General Discussion

General DiscussionBest & worst heroes of the current patch

Best & worst heroes of the current patch in General Discussion

    Write what do u think are the most broken heroes currently & who are underpowered :

    OP :

    1. Brood
    2. Doom
    3. Wisp
    4. Undying
    5. Tusk
    Special mentions Dazzle, Ember, Dark Seer, Shadow Fiend, Night Stalker, Beastmaster, Bara

    UP :

    1. Puck
    2. Storm Spirit
    3. Lifestealer
    4. Medusa
    5. Troll

    6.83 was a patch of safe lane, 6.84 mid lane & 6.85 is a patch of offlane heroes.

    Ten temat był edytowany
    waku waku

      wraith king is kind of broken heh

      Livin' Real Good

        Special mentions section huh? I like that you included Night Stalker, definitely a strong hero, he was also played in that Team Secret game yesterday, good stuff. He RAPES offlane, at 5 minutes, NO HERO can do what NightStalker can do with just boots, ooV, stout shield and branches, that HP regen buff is nice !

        Ten komentarz był edytowany

          nec doom spec riki alch clinkz slardar ck

          up: storm sd tech


            invoker got a nice buff. More inteligence=more mana + that scepter buff - now his abilities are better with this item.
            underpowered - Dark seer - now he must buy a soul ring- earlier it wasn't nessesary
            Overpowered is clinkz - smaller cooldown + cheap desolator= bad days for towers.
            Night stalker and Veno are OP now.


              ^Dark Seer is easily top10 strongest heroes of this patch. He will be probably nerfed even more.

                Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                  the fact that you're doing a discussion about which hero is op proves that there is no op hero
                  if you opened this thread during any older patches the answer would have been clear

                  but i can tell you that Meepo, morphling, Medusa, Oracle and techies are probably UP, imo


                    ^ Medusa underpowered Kappa


                      OP said it first why are you Kappaing me


                        Meepo is not underpowered, Morphling probably is.

                        How is Medusa strong ?

                        Mind Games

                          I want the infamous Puck/Brewmaster meta back


                            I used to play a decent meepo but he became unplayable for me in this meta/patches, many meepo players agree that he's too weak in this meta

                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                please do a special mention for Brewmaster. this patch i think the play style is still the same, snowball v2 with less magic damage at mid. that makes brew more viable than patch before.