General Discussion

General DiscussionHey. I'd like to learn how to play Doom. Need some tips from better p...

Hey. I'd like to learn how to play Doom. Need some tips from better players. in General Discussion

    I'm gonna try to be short and ask things I'm not comfortable when I'm playing Doom.

    I started to play him, I always go offlane with him. I try to convice my team to let me go solo, since I think he needs exp.

    So, I've been reading few guides,but you know, I'm not sure if they are correct, so just want to make sure and double check, you know.

    MMR I play is about 3.7-3.8k atm.

    So, what about his skillbuild? What should I get? I try to go with Devour, but sometimes I end up unable to get creep I want, which is sometimes Regen or Armor from Blue Ogre(dunno the the name).

    So, should I get bigest exp creep to get lvl 2 faster, or should I eat creep that's best for early game?

    Now, I also tried to get Scorched Earth at lvl 1, it provides me a bit more sustain and I can haras support/zone him out.

    But I don't think that's really good build for him on lvl 1, since it makes you wait for lvl Devour.

    Now, about understanding power-levels of Doom against other heroes, that's why I fail most of the times.

    I know that at lvl 6, I can most of the time kill their carry if he's below 50% HP. I just DOOM him and use my Scorched Earth to finish him.

    But sometimes I end up dying when I try to dive for the kill which seem to me easy, but it ends up beign a fail and I feed FB, which results in pain-in the ass when I comeback to my lane, since they're now lvl above me.

    So my question is, should I just try to wait for lvl 6 and play safe, or, do you have any sugestion what kind of lane I should be feeeling comfortable trying to dive for a kill even before lvl 6?

    Now, I saw some dooms starting to be active on lvl 3/4, by using the purge and Scorched Earth to gank enemy mid, which sometimes really does end up in FB or at least easy kill for you or your mid.

    Any thoughts about it?

    I usualy go for this items at start: Tango/stount/and I'm building basilus asap. Then I get boots, and after it I don't really have, let's say, build I follow.

    I think it's situational. Like, if they don't have Zeus/BH/Slardar and they are running PA/Slark on safelane, Shadow Fiend on mid and they got some annoying offlane, I might get Shadow Blade rush into midas(if I think game might go late), and then ags into Curias or even vlads.

    Most of the times, however, I end up getting the treads/ags/blink/refresher and maybe BKB after/before, since I try to doom/disable most important targets.

    Which helps a lot when you don't have to carry, but when you are running him as a carry, I find it pretty hard to pick up right items.

    So, what would you sugest for offlane DOOM? Item progersions and skil progresions aswell.

    When to start getting active? Should I play safe before lvl 6? Is arcane/meka/blink DOOM still viable in 6.85?



      If offlane rush tranquils and max Scorched Earth.

      D the Superior
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          doom, ok. And why did you choose him now I wonder...


            FUCK FURS Exectt me, not really. At lvl 20 with ags you have like 1200 mana if i'm not mistaken. More then enoguh for 2x doom and

            Scorched Earth. Most of the tiem I won't be even able to cast LVL? death, since I need to go back after I doom 2 targets.

            At lvl 25 without anything DOOM is already on 1100 mana. And scepter gives you like 250 mana combined, once again, if i'm not wrong.

            Pretty much enough for everything, but, yeah, if I can get Shiva, I ususaly would do that.

            TrippeSteal told me to get Shiva after Blink and then ags/refresher. I'll try it aswell.



              For example, in this game, he didn't went for Shivas before refresher and he's still pretty fine...

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                offlane doom has chance to kill at level 3 ( level 2 scorched earth)..

                if u want kill , look the enemy support level ,position and how many disable they have,

                Notice that Doom can kill not only because type of devoured creep or scorched earth , but how much normal attack he can landed on enemy heroes

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  How exactly doom kills supports or carry at lvl 3(if you maxscoreched earth) and with which eaten creep? What do I eat to do that.


                    To clarify my quetion, I won't try to kill something unrealistic.

                    Let's assume PA+Dazzle or Lion.

                    Is that lane killable at lvl 3 if you are doom. And how?

                    D the Superior
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                        golem boulder stun , purge , or satyr that give regen,

                        level 2 scorched now gain like level 3 before nerf,,,

                        scenario to kill :

                        1. enemy support try to harrass with skill , u go chasing him after his skill cooldown
                        2. 1 of his supp partner roam to other lane,
                        3. enemy support not have disables ( once time i face trilane spectre potm treant )


                          What items you'd get in that case(if you go for lvl2 sc. earth) at lvl 3?

                          Stount+Regen+what? What kind of boots you'd get?


                            brown boots + stout + ring of protection is enough to kill at level 3,

                            once again i noticed you , take a look enemy position, disables, your devoured creep,and creep aggro position matters a lot

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Yeah, I understand. Thank you.


