General Discussion

General Discussionhow can i get to 4k?

how can i get to 4k? in General Discussion

    I'm losing a lot a couple of weeks ago. I lose 200 mmr both party and solo. Help me to get my cumback :)


      pick safelane, afk farm get at least 10 last hits per minute. 1 v9 later on.


        Thank you . :)


          If u ask this question u dont earn 4k


            Why? Is there any problem?


              @Coventry Boy: this worked when dota was good and not a retarded 10 minutes 5 man deathmatch, now carry is probably the worst role to climb mmr
              @OP: you need to
              1) die less
              2) pick accordingly to the game and be prepared to play all roles


                idk tho, i calibrated at 4k after that just watched bunch of replays from 6k pubs and get better later on.


                  I know because i climbed with this afk farm 1v9 strat from 1 to 3k, then this meta came out and I couldn't win anymore, so I just played whatever now i'm 4k+
                  I guess it still works in low brackets if you're actually really better than your opponents but it's not OP's case


                    do what the boy said


                      Thank you guys so from now on i will pick safelane carry like juggernaut or pa and afk farm 1v 9 later on. And win the game :)


                        Thank you guys so from now on i will pick safelane carry like juggernaut or pa and afk farm 1v 9 later on. And win the game :)

                        lm ao

                          Lolz dont

                          lm ao

                            Thats honestly so retarded

                              Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                by do what the boy said i meant look at replays of higher rating players playing the hero you wanna play and try to understand their thought process and try to mimic it


                                  Ah okay i got it thanks guys for your concerned to improve my gaming.


                                    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
                                    Albert Einstein

                                    stop playing, start watching. stop grinding, start learning.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      blame your team, works everytime


                                        Okay thank you very much.


                                          you've asked this question and you still haven't learned anything.
                                          if you want to get better at the game actually look at your replays and learn from your mistakes, there's no quick way to get better at the game otherwise everyone would be doing it.

                                          if you just mindlessly spam games instead of trying to learn from them, all that ends up happening is you calibrate at 3k, make a new smurf, keep doing things that 3k players do instead of fixing your mistakes, and then you calibrate at 3k again because you haven't learned anything.


                                            ^ pretty much this


                                              Honestly i climbed from 2.7k to 3.9 in just a couple of weeks and now im looking forward climbing into 4.5k. Well bcos i read some blogs, collected some useful info and followed what they says. And that is

                                              1. Play everyday max 3 games. If u lose 2 straight stop and rest. Tomorrow is another day. I tell u it takes patience and great mindset to do this. But its worth it.

                                              2. Play in the time when there is less disturbance and u are in good mood. Bad mood and environment results in bad play.

                                              3. Drink plenty of water and eat right b4 the game. Bcos u don't want to get dehydrated and an empty stomach results in fogless brain.

                                              4. Pick 1 hero u r good at and do ur best. In my case that is jugg. U can see in my profile that my winning percentage go up. But its not just bcos of playing 1 particular hero but doing really ur best.

                                              5. Every after game make a note of every bad and good decesion u made in game. List down the things that u still need to improve. Watch ur game by replay to see things in a perspective.

                                              6. And lastly When u r in game and someone starts flaming and trash talking mute him immediately. That will helps u alot to focus. Hope this helps.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                This helps a lot. Thank you! :) juggernaut is my best hero.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  flaming teammates and opponents is how you win dota. It helps build your mental endurance to deal with people flaming you. I cant think of the last game where I didnt call one of my teammates autistic pieces of trash (unless i was muted but with some clever use of the chat wheel you can make sure they know what you where trying to say)


                                                    Okay ;)


                                                      1: snort cocaine (after every game)
                                                      2: smoke a blunt (after every game)
                                                      3: play any role
                                                      4: play 5-10 games a day or as many as you can
                                                      5: if you lose wait 20 to 30 min so you don't get the same idiots on your team and so you don't tilt (smoke more weed)
                                                      6: git gud and dumpster kids oh and don't die

                                                      3.9k MMR.and rising

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                                          smoke a blunt? more like be the blunt

                                                          D the Superior
                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                              Some tips.

                                                              1. Practice and practice.
                                                              2. Review your mistakes.
                                                              3. When someone outplays you, review how he caught you off guard.
                                                              3. Watch the professional scene. (Though SOLO Ranked is a lot different from the professional scene, you can still learn a lot like ward placements, juke spots etc. while you watch.)
                                                              4. Do not spam heroes. Spamming heroes will only make you better on that hero and when you are forced to play another hero, you will most probably not play well. It's better to know that you are in that skill level regardless of what hero you use.
                                                              5. Do not play while you are too stressed from the game before. Take a rest for a few minutes.
                                                              6. Stop playing for a while if you are on a lose streak.
                                                              7. Maintain POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE
                                                              8. Try not to blame your teammates and encourage them instead.
                                                              9. Focus on how you play the game and mute toxic players.


                                                                If you're in 3k or 4k trench, all you have to do is demoralize the enemy team by killing them over and over early game. There's always at least one person who will rage and start feeding. Pick bounty hunter and gank all their lanes, pick Lich and fuck over the enemy safelane, any early game hero will work.


                                                                  I don't even think you're 3k so let's not speak about 4k not to mention how dogshit 4k-6ks is you don't wanna know how horrificly bad 3ks are.


                                                                    Guys, I have a question. If i play unranked for a long time, will my mmr later on when calibrated be quite high?

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      If you progressively get better your mmr will be higher than if you just calibrated right away but if you calibrated right away and progressively got better your mmr would higher as well. Valve is aware that some people are terrified of their MMR which is why they do not show it unless you opt into it. A 500 mmr player can live in delusion of being 3k and a 4k player can live in delusion that he is professional material as long as he chooses not to calibrate


                                                                        only if you win your way into high skilled games. And assuming you win most of your calibration games.

                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!