General Discussion

General DiscussionCounter for Alchemist?

Counter for Alchemist? in General Discussion

    dude, i lost 3 games on streak because they have alchemist using this built(Radiance, Boots of travel, Octarine, Abbysal Blade and Assault Cuirass)

    Some suggestions for counter? this moments i have no idea.
    (sorry, for my bad english)

    the realm's delight



        Lineups that are strong and can fight early. About heroes dunno, burst dmg, doom, w/e.

        the realm's delight

          doom is bad vs alch lol

          Riguma Borusu

            In most games where alchemist plays pos 1 or 2 he's going to be top net worth while his team is lagging behind, so if you pick any really strong single target hero that can fight him, it's good, but you also needs heroes that can fight early so he does not outfarm you to the point where you literally cannot do anything and he's at your rax.

            So basically:

            lc (gank him in jungle, let him kill himself on your blademail while he's raged, at no point in game he should be able to survive both your and his own DPS)
            ursa (alchemist wants to stand and manfight you to death, in a burst succession, if he tries that against ursa he should just be dead)
            lifestealer (immunity to his stun and... well, you're lifestealer, he can't outdps you in a presumably long manfight)
            drow (kite him to death and slaughter him at lvl 6 and past that)
            troll (bash him to death and burst him down with physical dps, also alche's trash if he can't hit you due to axes)
            shadow demon (turn his advantage against himself)
            clinkz (just burst him down, he's dead meat if he can't regen back up and he has shit hp pool)

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            Dire Wolf

              I don't understand, you only played vs alch in your last loss. Are you saying you've lost 3 in a row and one of them happened to have alch? Honestly it's probably an anomaly, he isn't picked that much and loses more than he wins.

              the realm's delight

                i dont understand how 3ks are allowed to post. theres been an insane influx of fucking shit on these forums lately regarding advice given out by normal skillZor$. no offence but ye

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                  LOL THIS THREAD. xD