                                Alpha Wolf or the Satyr that give the Hadouken can be used for kill attempts.

                                yung griphook

                                  I am probably not qualified to talk on this (or anything for that matter), as pretty much everyon on this site is a higher mmr than I am

                                  but that being said,

                                  if your intention is to play aggressive and go for kills early, why not just go for phase boots (assuming you're doing well in lane). That's probably a lot easier said than done, especially in my mmr, but I was just curious. It will allow you to chase down more easily.

                                  I also see some people go for the tranqs, orb of venom build. That seems pretty cool because again, it allows you to chase people down, get a good amount of right-clicks in, and it doesn't force you to continue to build a certain way.

                                  I'm not totally sold on my Doom play so im not advising im just asking about it. I am as eager to learn as the OP


                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    git gud


                                      "How exactly doom kills supports or carry"

                                      all you have to do is press W and hit them. you don't even need boots, orb of venom or crit wolf, although they do help. if the supports are trying to keep you out of xp range, you just hit them back and they're forced to back off because they won't trade hits as well, and still take damage when retreating since they won't have boots and you have scorched earth's movement speed.

                                      always max scorched earth this patch. compared to previous patch, scorched earth now does 0/72/168/288 more healing and damage, so levels 5-7 are basically when you're at your strongest relative to all other heroes. 72 extra damage at rank 2 doesn't seem like much but it brings scorched earth's damage to 288 as a level 3 hero, which is huge.

                                      maxing devour is a mistake when you realise that an offlane level 7 doom with maxed scorched earth can 3v1 the enemy trilane and still get kills.

                                      tranquils are generally gotten on offlane doom but now that phase got buffed as well as scorched earth's regen, tranquils don't have 100% pick rate anymore, but are still strong for the armour which also makes scorched earth better.

                                      imo treads are shit on doom. if you're having success with treads it's because the hero is OP and inefficiencies such as boot choice are less likely to make a difference compared to a hero who is weaker in the meta that requires maximum efficiency to be effective e.g. getting tranquils will lose you games on faceless void.

                                      doom doesn't need more HP. his strength gain is really good. the problem is his armour sucks. also getting more armour makes scorched earth's static HP more valuable, as a 750 HP heal obviously blocks more damage if that 750 HP also has 5 armour instead of 1. his int gain's also relatively high so tread switching is less beneficial on him than on a hero with low stat growth.

                                      you'll get way more laning presence if you can get fast phase boots than power treads on doom, plus they've been made cheaper.

                                      generally your skill build will be Q-W-W-Q-W-R-W by 7. don't level anything at 1 incase you do need to get scorched earth to run away. devour is better at 1 if you have time to get a good jungle creep because it'll also give you half a level, basically a bounty rune. I think you can still get level 2 even if the entire first wave is denied if you eat a big creep.

                                      lv 1-2 you want to eat bigger creeps for XP. the ogre frostmage is good for armour the problem is that it costs mana, so it's not good early on. your int gain is good, your starting int is not. wolf's good but the aura pushes the lane slightly.

                                      best creeps at the start of the laning stage are the tornado bird or the big satyr imo, both make you more survivable. the healing troll in the easy camp is also decent, not just for the heal, but for the 2 mana aura which allows you to spam scorched earth and devour.


                                        Andro, man, thanks. I appriciate your help, really. those words of wisdom do help a lot. :)

                                        Btw, okay, I'll try to lvl sc. earth as you said. Yes, I realised phase is better boots on him.

                                        Yeah, I realised that. They zone you out, you turn on your "radiance" and just tell them GO BACK, bitch. :p I need that precious money an exp.

                                        Thanks guys. Any other tips are welcome aswell. I'm having rly nice time with this hero!

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          im opted tranquil - basillus - and drum from early ,

                                          dont waste your scorched only for heal , because after that you will be shit for next 30-40 second...


                                            Yeah, I realised it's better to use it for offensive purpose.

                                            I wanted to try stuff you guys sugested me in some party game. Turns out it's 3.150 avg. MMR so it was easier compared to my solo games.

                                            It's much better to level up scorched earth the way Andro said to me. Big thanks to him for that sugestion.

                                            I was able to dominate the lane very well against Spectre and AA.

                                            We lost this game because of many reasons and one of the reason is probably me using doom on spectre illusion by mistake.

                                            Kinda hard to insta-pick Doom against alch/spectre/furion even in 3.1k I guess, if you fail to finish the game early on.

                                            But I'm satisfied how it went, helped me a lot for my Solo-q games I'll do with him in upcoming hours/days. ^^

                                            Shred out


                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I like phase, with the +dmg and phase movement it's the easiest kills you'll ever get on supports. Chase them under the tower and past it sometimes. Downside is you'll expend all your hp doing so and need to use hellfire for offense not just an hp fountain, so you might want some consumables. Tranqs you just go sit back for a few seconds and hp regen up.

