General Discussion

General Discussionmath on dps items

math on dps items in General Discussion

    curious to hear people's thoughts. What's the highest DPS output build on clinkz?

    Usual items I go for on clinkz are deso, mkb, daedelus, late game BoT, sheep stick / bkb maybe moonshard but it seems a bit redundant on him with straif.

    leaves 1 more slot if I'm waaaay ahead, not sure what the best item to get is. I've tried abyssal, it was meh, I've bought a 2nd daedelus and it was super underwhelming, radiance was awful, for a ranged right clicker like clinkz, what do you fill the 6th slot with if your ONLY goal is to add significant dps?

    butterfly is ok, but there are items that add a lot more per right click dps. The goal here is to be able to burn towers / rax with backdoor protection up late game.


      Rapier, obviously.
      Just don't drop it.


        there is some web page focused on calculating expecting dmg output per unit of time for different sets of items on any hero in dota
        mb someone will link it here, otherwise you can just google it. it's pretty useful.