General Discussion

General DiscussionSmoke of Deceit is OP

Smoke of Deceit is OP in General Discussion

    Are you down in a match? Does it feel like whatever you do you'll just get rekt? 20 minutes in and all your outer towers are gone?

    No problem! Just buy smoke. 5 man gang up on a couple heroes who will no doubt be farming separately and that juicy comeback gold is yours!

    Played one of the most ridiculous games the other day where every 5 minutes it felt like we had lost the game. At one point our Lesh afked after a teamfight because he thought the game was over. One little 50g item ended up being the most important purchase of the match.

    The plays you can make with Smoke can turn the highest of tides, hero picks, farm difference, all overcome by the amazing intiation and positioning Smoke can give to your team. Use it to engage your enemy from behind and 8/8 times you'll have the advantage going into the teamfight. Late game it can be game defining.

    MatchID - 2027213028
    55 minutes in, both teams 6 slotted on all heroes, nobody was safe from getting blown up. Our last high ground push, instead of pushing into their mid T3 tower, we fake push the creeps there then back off and smoke to wrap around through their bottom lane where we had raxed them already. It was the most surprise buttsecks play I had ever coordinated in my dota life. Just had to share. Please no flamerino. Merry Christmas! :)


      Are you up in a match? Does it feel like whatever you do you'll destroy the enemy? 20 minutes in and you have all towers?

      Oh no! The enemy team will probably become desperate for kills and use smoke! You 5 have a lead, don't wanna risk losing it right and what other choice do they have? Predict when the enemy team is smoked or have a superior vision to where you can see it coming and that juicy ancient is yours!

      Ten komentarz był edytowany
      Sexo Meister


        Keksimus maximus

        Riguma Borusu

          So the point of this thread is that smokes are a good item to buy? I mean, I don't really get it, you see it all the time in pro games and higher mmr games as well, in unranked solo I buy them sometimes for the movement speed and stealth when ganking. And it's not really OP, both teams can buy them and in equal amounts, if the other team can get a smoke, so can you.

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            the point of his post was to weed out the retards who actually think OP was advocating smokes were too OP; it worked. jesus christ the guy wanted to share his incredible comeback somewhere and then there's some retarded DB poster that needs to prove his intelligence on the forums. are you honestly that incapable of seeing the point of the post?

              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
              waku waku

                don't rely on getting more than one hero for a smoke.

                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!