General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Selection! Advice highly appriciated.

Hero Selection! Advice highly appriciated. in General Discussion


    I've been stuck a long time with hero picks. I play all roles after what my team needs, but am getting bored with not excelling at one in particular. Could anyone take a peek at my profile and advice on what my "go-to" heroes should be at each core?


    Thanks beforehand,


      well comparing strong heroes to your profile i'd say

      support: aa, slardar, wd
      carry: pa, spectre
      mid: wind, zeus


        Thanks for the input mate, ill try to stick to a smaller heropool :)


          just play hero that u find enjoyable


            Dotabuff Plus offers a lot of nice features for analyzing this sort of thing now that you can sort games based on ten different options. Dotabuff Plus also has a "success" rating that combines your experinece (games played), winrate, and in-game stats to give an overall score.

            Support: Mirrana, Slarder
            Carry: Spectre, Medusa
            Mid: Lina, Alchemist

            For Carry:

            Your dotabuff "success" ratings are highest for Bloodseeker (51.5), Medusa (50.7), Ursa (49.9), Spectre (43.3) and Faceless Void (39.9).
            But if we sort to the harder games we see that you have not played some of these much in High or Very High games.
            Bloodseeker was only played in Normal, so I conclude you don't really have much confidence in the hero when facing tougher opponents.

            But Medusa (35.7), Void (33.7), and Spectre (25.8) still look very good in High Skill games.

            As for Meta-game Spectre (58.74% winrate, 3.76 KDA) tops the list for carries this week and your stats in High Skill games are even better. Spectre (62.5% winrate, 4.76 KDA). If you want to gain MMR spamming Spectre is sure to succeed. Your Medusa is also way above the average (52.52% winrate 2.94 KDA) - you have in High Skill games (64.29% winrate 5.13 KDA). Picking Medusa is also certain to gain MMR most games.

            For support,

            Your most succesful support hero in High Skill games is Mirrana. Far above the global average of (52.16% winrate KDA 2.63) you have (76.92% winrate 4.15 KDA). Slardar is also very good with (61.11% winrate 3.22KDA) much better than the global average of (54.14%winrate 2.32 KDA).


            For Mid:

            Lina is your best choice at (71.43% winrate 3.06 KDA), much better than the average (44.72% winrate and 2.12 KDA). You have only 2 games of High Skill Alchemist but its 100% winrate 4.85 KDA. If you know how to do it right, Alchemist is a great mid hero this patch in High Skill level games.

            Don't pick windrunner mid. Windrunner is an average losing hero (49.34% winrate) and you are below average (44.44% winrate on 45 games) Windrunner makes you significantly more likely to lose. This is because WR requires that you get a LOT done with the hero to win. If you can't hit 2 hero shackles WR is just not going to be worth the pick. It's easy to not die and get lots of farm on windrunner. This often tricks people into thinking they are good at the hero. But you have to WIN games to be good.


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