General Discussion

General DiscussionPredict my MMR Mega-Thread!

Predict my MMR Mega-Thread! in General Discussion

    to get back to vhs, you should stomp games in hs games consistently.
    you dont have to win necessarily, but you need to have a good performance, :good kda, gpm, exp, apm, td, hd
    but this does'nt mean you need to play a core always, playing support can also get you to vhs as long as you do it properly and dont feed.

    In this account, I exclusively played support mirana and support riki for the majority of my games prior calibration, and still ended up at 4k
    (4,132 mmr to be exact.)
    so basically, skill is what you need to get to vhs.

    Ten komentarz był edytowany
    Chief Owakanoake

      Hey tasaina ive been calibrating my 10 tbd games, im on my 7th game. How come my mmr only increased from 4k to 4k3 in 7 games? I thought you could potentially get 100 mmr per game? Im aiming for 4.5-4.6 but it seems like its not possible

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Potentially though, you can gain 100-300 mmr per game if you stomp really hard or have a good performance.
        though sometimes I think the calibration mmr system is flawed. I stomped hard during my calibration games but only got 4.1, but does not matter now since I raised it to 4.5 anyway.

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        Chief Owakanoake

          Thanks for the insight bud

          This I.D for throw only

            predict my mmr please?

            doc joferlyn simp

              your mmr is around 3500

              even though you have good performances system tried to put you in vhs, you failed there. continue stomping normal skill and high skill matches so that the system is convinced you should be in vhs. when you finally reach there maintain a good performance, or else system will drop you again in hs or ns forever

              This I.D for throw only

                when i play solo my rank is vhs but when i always play with my friends i only get ns/hs. is partying with them bad? they prolly have 2-3k mmr only.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  solo and party mmr is seperated, you can play with your friends as much as you like

                  your account is weird though. when you started you got hs, you did good with invo spam went to vhs. after you failed a few times valve put you at normal skill. after than you are just rotating between vhs and ns. i guess since your performances arent consistent the system needs a bigger sample size from each bracket to determine your mmr? i dont really know the specifics but that's all i can think of

                  just play better each game, you can be calibbed at vhs


                    Hey sir bow and Tasaina! How about mine? What i suppose to do? My target is 4k. Can i reach it?

                    This I.D for throw only

                      i ady got like 4 abandon in this new account lol. that ns you see might be in Low priority or partying with my mates. i reviewed my profile matches and saw that my vhs matches are all solo.

                      doc joferlyn simp

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                        you got a lot of ns games that are solo, not counting the lpq ones. idk you have been performing well just continue that and you will get 4k+ calibration. just be patient

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          @meeporn 3500 mmr. you are close to 4k, but even if you won a lot of vhs games that doesnt mean jack shit. regardless if you win/lose, your hidden mmr can rise by your performances or your stats

                          the game sees if you are performing well and raises/lowers you accordingly


                            Thank you sir:)


                              Renshin imma still waiting for ur answer

                              This I.D for throw only

                                look i played solo again and get vhs lol. most of my hs and ns are party normal match. i think my rank and my mates rank matter to each other


                                  @Meeporn, sorry for the late reply, Based from your performances, i would say
                                  you will probably get around 4.1-4.4 depending if you play well in your calibration matches
                                  But you guaranteed 4k, no kappa

                                  This I.D for throw only

                                    tasaina.renshin? can you predict mine? thanks in adv :D


                                      @Homicide, looks like you got placed in vhs, wp
                                      Probably around 4k also since you stomped your vhs games.

                                      This I.D for throw only

                                        my hs/ns in my recent match are all party games. does party change your rank? my ns is all lp games. does lp games count too? sorry but new in dota2buff.


                                          lp and party games dont count, lp games are soo random, you can be matched with 5k and 1k players which is way it doesnt count.
                                          as for party games, its separate from your solo hidden mmr.

                                          This I.D for throw only

                                            last game in my meepo match other teams have 5k's. now i know thanks! more power to you!


                                              @tasania predict my mmr ^^


                                                I'm still learning and practicing but would want to know what would be my MMR if i start calibrating.. am i on a 1~1.5k MMR?


                                                  @Tasaina.Renshin.MmrPredictor Predict mine sir :) Thanks..


                                                    PREDICT MY MMR PLEASE THANK YOU GUYS


                                                      @WOWIN, you again haha, but now you are stomping games, so 3k-3.1k

                                                      @makoyph, 2.5k below because of your average kda for all your games, also your gpm and expm are quite low and winrate

                                                      @тωιcε.мσмσ, ez 4k ez tinker

                                                      @ADDFG, looking at your match history, you keep bouncing back and forth hs to vhs, 3.7-.4k flat

                                                      edit: Im going to be inactive for awhile, so I wont be able to reply to you guys for a few weeks

                                                      glhf, I wont be predicting for a few weeks

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        @tasaina thx before,i hope your predict true hahha

                                                        i think very stranger when i use sven kill 16 0 why come back again normal skill
                                                        when use ursa lost but got hs

                                                        Wenk wenk wenk

                                                          Predict mine please :) thanks

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                          IT IS WHAT IT IS

                                                            PREDICT MINE

                                                            IT IS WHAT IT IS

                                                              @Tasaina its me purple i smurf a new account <3


                                                                4292 mmr is that right>?..........


                                                                  Hello guys. Can u predict my MMR? I dont have a very nice KDA and XP, Gold average, but my winrate its nice, i think. I mostly play pos. 5 support because this is my role and i love it. If I look immediately for my match on dotabuffot its everytime show high skill but 5 minutes later is change to normal skill. I dont know why? No idea. So guys, please predict my MMR. Gl HF. :)


                                                                    Hmmm this is confusing :/ I am almost on HS bracket but I also played on some VHS.
                                                                    my matches are always like HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS then a VHS pops VHS VHS then HS HS HS HS :/
                                                                    so what MMR am I going to end up? :/

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      Predict my please. Where will I end.


                                                                        Predict mine hehe

                                                                        EE VASYA

                                                                          Can someone please predict my MMR?


                                                                            PREDICT MINE PLEASE

                                                                            Bong Go

                                                                              Predict my mmr :D as well ty ^^

                                                                              Menantu Idaman Mertua

                                                                                predict my mmr please haha


                                                                                  Predict my MMR, I bet u will get it wrong lmao.


                                                                                    to all of you who want their mmr to be predicted

                                                                                    NORMAL SKILL = 1 MMR TO 3,199 MMR
                                                                                    HIGH SKILL = 3,200 TO 3,699 MMR
                                                                                    VERY HIGH SKILL = 3,700 MMR TO 4,999 MMR

                                                                                    * GLHF

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      is "calibrating"the most important things to decide mmr?


                                                                                        @WOWIN, this is my last reply in this thread,
                                                                                        yes calibrating is the most important thing,
                                                                                        I calibrated some of my friends accounts, first match was at 2k average, after I played their 10 calibration matches It became 4k mmr
                                                                                        Just have a good performance in those calibration matches and do your best.


                                                                                          Thx dude


                                                                                            who want to predict mmr call me
                                                                                            ONCE predict=$100

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                              Do u believe in me haffy? Road to 2k starts at the end of the schools year

                                                                                              bring back my yesterday

                                                                                                ^ i believe in u big daddy gl tho


                                                                                                  predict mine sir.. :( please..? :(

                                                                                                  bring back my yesterday

                                                                                                    low ammount of games but u are arround 3.8^