General Discussion

General DiscussionMy teammates are too good

My teammates are too good in General Discussion

    I think I don't deserve my 4.6k MMR, but my always skilled teammates keeping me up there. What can I do to get to my real MMR and avoid low priority in process?


      Stack with me ;)

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        No, thanks, my party MMR is 3.2k already. =)

        ROAD TO HERALD 0

          Ez mmr deboosting service reporting for duty :D


            Play Chen


              sub 5k support mainers having inflated mmr no big surprise


                I hate you guys...

                Riguma Borusu

                  Great thread, I wrote something similar like a month ago, when Hanter was rampant. I complained that I always got carried by my teammates.


                    And what happened? Anybody said that you are not any worse than your teammates? That in reality this is your true MMR you belong to?

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                    Riguma Borusu

                      Let me try to find that thread, honestly, I don't remember all the stuff I or the other guys said.

                      waku waku

                        stop buying wards and pick a hero like doom you'll drop in no time

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Ah yeah, the tone of the thread was way different I see, this is the one:


                            Ok, I think I have no other choice, but to try Chen or Doom.
                            (but not today, probably)


                              If you wanna stack sometimes and win a lot just add me, i always need a descent support player :D #Free party mmr


                                ^Troll or didn't read?


                                  look at my recent games/get on my level.
                                  thats how you really play support, doom and alchemist


                                    No dude, i wanna try how good of a support you are dude :D


                                      How u get that mmr then ? Bought account ? U calubrated at 4k ?


                                        Not sure if this is a joke or 4 real, but the same shit happened to me. I belong in the 2k pit, but RNGesus made me 4k. All I want is to be placed with shitty players again so I can have fun.


                                          I calibrated at 3.2k, but in every ranked match I get hardcore teammates, who manage to win 4v6.


                                            @Number 12

                                            I don't know if you can call yoourself 4k with 4004 lool

                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              ^ so what, you called yourself that when you hit 4K, MMR is just number anyways right? Right!? Let him have his fun, or do you just like bringing people down indirectly, eeeeeeeeeeee, just kidding! Kappa

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                you can call urself 4k even if you are 1272 solo mmr, its pretty easy

                                                i am 4k


                                                  nuff said


                                                    I failed as Chen... Now I'm closer to 4.7k...



                                                      Fuck this Chen! My team won again!


                                                      Bounty Hunter were my bitch for early game in jungle. Doom ate my creeps all the game, they almost won, but my superskilled teammates managed to punish them for overextending and get their throne down...

                                                      I'm 4.7k now...

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Feed harder you dumbass. There was probably something wrong with your chen gameplay. For example, you're supposed to persuade a creep, get him low, and then feed him to the enemy. Then, you TP to the lane and die yourself. Also feed some couriers. Also when an enemy is one or two hits away from death, save his poor ass by screwing your ally to the fountain. Not gonna do this too many times, true, but it can truly be a clutch play at some points. Oh, and when your team tries to farm the jungle, just buy all the wards and block it completely. Never use your ultimate, it's useless piece of shit.

                                                        I understand your concern with your MMR being too high, but I feel like you just aren't trying hard enough to get it lower.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany


                                                          As I said, I want to avoid low prio.
                                                          But I got your idea. So, basically this BH is more tryhard than I am:


                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            u srsly uploaded a youtubevideo for this?
                                                            as chen u should try to have
                                                            basi arcanes mek before minute 15
                                                            6k Hero Damage
                                                            4k Hero Healing
                                                            2k Tower Damage
                                                            At the end of a 40 minute game. If u cant reach that i suggest u play another hero. If u win regardless u did indeed get carried by your teammates.


                                                              ^man your head is thick or something, the whole point of this thread is him getting carried by teammates while not doing too much shit


                                                                Play Elder Titan.


                                                                  Wow! ET definitely works, that was a steamroll match...


                                                                    WeW .... u calibrated at 3.2 k and reached 4.6k ?


                                                                      Shut up man then ...... u deserve ur mmr..... its not easy task to up mmr !


                                                                        ^No, my MMR is inflated.

                                                                        I did 2.5k damage in my last 40 minutes match.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          ТАААК! ВСЕМ АНАНИСТАМ ПАСВИЩАетСЯ. Как тА раАз я ЗАШел В КоМнАту, Атам СИдиТ МУжиК, КуШаЕт АрешКи, ПотОм Он Пашел МыТся с тилиФонам и я СлышИл СтрАНнЫе ЗвукИ! ОООООООННННН...... ТЕРЕЕЕЕБИИИЛ сваи зубки зубной щеткой. А поТОм оН выШЕл Из ванной и СкаЗАл Мне: что у ниго ЧиСтИнЬкиЕ ЗуБки, ПОтоМ ОН паШЕЛ В сваю комнату и чтО То Тер!!!! ЭТООО АКАЗААААЛАААСЬ Иво Голова, проСТо Волосы МокРые ПосЛе ВаННой. А ПотоММмм Он Пошел В КравАТь, дасТаЛ смАрТФон и ПоЗванил БАбушке, Пожелал ей СпаКойной ноЧи. Вот ТАкаЯ Вот ИстОрия =3

                                                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                            dude. how many poor rabbits did you cripple just to get this ez mmr life?


                                                                              Ты решил насрать в моей теме в отместку? Так коты делают, а не собаки. =)

                                                                              @trainee meepo player inco...
                                                                              Rabbits? No, I love animals! I sacrifice to the dark lord only maidens.


                                                                                Free MMR, you can't lose a game like this. I played well below average - so only KDA of 11 for Luna. I farmed badly, while absorbing the free extra gold from PA's feeds. Meanwhile my team crushed the other lanes and sent in a couple extra ganks to help me even though I didn't need it. Towers were dropping like flies so my bad farm didn't matter. We had tons of ward vision. I could almost always see all 5 enemy heroes.

                                                                                The enemy team was brain dead. They picked Lycan, PA, Slark, LC, and TA and all tried to farm.

                                                                                Legion commander fed us First Blood before the runes spawned and Slark adds a 2nd feed before the first minute.

                                                                                Lycan tries to jungle skilling 1st skill howl, he dies to neutrals at 53 seconds. He also bought a 2nd courier, but forgot to place it for a couple minutes.

                                                                                Legion Commander also fails at jungling and dies to neutrals at 1:43.

                                                                                At 3:30 Lycan reaches level 2, gets wolves and tries to jungle. He is dead again by 4 min.

                                                                                This TA, picked TA after we already had Alchemist and Venomancer.... his refraction never lasted more than 2 seconds.
                                                                                A 5 min TA ganks top with DD, support Veno solo kills him.

                                                                                PA tries to lane against Luna bot, by 11:30 PA is 0-4, and has 21-2 cs.

                                                                                At 12:30 Lycan finally reaches level 6. He uses shapeshift 2 times this entire game. Both times he dies while trying to complete the animation for it.

                                                                                Playing against bots would have been harder than this game. Report valve for giving free MMR. Such unfair teams. Mega creeps and the Ancient dead at 22 min. Final score 31-6. My team did 524 tower dmg per min this game.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  This day was good. I lost 2 matches with help of Russian comrades - true keepers of MMR balance.

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    AYyya babBy u WAN sUM FUk


                                                                                      Soultrap .... gaining mmr isnt easy ..... ! Why u dont try and win instead of thinking of defeat and win ...... (by teammates ofc according to u ) and u are around 5k