                                              And you'll still lose games even dominating the offlane. Doom in no way garuntees wins. I think he is extremely overrated late game.

                                              I mean look at this shit

                                              I don't even remember what I started, probably 5-0 or something and we lost cus lc was a fucking dumbass and got picked during a duel at the end. Look at their safelane PA WRECKED and they still won somehow cus their offlane bb crushed the lane.

                                              This one I made carry items over blink, refresher cus spec was sooo far behind and doom targets not as appealing, just silencer. I wasn't going to be initiator as much.

                                              Again dominated offlane, again safe lane carry got their ass kicked and it didn't matter. Doom wins offlane all the time but that doesn't mid your mid and safe lane won't get crush and you'll lose anyway.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                Sometimes you can't go for full disable eg. refresher into shivas Doom.

                                                You need to be able to carry games on your own in low and mid 3k mmr, since things there are pretty much upside-down when it comes to taking and losing the lead.

                                                You need to secure games for lategame. For example, if you think that your carry ain't really that good, going full disabler doom won't really wint you the game, as you can see.

                                                Ofc, you can't win all games, but I do think Doom is pretty good hero in this patch. One of the stronger offlaners if not the strongest.

                                                It's just he can be played on so many ways, and sometimes, as for the other farm-dependant heroes, wrong items and wrong desicions can lose you the game.


                                                  most people go for phase over tranqs (or arcanes) these days, even on offlane
                                                  drums are valid as first relatively big item

                                                  you can either stack auras (drums/vlads/ac and whatever comes to ur mind), or focus on ur ult and get aghs/shivas/refresher

                                                  early refresher is not very good not only bcz u lack of mana, but also due to the low utility this item gives you. double perservance is crap for doom. shivas b4 refresher 4life!

                                                  in 80% of games you would also need some early initiation items, either blink or sb. go for sb only if you are very confident with this item and can adjust your playstyle to having shadow blade. blink is an easier choice, imo.


                                                    ah and ofc you can go for carry build, with AC, radiance, SnY, etc., but I wouldnt recommend that untill you get used to this hero.


                                                      I'm getting used to him very fast. And I am very confident SB player. Thanks for tips my friend!

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                          its more socially acceptable to be a weaboo rather than a filhty doom picker these days

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Just won a really close match as DOOM. My job was just to doom antimagicka.


                                                              I find it ridiculous how you can die 5 times in lane (like i did) and then proceed to still anally rape the opposing team.


                                                                Ask Blunt for tips


                                                                  Well I failed laning phase so fucking much. But I guess it doesnt matter if your job is only to rape the antimage pretty much.

                                                                    Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      ok I messed up this game bad.


                                                                      their safe was fucking sven and wraith king, can't hurt that. Double stun plus high hp plus vamp aura, u cannot touch them. And naix came over to gank a few times. But I didn't even know what build to get. Sven rushed linkens (I know wtf?!) like everything they did was to counter doom. I didn't know if I should get aghs or armor or hp, I went shivas, then aghs then started on ac. Dooming them just seemed to not matter much. It stops svens cleave I guess that is pretty good but so hard to doom him when he has linkens and bkb. It was just a whole mess.


                                                                        the only ways to get kills in solo offlane doom is:
                                                                        1) You are facing a solo enemy
                                                                        2) You are facing a dual with no stuns-slows (worst case scenario for them is if they are both melee) and you outplay them
                                                                        3) the enemy support sucks

                                                                        I'm at your same mmr (4k), and I play mostly supp. I can assure you that if I face a solo doom I zone him out so hard he'll be forced to ask for help or go to his jungle. The most important thing is to not let him get even level 2 and ask your carry to not push since you'll be occupied in zoning out doom. Once he's underlevelled enough he won't be a threat in lane.
                                                                        If you manage to win with solo Doom vs a trilane that means the enemy supports are not doing their job correctly, or simply don't know what is their job.


                                                                          Sometimes you can bait the enemy to over commit on you by staying at a bit over half health, and pop that scorched earth when they jump in. But a higher level 2 or 3 is suggested to ensure the regen/damage output. A quick tp gank doom the first target and run down the second with scorch earth is also fine.
                                                                          I generally max scorch earth get doom and then max devour, I see devour as a mini midas since he doesn't have great wave clear without additional items like shivas or radiance, and his attack speed is excruciating. Sometimes I opt for an early point in lvl? death for finish or extra damage (tbh I don't get how the skill works) and rest into stats for more int and health until the 20s.
                                                                          Early big bird gives some helpful +3 armor aura, hadouken satyr gives some regen and the creep skill but its a big commitment to your mana pool I think its like 150 or 200 to cast and you basically have 220 mana to start with. Recently I like the ogre frostmage's ice armor until I find wolf if they have some melee right clicks like pa or slark. I find the +8 being pretty overpowering in early stages just watch out for your mana usage its 40 per cast but lasts like 40sec or smth

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            Phase boots make it much easier to chase down kills if the enemy is very fast or has a built-in blink. But traquils are better to dominate the lane. With tranquils you can dive a tower with Scorched Earth, get the kill and get low... but then you heal right back up. In one creep wave you can regain 350 hp. So you don't have to retreat and are a threat to kill them again almost as soon as the Scorched Earth cd is up.


