General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayin with ol' 1k acc to learn how to play heroes

Playin with ol' 1k acc to learn how to play heroes in General Discussion

    So i wanna start playin meepo and invo and im not a good sf to say the truth so i wanna spam these in my old acc which is 1k so i dont ruin my hidden mmr in this new acc. What do u think?

    cookie sem dota

      play bots


        Fuck bots ive played bots so much hard is too ez to win and unfair needs heroes that can solo kill all the enemy team like invo (kinda) and ivr played them enough times. Gotta go online
        Here the 1k acc:


          Remember when i said im not a good sf player? Well lets change that to fuck me im the worst sf player. Played less than 10 online matches with sf. Well i actually dont play mid pos2 heroes but it's like im a core player it's a shame not to know how to play sf
          I never build sb but i did in this game bc one of u guys who has played around 1000 sf matches said sb is good in low mmr (well old acc 1k check) but my decision making and item build was a disaster. Help mmeeeee
          Anything to help me get better with sf would be nice


            everyone bellow 5k is not even called a " player "


              Well u gotta start climbing ur way to that 5k don't u?


                If you smurfed into normal skill then it does not matter which account you use cause your hidden MMR on this account isn't high anyway.

                D the Superior
                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                    Bots are a great place to learn meepo and invoker...has little to do with using their skills, and much more about their micro(controlling independent meepos, learning to blink->poofbomb, knowing how to swap between more than 2 skills on invoker without swapping to a skill you don't already have active, etc).


                      @magnus my main acc is 1k (well actually this is my main acc now i domt give a shit bout that one) and as im not a 1k skill, i wanna kill myself playing with the 1k. Last game of my old acc, lich got a headdress as the first item and i was sf and got cor myself after like min 4 or 5 by going back to base. This acc seems to be better but not great. I actually suck at invo/sf. I fuck the foe in lane with him but when it comes to fights, im a fucktard. I just need to practice more but the bot match has a problem. All the bots push the same lane so i cant do cyclone combos and probably gotta go q w which is less fun to play.
                      Im actually good as meepo and i can do animation poof blink poof on target combo but i havent played him much bc i get scared to fuck up. I actually got killed by creeps when my other meepos were fighting. My micro isnt that bad anymore but i probably would fuck up playin meepo
                      I actually can continue playin jug/am/weaver/furion/... And heroes ik how to play but i wanna learn more
                      Wow i wrote so much shit :/

                      D the Superior
                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                          I love dota i just wanna get good with more heroes. Like im a good dk my dk games are most of the times aa win with higher than 10 kda at least.
                          So can u guys tell me some heroes who can solo win the match? I myself like bristle as this kinda hero. 1k tards even stay in the shit spray early game till they get rekt and go base or even use salve but the thing is i need more heroes like this who can solokill an entire team or at least win the match.

                          D the Superior
                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                              Rly? Havent even played once. lel always scared of getting ripped in spaghetti never forgetti

                              D the Superior
                                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                  Well seems this is ur smurf can u add me later on and teach me how to visage properly later later on?

                                  D the Superior
                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                      Didnt mean like teach teach just play and i watch or play together or sth like that

                                      D the Superior
                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                          Slark ember jugg can solo win matches


                                            @OP yeah im 5200 and i still suck at this game

                                            imagine urself now

                                            lm ao

                                              WHAT KIND OF STEAK ARE YOU FYYQ


                                                ^ a raw one baby

                                                lm ao


                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!