team fighter with his Q change but his W has no synergy.

    My idea...

    Change his W so that instead of a move slow after cast and a CD delay... It instead does a move slow after cast and causes a 55%/70%/85%/100% cast point/animation delay.

    So basically it will take twice as long to cast a spell when you are time dilated.


    Ten temat był edytowany

      hero's in the trash can now. theres no hope for him

      Pale Mannie

        Revert all changes


          Mr lizzard doesn't revert ever. Only different changes.

          This new W would synergize with his bash too because it would be easier to cancel some spells with dilation.

          Imagine a MoM/MKB void vs. A time dilated spirit breaker... rofl

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            He does revert changes, Terrorblade is the best example.


              Well rarely in any case.

              Pom Pom 🍕

                Some heroes don't have a cast time on any of their abilities (or like 0.01s), so it would be better in seconds than % (like 0.4s max or something). I like the idea though.

                Hello Darkness, My Old Fr...

                  He's not a lizzard. He's an amphibian :)


                    @ Pomi - That's true, perhaps a minimum static increase like +0.4s and then a "whatever is greater"

                    So an ability with a cast point of 0.01s that is doubled to 0.02s would compare that with a +0.4s increase (0.41s total) and choose the 0.41s one.

                    But an ability with a 0.5s animation, would double to 1.0s and compare that to the static increase (0.5s+0.4s = 0.9s) and choose the 1.0s one.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!