                                                                              ^ how are you even allowed to speak about doom as the embodiment of satan

                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                how is tranquils better to dominate the lane, that doesnt make any sense
                                                                                tranquils is better if you're in a hard lane / being harassed / pressured
                                                                                if ur in a 1v1 scenario and can win the lane how is tranquils gonna help you dominate the lane over phase


                                                                                  You have control of the lane because you are a threat to kill them. You are a threat to kill them because you have the hp to chase and even dive the tower with Scorched earth. With Tranquils, you can do it again and again able to quickly regen in between attacks.

                                                                                  If they reconginze this, they will back off and let you farm. If they don't you kill them until they do. It may be Sano, that you are much more likely to face a tri-lane and have to expect tp support if you dive. But in my games, and most peoples pub games that is not the case.


                                                                                  Doombringer is an imaginary character in a game. Satan is real life evil spirt. They have nothing in common at all. Besides - while Satan may be a very serious problem for people in general the only thing he can do against me is run away from the spirit of God in me. Satan has been defeated by Jesus and is powerless against me.

                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                  Welt aus Eis

                                                                                    my point is tranquils has nothing to do with lane dominance, it has to do with sustain
                                                                                    you can easily dive the tower with phase if you're in a 1v1 scenario, and it's actually easier to retreat in case of a tp reaction by using phase than with tranquils since tranquils will be broken and you will have shitty ms


                                                                                      I'm sure you are correct that phase would be better against better players. I am not expecting to have to retreat. I'm not expecting any rotation at all. Instead the enemy team will be calling them noob feeders for dieing and typing gg. I'm expecting to get the kill while taking a lot of damage, then stay in the lane and do it again.

                                                                                      I think an offlane 3k MMR doom could kill the single support hero any time he wants with the tranquils build after level 3 and would limit the carry's farm a lot also. There is often someone afk jungling who will get hand of midas at 12 minutes with no boots. If the lane is weak it should be exploited.

                                                                                      If it is strong, well you can fall back on using traquils for sustain. But if you get phase you are commiting to a riskier path. You will have to make correct judgements quickly about whether you can fight or not. If you are wrong, you may escape but you will have to retreat to heal anyway since you got phase instead of tranquils.

                                                                                      I think phase boots is for a confident talented player and really doesn't provide the margin of for error that someone who is failing at doom needs to learn the limitations of the hero.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        I think phase boots is for a confident talented player and really doesn't provide the margin of for error that someone who is failing at doom needs to learn the limitations of the hero.

                                                                                        what the actual fuck


                                                                                          I'm a filthy 4k doom picker, 75% win rate with him.
                                                                                          Go out of base with RoP+Stout+tango+branches
                                                                                          If the lane is doable get devour, if not, Scorched earth, which ou will max at lvl7
                                                                                          Devour the biggest creep on the closest camp.
                                                                                          Lvl4 get lvldeath
                                                                                          lv6 you kill any hero, assuming there is no Abaddon/Dazzle, in this case you doom him.
                                                                                          PRoceed to snowball out of control by ganking everytime your ult is up. Or, if the supports left teh carrier alone, FUCK HIS LIFE.
                                                                                          With Doom there's NO unrecoverable game. If the supports are good, go jungle, get some aggressive skills like the golem stun(WHICH IS OP), cent stun, clap or net, try to gank the offlaner and be useful.
                                                                                          While midas may be good I prefere a more proactive build, I always go drums, and depending on the game I go for blink/shadow blade or straight aghs.

                                                                                          I really don't understand what is there to fuck up as a Doom, I also have 75% winrate AGAINST him, but I just can't see how can someone possible mess playing with Doom.
                                                                                          From what I see I assume most people don't get lvldeath at level4, which is fucking awful imo.

                                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                            @sano, you can trade hits and recover?

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              You can trade hits either way, you have scorched earth.

                                                                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                                                                if its a 1v1 situation with scorched you can trade hits easily without getting low, and you obviously should have tangos/salve with you

                                                                                                Polish Hussar

                                                                                                  Using doom on doom is important. Use it right or you are doomed on doom for not using doom very well.